Soaker* Sirry C«ntj Newt Ararat. Get. 11.—Mn. W. H. N«r ■M af Ararat riwlw< Dm Mgfcaat at PlM Mttool, rtkh ON* to • cIom Friday iii|fc(, MA* *Mtotf ky Pklil B. Cattaa. TIm rmJly day ntvIn ImM at Mt. Mm Baptist Ck«r«k laat Suaday waa HUM Haul Wolf. Ill • viaitor of Miaa Ida Shackleford Sunday aftor Tb. ataging choir of Haa Hill fjienda Church want to Doubl. Creek last Sunday night. TMr alnging *»* fleetly nijeyed bjj th. number that «m prinat. The rtrhrt] meet lag which ha* kM to pnfiw at Ivy Hit! Friend. Church earn* to a do** Taeeday Bight. The nrvtcn war# wndwtod by Mtaa Myre Huff, aa .vangaU.t from Indiana and tha Paator lav. Mr. Norman. AU meeting. war. wall attaadad aad tha aariaa waa re portod to ha*. haaa aueceeafal. R«v. E. G. Kay of Mount Airy fUtad hia regular appointment at Ararat Frianda Church Sunday. Tha farm*r« of tha Ararat .ac tion are about through toking care of their eropa, the reporta are very ■owl The member* of the little Moun tain Baptiat Church gave their paa tor Rev. Mr. Jamea at Mount Airy a Mirpriae birthday dinner Sunday. Harry Slaughter gave a chicken • tow laat Tueaday night. A large number of young people were pre. eat. AU reported an enjoyable evening. Rockford Rockford. Oct. 11.- Th* membera of the council of th* Epworth SYDNOR * SPARGER Insurance Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C I. W. BARBER I U » \sl.l> Lt\ II. h.MilN t.Kit »• li. I«4.v III Ml. Airy. N. C Ht nmi l)im» Sin t; 1.1V1.1t'. Seweii, ileal hxlatr DcvclopmcaU. : TIm mum mr lor class of the Cop*land Kick school Jhridod into thrw groups vlalud Pilot Mountain. Elk In ud Mount Airy Monday to In Umt of "Tho Echo". H. E. Whit* eisited Cop*land high school last vmIl Ho talked to thorn of • banquet which is to bo hold at Mount Airy in a few weeks. AU memben in lootong forward eagerly to this banquet and wo hop* to sond • largo do location from Copeland. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Weaver and thoir daughter Mario spent Sunday In Mount Airy. Mtas Myrtlo Tomlinaon spont tho wook oad at hor homo in East Bond. Miss Miner of tho Cope land facul ty spont tho wook end with hor par ent* in Jdocksvilie Richard Simpson a stwfsnt of tho University of North Carolina is at homo due te the illness of his mo ther Mrs. Charlie Simpson. Rev. Mr. Tuttle, pastor ml the Ston ey Knoll Methodist Church held a meeting there last wook. assisted by Mr. Tom Folger of Dobaon. Dempaey la Not Particular About His Not Oppoawt Salt Lake City, Utah.. Oct. 11.— Jack Dempeey arrived hare today, accompanied by hi* wife, KuteWe Taylor of the movie*, for a vialt with his parent*. The former heavyweight hosing champion *aid he expected to hare hie next rin (battle in about foot month* in preparation for another attempt to wreet the championship from Gene Tunaey. Dempeey added that he didnl care who was picked a* hi* next opponent. All he wanted, he declared, waa another chance. More than 16,000 live* are toat each year by fire. Safeguard jour family and your home by b> ing careful. Mount Airy, K. C., fues., Oct. 18 A MOW or SUPREMELY STUPENDOUS SURPRISES i muss mm ir pk emmemt ramos iKim Dm apw I m4 7 r M. T:aURV ON BALS CWCUS DAT ONLY AT CU& U VUT 'faAff HVMC iron WMMmiiw r«m aaa—taa * ■» •irlnltanl chOUwi ara wttiMii, It la tka it)K( af tka world mm I* Mkt aack l|HH arailabU u4 ta •Mala lUiMta whlck will Iin a cuiniuuo maaulai la ail nmhtIm Th« mi— wlll i Ik* account of rtaa of tarsM, klnda of ftmaa mirtit to woll-racogalaad ratafortaa. araa af araMa or calUaatad land. araa allot M to aack crap. aM tka productlaa -fc6 mm /|l. Mpjyk liWfcfr |||a , ari_l^ oi ravii iwi »w iwnwi tvitriy by tka mm; alao tka aamfcor of Uro atock af aack klad oa aack tana kj ar* sad aaa. Tka work af tka nana will ka dsaa la tka aaa»aiklj raaai of tka tartar iifhtiif iMtttiti, • palatial vtntctBft aractad b» Klafl Victor Emmaoo* af Italy, from hla prlrata fund*. aad pro Mtad to agrtcaltaral latorraU af tka world Pre-Roman Dw.Uing Uncovered h Cwumy Berlin.