. • • jr - — ^ ■ — 4,MO Fanaeri Gather at Dadbwy; Ta Take Actios Far Fair hint Larger Gathering Wfl Meet in Winaton Stirm Saturday, This Week 1 TV meeting today. it eermed, U the nri to the great gathering that I* pliimwl for Saturday, vim from eriry Mil and valley of Stokee, Surry, Rock Ingham. Forayth, Yadkin, Da via and Davidson counties a crowd of farm-' arm, intent on their righta, will gather in Winaton-Salem to con tinue the work here begun. It io there that the leader* of the Movement are planning to bring to gftber tobaeeo producer and tobacco manufacturer, and aeeh tome rem edy for the deplorable condition! that wore eo heartily doacribed today. Should their hopaa not run awry there will be more than one distin gnlahod peraonago at thia conference Saturday, for an invitation waa wired today urging Gov. Angaa McLean to prolong his viait to Winaton-8alem Friday in order to be preeent, while another waa dispatched with equal haate aaking 0. Max Gardner to be' preeent. In th* open meeting the latter wii i casually and advisedly spoken of ae "our neat governor,'' while further desirr for hU presence at the Satur day meeting was baaed upon the ■Utensent that he owned a large block of stock In the much bedamned R. J. Reynolds Tobacco company. Representatives of the latter, as well as the other principal tobacco manufacturing companies, the Amer ican, the British-American, and the Imperial being especially named, will also be aaked to be present and explain to the farmers why their' product has been bringing such com paratively low average* oa the wara hoaae floors In the Forsyth county Such was the crust of the work done today—work that came aa the reeuh of a petition circulated throughout this and adjoining coun ties a week ago together with wr-! oral strenuous days of labor by a hard-working committee. Overrua Meaataia Towa Early this morning the sntoa ha-, gan their deeemt upon the little towa, while before tan o'clock ovary street and winding by-way waa lin ed on both aides with can and tracks; every corner was the ehat tiag place at some groap of planters; ■Mas-a —* ,, - -i»t l-la , -- - •»*"y nor* vu overrun witn vtiitori; waa milling the impatient erowd that •ami afterwards gathered oa the la Mi speech ha presented ralher enlightening facto, gleaned (im »ha columns of Dm Hm—Itc Farmer, whereto the earnings an mm $109 Am of alock in R. J. Reynolds Ta shown to hart boaa $426 in cash and 93,000 to stock ftridaads. Ha dose: his talk wttk aa exhortation toward co-opera tire marketing to Dm twtme, • tlwiM that waa carried thnmghoat all of the sabsaqasat talks. Th«aaa W. Kallum, Win.ton-Sa. lain attorney, took tla floor, and anon had tla crowd in Ma hands aa far aa resulting action waa concarnad. Ha placed before them the proposition of mecUaf in Winston-Salem Satur day, outlined the ideas of iaviUng the preaent aad what ha termed. "fu ture governor," while also sdviatng them aa to means of bringing about a auit under the Sherman aniti trust law in ease the quieter moves were not aucceesful. Mr. Kallum said that there waa a ring. in operation In North Carolina which controlled tobacco prlcca. "I am not »pea king of any polrit-al ring, but I am talking of a financial ring—big buaineas sating up the prifita rightfully belonging to you farmers." Kalian Led Crowd The subsequent talks were of mors or leu antl-cllmaxed nature. The big salvo had been flrod by Mr. Kaliuni, and the following volley on'.f served Vo pepper the tobacco manufacturers with vehement words, and to one «r afe the farmers to the poMibi'tty it good arising from the propoeed meet lng. 0. K. Snow, of Pilot Mountain, urg ed the assembly te carry out their plans by only quiet, and law-abiding means. He spofcf in behalf of the tobacco warehousemen, saying that they were the friends of the farm ers, but did not tall to hit at the manufacturers, presenting then in striking contrast to the poverty stricken farmers of these outlying counties. Leory B. Wall, Winston-Salem at torney, took the floor w^th praise of the Camel cigarette, saying that by chemical analysis it was made of the beet tobacco of any cigarette in the world. Pram this he proceeded to iay th|t this tcbacco came from these counties, and should bring food prices. Quoting from the Winston-Salem | Sentinel, In a story that carried the statement of the tobacco interacts, he pointed eat that the average «rf j the weed on that market was amM It emta par pound, and called on the farmers te testify to tlw Wmm nf statements quoted therein to the ef -| feet that this was due to the great: | quantity of "dog-toO** tobacco on the floors. The farmers did this wtth1 Dewy "Dag-Tair Stories The farmers ware next questioned by J. L. Christian as to quality of for It e'eieek, hhirfcy moraine October IS. Um operator* of the Ub m of Mr bnildini foe a meeting M. O. Jmm. Dnnbary, M. IMH (imuta, J. C. rr—»i. WeetfWd; J. L Christ Un, Pinnacle, nd N. i Intiwtl— ««r* made tluit i par ade would bo lkm|b Um ceding or following thU aJS^, whita Um fair groaadi wm hiwIlJ houM iliwM not ba bin* eaoagfc. Ono fire ta 0*0*7 fro* Um Mm* of Um nu noxt door. Sorely ■ etroag Iwrtln to cut, if yo* ettt for yo«r Mifkbor, jtmt n»ighbw<Mod. or yoer cttj, flw former pmUmti of Um Unit ed 9Utee were Uring in 1M1. the Innreot number in Um hietory of Um amntrr | * ' The writer to the new ■igul—i "It Vooka ae If Hotter EHu Thom* mm, Wnmem WUlard, Curia A. Na tion and tha rraat majority at w ■an af both yaatarday h4 today have get ne nan, with oar aja oM waalram for atroag drink, backed In a corner. Wi Kava baan making one goryaoua obetreperoua faaa o»ar it, bat the facta *aem to ir.d>e*te that mother know* best." Now Open For Business Oar new stock , of Diamonds, Wttchn, SUnnrin, G1 am ware and other rift articles art now arriving and wo invito jroor inspection. Vo wiH mmkm a ip»l»lty of Watch lUpairinc Ea«ravia« and Din. Padduon Jewelry Co. L W. PaHinn, Prop. BLUE RIDGE HOTEL BLOCK of the Season's First Frost Use an Electric Healer When it's too cool to be without a fire and too warm with one, that's the time you need one of these electric heaters. Move it about from room to room. Just attach it to a light socket. So convenient, so simple. So economical. Always ready for instant use. The bis flood of cheerful heat drives away the cold. Dad can shave without shivering, the kiddies can drees and play with safety and comfort Everybody Cm Bo Comfortable ea Chilly Days With Km Electric Heater. Get yours today. Sold on usual easy terms. $5.00 to $10.00 Values (i AA C7 50 . Now Selling For #*-VV M For " •: Utilities —"The Servant fas the Home"

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