SSrSifctt- ^ A try, r. m. Um Mtortaif <la*ertbad Ian* Lot* u. 1#. s;, as iMi » oj u» Jo* Bowman farm u »urv«ya4 hy T, & MrOirr., ami »«W Hy Jb« U» r1IW R«D limif* UmI Comjknj Hay gva?i^-asrs Dm4» »f Sorry Coaaty,* C., Ptaf knob I I*** « Main mad* '<• at.. fy a bm'mnrr of MUM prtncipal, t» tor»«t ami mat of mh to add. Thi» t*. Srd day of Oet , 1MT. KDW. M. LINVILI.K, Tnutm. HIP FOR SICK worn Brooklyn N»w York.—Mr*. O. H*c Man "I m Hi **» In « run down rnn.HMnti and could not do h»r b««M«ork Sbc rtmld not (Imp mt i nlKbt H»r utory la •at U OSMMl DM. Tkomtili of women And thru iwIvm In a Mmllar eoadttlon at »ntno tlm* m their llroa. "1 found your *d ▼#rtlMnM9t la nay Utter bo*," wroto Mr* H-pn«nn. and t«>H l.rdla K Ptnkhama Vegetable Compound aud pot relief " Mrs. Hegmann alao took Lydla B. Plnkham* Herb Medicine and Ujrdla E Plnkhama Mia (or Conatlpa tlon, with good mult* 8h.- says. "I am mommcndltK nwr mmilrlaoo to •II I know who have armptotna tbe MM u mid*, ud to others whom I think it will boip. Tow mar mo my atatomeat aa a testimonial, sad I will aaewor any letter* aeat to ma by wommb who woald liko information regarding your medlclnea " There an womb la roar atato— perhape in roar towa—who hare writ Ua letter* similar to this one telling boar much Lydla E llnkharo'a Vege table Compound has helped them The Pink ham Medicine Corapanr. Idraa, Maw will giadljr fumiah other women with thaoe aanaa a pea reqmet. COUNTY FARM AND POUIRY m had wl iipMlad tha \ir\c* to ba m law m thay nyntacMl tm tha WfwMl imrfcat*. It ItkM • rath fit la tha poofar «iad»< bain* mM at tht tWa la tha flrrt tea that thajr have aaaa tahtaa wl) a* «Mh prtaaa. AU of tha rtaff that la aaM for fWa canta a pound ar laaa, wouid ■tor* profit ta the termar tf ■tuff war* put on tha aolt M a far »bat Cm • Tobacco Fanner Da? The individual fanner cannot do m very muck aboot tha preaent nft uation but collectively be could da a put deal. Aa long a* tka far mar acta individually ha cannot of far a united front daring Urn prima. However tka individual farmer can balp bimaalf far newt yaar by chang ing hu plan of farming. During tha paat few waaha 1 bava boon told by many farmers that tbay warn no* yoing to aow any wheat tbia fall for tbay could not afford to raiae wbaat and tkay could bow tka flour rhoap er. Thin ia a fall£y for tka farmar wko make* hia <jltira living an tka farm and grow* tobacco aa a aido Him ia in a much bat tar condition to withstand low pricaa than tka Mm that bays everything and dapanda on hia crap to mjr all Ma axpmdaa. It would dcnbtlaaa ho much mora prof itable and aatiafastory ia tha loag run to bold tha crop off tha market and upend tha time In getting oat enough wheat to feed tha. family and livestock. Oat oat enough acre age ao you will have plenty of grain even If we have a poor crop like this yeai. Ihffrrrat Puam Last vwk I mt two vary hrtaraal inc farnMrs trading in on* of tha towjM hi ttw county. Om farmer Ejtm Euaiaid CUhh Fitted PHONE 411 Dr. P. W. Green OPTOMETRIST Specializing in oorrert.njr error* of the eye and mak ing (fliw) Next to Blue Ridge Hotek beco^Se? £ leader in its. its products and service are of mgrit STANDARD' GASOLINE YMtonlif mm of tk> batt farmers mM that where be Nad planned to vow ry* aad thea tan imt spring for Mwm be «m mm flag to saw wheat aa he'd ha»* enaagh bread far hi* family and grata for hi* livestock Ha la adjusting Ma future crop to the pt*s*at prevailing yritaa of to rn* for all of oar farmers to toka a vacation from the tskatrs market aad devote tha rnukhg part af tM month to getting out »* goal graia i rop. It la most toe lata to aaw oM hot jroa are now at the boat time to sew wheat from October lk-10. It amy not he too lata to aow barley for aoaaa farmer* sow ad the first part of November laat year and bareacted 15-20 boehels per aero. It la thought beat to get your barley In by October , lad Cedar* aad Apple* Are Not Goad Neighbor* Thooae between red cedar* aad I apple*. In the Eastern United Htates aad perhap* In »om* other part* of the country, a neighbor hood My have either but not both of theee treea without daimer or trouble for both. The cedar aad the apple have been found to have a relationship— or antagonism—similar to that exist ing between the barberry bosh aad wheat in which each la affected by oae of those strange fungous growths la which one generation of the fungus develops on oae plant and can not reproduce oa that plant, Imt only on the other of the pair of plants so strangely coupled. "For years apple tree rust waa familiar to scientlata, as was a loo the Virginia red cedar raat, which pro duced galls. The two were »uppoa*d to be distinct, but after the wheat and barberry coupling was established further studies revealed that a stel lar relationship exiated between ap ple trees and red cedars. Sporee from the cedar gall are blown to apple