—Malaa of u uclnil rot tat* dating lone before tbe tret Ho mi lavaaion of the Oman border land* ha to mm eacarated Mar Mayaa la the Rhlaeland by Dr. rraat Oai ana of the Ualeeratty of Bona Kotna of the rlUa type of arehltectare. fa trodaoed by the Knaiaaa. are coamoa enough la eoathera Oarmaay bat tkla la the ttrat rood example of the hoooea built by the OUt* arho occupied the ealley ereo baton the (lertaanlc trtbee not. and who gare to the great Hear Ita Celtic name of Rhine The hooee waa bnllt over a timber frame, the gable* being formed by long polea aet aotldly la tbe earth and then beat toward each other ere* ahorter aupportlng poet*. ao that whoa their eada war* laahod together the aldaa aad roof af the baan formed a alagle »»wplng curve like the tup of a pointed Ootblc arrli The apace* were latticed la with lighter waad* and cowed over with a thick thi.trh llouaea of thla type Doctor Del mann atatea. are kuown In the .loath Sea lalaad*. aad la aooie porta of South America, bat for centarlee hare not been built la Europe, aare la car tain vary laolated region* of very backward culture. Hold Duka's Daughter Prettiest Brituh Deb London lad} Anna carendlah the youngeat daughter of the duke and ducheea of Defonahlrv. la arkn<>wl edged to be the moat heauttful debu taate of the aeaaon. She wa» prnaent ■>d to *octety at the ttrat i f|ga|Li min . The queetioa aa to who wna the pret Ileal debutante had been un aodetjr'o llpa for week* The h«MMir» at ttrat wiiihI wrtilj divided between I .ad; Aune. an American girl and a Hcotch J girl. But Brttieh aorlett are the palm to l^ady Anne after her preaeota iloa at court I-art* Anne la tall aad atatrly aad haa hair of a pale cheatalit color. Braakiaj th* Newa Newark. N J.—Mr* Tbeodorr Huff ■uao got a poet card tdllng af the Mrta of a wood graaddaagtiter at Boaadl Brook. ■» mllea away It waa poet I marked Kweartter 28. MM.t Sacral Ocmui Phone Aim of Radio Hood* UmOmi . I'ooaMrraM* I* oro»—ai la tba tranaatlaatlr wtraiaaa tataphaaa mm rtu la prowl—d bjr tba const rartloa of a aew radio atattoa tew batag twill by th* HrltUti |»»ani—t at Oapar. Rratland BiiUab ra «a aiparta etaaMar that al tboach tha praamt wtraiaaa tat ifbaap mhIm to ta«ri(a la aat aaerat la tba fall tana* of tba warC M la »Milt af aarh ralaa that tta latrodarttoa araa' •MMa U> tMa aM at* ta ha ear PLANTERS WAREHOUSE For The Sale of Leaf Tobacco, Open Oct. 4th MOUNT AIRY, N. C • BEST HOUSE BEST LOCATION BEST ACCOMMODATIONS «0^000 F*et of Floor Spoco to Haadlo Your Tobacco in • Most Satisfactory Way Soli yoor fcobocco on your home mafbot ml with u». Make our placo of bwinw your haadquartar* when In Iowa. Thanking jrou for your put patronago an4 hoping to oorro jrou to tfco fnturo, wo oro, Yoor frlafc, HAYNES, BROWN & HAYNES 1927 TAX NOTICE I will meet the/Tax Payers of Surry County at the following Times and Places for the pur pose of collecting their taxes for the year of 1927 and any back taxes. Pilot Mountain, Pilot Township, ........ Oct. 18, 1027 Key's Store, Shoals Township, 10 to 12 M^ Oct. 19, 1127 A. C Snow's Store, Siloam, Township, to 1 to 3 P. M., ... .'ji j Oct 19, 1927 S. E. Banner's Store, Rockford Township, 10 to 12 M-, Oct. 20, 1927 J. M. Phillips' Store, Marsh Township, 1 to 3 P. ML, Oct. 20, 1927 Elk in, Elkin Township, 10 to 3 P. M, Oct. 21, 1927 Mountain Park, Bryan Township, 10 to 12 M., Oct. 22, 1927 Woodruffs Store. (Lowgap), Franklin Toirnship, 1 to 3 P. MI, Oct. 22,1927 Mount Airy, (Sheriffs office) Mt Airy Township, aU day. Oct 22. 1927 Doheon (Sheriffs office), Dobson Township, ell day, Oct 24, 1927 Danley's Store, EUsrs Township, 10 to 12 M^ Oct 27, 19KT. Ararat (Key's Store) Long Hill Township, 1 to 3 P. M. Oct *27,1927 Pine Ridge, Stuarts Creek Township, 1 to 3 P. M, Oct 28, 1927 Weetfield, Himtor's Store, Westfield Township, 1 to 3 P. M, Oct 29, 1927 » I am compelled to have the tax to meet the h*avy demands Made on nw for School., Roads and County iwpi—■■ Why wait when yon Innw that taxes have to be paid. Fall of the year is the best time te pay. Meet me and pay «p end have it erer. ^ This Oct 10th. 1927. C H. HAYNES, Sheriff \ i *. : . un niwiimmii. mmbi BIT . .,. B Bi * 'a

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