48 Suburban Hone Sites Beyond B—ftnwn oa Wwlfiild Road to to Sold Practically At Yum Ow« Pries LOOK AT THESE TERMS; $10 Down, Balance $5 Each Month ay, 3 P. October 15 This land is ideally located, adjacent to the Quarry section, with no restrictions to it whatever. Not far from the Winston*Salem hard surface road. J. H. FOLGER and Judge H. H. LEWELUN, Owners —_———i——^__ EDW. M. UNVILLE THE LAND COMPANY, Selling Agents MARTIN BENNETT D. S. HODGE HEROIC RESCUE OF YEAR. OLD S ISTER Boy Lowers Rop« Into Well, Fasten* It mmd Slide* Down Smithfirld. Oct. »—Frsnk Baker, j the fourteen year old *on of Mr. and Mr*. Clem Baker, who reside* near Pine Level, yesterday made a heroic rescue *f his one year old sister, Mary Elizabeth, after the child had been thrown into a twenty foot well by her insane mother. At the time that the mother at tempted to da*h her child to such a traffic death, there was no one pres ent except a nearby Negro woman, who, seeing the woman with the ba by, suspected foul play and examined the well immediately. On giving the alarm the fourteen year old boy rush ed to the rescue and lowered the bucket down to the struggling child and upon securing the rep* te the wall curbing he slid down It and. gathered the sinking form el the child into his arms. In tfcis manner hs held on to the child until other aid' Notice Trustee's Sale M Uad By virtu* of Authority vented ia the undersigned trustee in a certain - deed of trust executed by C. M. Chil dm* to the under*], ned trustee for S. E. Marshall on the 28th day of. Mat, >926, to secure an Indebto&au! •f $216.00 and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Sur ry County in book 102 page 2*7, da fault baring bean made in the pay ment at the note therein secured and at the request of the holder, I will ■ell for cash, to the highest bidder, at public auction, in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on Satarday, Oct. 2Mb. 1227 at aae o'clock P. M„ the following deeuftud real estate: Firvt lot: Beginning on the woet side of Factory Street and rims bade Faweett's line or lot No. 52 (lM)) ft.;, thence 8. BO ft. to lot No. M; thenee S. 10 More ft. to take eft of lot No. 64; thence running eaat parallel with the line between lota No. 69 and 64 MO ft. 8. so as U> include 10 ft of let No. M to Factory St.; thence running N. 00 ft akMff Factory 8t to the beriming, so a* to include lat No. 68 and 10 ft front by 160 ft. deep from lot No. S4 Also let No. 20 in block Ne. 2 as shown in plat recorded in Book of Flats aoM to C. A. Lawaon see deed el trust in the register of deed* of fice at Mm, Barry Ceenty, N. C_ ar bf'TkTmH^,*h^ M' X» Ai IUUHNH1 MM W« Vestabie to W. D. Hajmea Sarreyed by I. W. Byiec. May 22. 1222. neaa of 2216.00 palpal, ^teeeet and eeet of aale to add. could com* to draw him sad the itrurM child to land. Effort* of ra dio itation mi* immediately mplojr cd and the child waa mm rarirad. Kaoara to b laaaae It ia definitely known that the woman la inaane. On teveral occa ■iona prior to thia time aha haa made attempt* to deatroy her baby,; having raaorted to giving her broken glaa* and poiaoaa. However, In an interview with Mrs. D. J. Thuraton, County Welfare Officer, today, aha stated that the child lurched forward and fell into the well whan aha want there to draw water. Thia la diabe lieved aa the made no attempt to reacue the child or to call ia aid. Mra. Thuraton took both the inaane woman and the baby into her rae tody. Application for bar admission to the State Hoapital haa ban made and the baby haa been temporarily placed with reiatiyea ia Fayettoville. There are aome featurea of thia traffic attempt at deatroytag the child which are incapabl* of expla aation. No one mcom to understand how the child ilninhd for flea or ten minute* ia tea foot at water , without linking, while tha fore thought and well laid plaaa of tha fourteea year old boy to reacue the child ia of equal wonder to tha neigh bor* who aopa gathered at the H«krr home. $45,000 Frwm S*l« of KiM|k, Oct. diatrict ward— for i ceived to noon, October S, by Um do-1 par* raent of eoMnrst opnmt amounted to Mt.000. cxcMdlnc the of «vea Um mm In the atoto. Quito • rountiaa have repurtod He -ell ovw $2,000 for FACTS -AND THE OPEN MIND The most important element in business success— and the most difficult—is to be sure that you have all the facts before you act. To get them all, from every p6ssible source, is the first objective in General Motors. The Research Laboratories contribute some. These are nuggets, left in the crucible, after hundreds of ideas that looked good have been burned away. The Proving Ground contributes others. Dealers contribute. The public contributes. Every department contributes. Through the whole organization runs a spirit of inquiry and of rigid insistence on proof. OUT of such thinking come the new models announced from time to time by Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Oakland, Buick, La Salle, Cadillac—all with Fisher Bodies. And by Frigidaire. Each new model is a tested step forward. Nothing goes into it as a result of habit or guest or pride of opinion. Nothing counts but hard-won facts, gathered and used with an open mind. CUVKOUT rOMTIAC tUUfOMU ftlLCOLlOVT ILtCTfttC RUItl EJUcrDAiwr: TV llll» GENERAL MOTORS mA c*r fm trtrj **d pmp— - CMP TW» COUPON - Genual Motor* (D^«c A), Detroit. Mick. CADILLAC □ VMODA1M Q