leaves aad fruit, while they repro duce and cause damage within a few weeks, after which the spores of the second generation return to the cedar for a lifetime of about 22 months. '"At first the apple rust affected only the native crab apples, but from; year to year K extended to one sup posedly resistent variety after an other. §praying. fatal to most oth er fungus growths, did not kill the rust, and the Virginia apple grower* found the best method of preventing damage was to kill the cedar trees within s mile or two of apple orch ards. When this was done da mag* from apple rust ctaaed. Or, con versely, they should he protected from infectious apples. "The life history af this nut and the measure neceseary for protec- j • ion are outlined in a phampiet. Sep. arate No. Ml-Y from the .Yearbook of Vgricultare, IMt, recently pub lished by and obtainable from the United Stataa Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C. The Billion-Dollar Hm -With mora thsn a billion dollars • year to the credit of the business ska creates, the American hen now stands third in the branches of live stock industry. She accounted fot about 16 per cent of tha total value' of all livestock and ita product* "for 15!d, and only the dairy industry with 40 percent and awine industry with 22 percent rank higher Dr.! John R. Mohler, of the United Stales Department of A*ricalture,' addressing the convention of veter inarians, reminded hia IwaitH that poultry disesses were important be cause the American hM la raapnnaiblc for mora than one-third at the world'* supply of poultry aad eggs. | The American hen collectively lays at the rate of about 780 ana a sec ond or 2,000,000 doaen ifp a year. Rhode I aland Reda for Sals A. C. Roberta. Kappa Mill has about 25 Rhode Island Red cockerels for sale. 8oe his birds before buying. j Wants Poland Chins lm H. L. Badgett, Ararat, wants to* buy two or three Poland-China gilts or sows. wanes By virtu* of tl«> pow»r contains* in a deed of t«««t sxsctted to me by J. Wr Bruun unrf wife U> *cura a net* of flMOJO to J. J. fcichards. »nrt default having dm hum)r ia lit* payment tbfrtof, upon the rtovMt »f the holder 1 will offer for MM at rablx aucuoa to the highest bidder at the court hoaw door in (Man, oa Ida 7th day of Ort. t»27. at mm a'clack P. H., the following described real aetata, lying in Rockfsrd Township, near the town of Kockford: lag*wring on a dogwood In an old line on the weet tide of a branch and John MeCor mick'n Southeast corner and rum xnith M dag. East with the old line, 14 l-t eha. to a stake Hauser'a cor ->er; thence with J. T. Bland'* Una to f hickory In the old line; thsata N. da«TM» Eaat 14.14 rha. to i itake fnrmei ly • dogwood; thence North 41 dag. Eaat 3 1-1 eha. to a stake formerly a white oak nfar an old road; thews North 4? dag. Weet • 7 h» to a (take; thence North W dag. .Wast MJO eha. to a White oak aa| 'ing near forks of roads; thence 8. 14 dag. East • JO eha. to a stake near a branch; thence South 4 1-2 dag East nearly with the branch 10 eh* to a dogwood on the West bank iff the branch; thence South XI deg. E 4.90 chs. to the beginning. (Stain ing 17 acree more or teas Said deed of trust la recorded in Book Ne. 91 page UK. Sate HMde to satisfy balance due on said deed ot traat. This the 7th dar of Sept 1927. W. M. JACKSON. Trustee. Notice Id* of Larf By vlrtM of authority vsatsd in tlx undersigned trustee in a certain iM of trust executed the Mh day of April, 1M4 by P. T. Edmonds and ■iff Lata Edmonds to the undmifi ed t raster for G. J. Kay to secure an indebtedness of $2IBS.00, recorded : in tha offic« of th* Register of Deed* ■ »f Hurry County. N. C., in hook Hy, par* 176, default having bean madr in Uis payment of th* note therelr »eruV*d and at the request of th* holder. I will sell far rash, to th* highest bidder in front of the Bank »f Mount Airy. Mount Airy, N. C., or Hatarday. Oct. »th. 1*27 at 1 o'clock P. M. the folio win* described real estate A tract of land in Surry County i N. C. adjoining C. E. Doty, H. V Simpson, W. B. Wolfe and other* Beginning on a small post oak on the Wast side at tha Mount Airy and Bockford road the J. P. Hemrointr Bast corner now owned by P. T. Ed monds and runs South some decree* | Wotries NOTHING • TO WOMY ABOUT Tom w« im Mr tnwt wnrpmm rtM admim.trattati <rf ;mt M >. tfa a*d jrou cm «tt hack m4 yww mat withoat •'ear* w^mind W« do • Itryt . .or Ukmm livlrj an ancli *h tmtaM of tkow who have <n» »d on. It wit) placw you m .1*- no afcHfatlw to torn* and talk it e««r wiy» mm of Mr wcitlm. We sell Paint Satisfaction iSA seffduRmt . n Made by the makers of the onto Genuine Duco mm Everu can bears this famous trade mark-your guaranteeef satisfaction t|ll I. IIBllt. W. E. MERRITT CO. Air* N.C. This Car i-twr Arit Look For The Red "O. K." Tag Surry Sales Co.

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