Criminal Cout Al Dobm Next Wed N«t ~*ak te mm waak to Bwn Hi Cmti WXtatek urikm ae had a liifr Mat, praattoal •d to tk* SnpraaM Coprt. Thar* are flw or six mm of Dm ■aaoidor's Caurt of 'tkte'ettT. «l m jwm for Um tons: First waak: B E- Butor, W. 1 Wrtgfct, A. M. S-ith, A. C. Sot Dm Johnsoa, D. R Hoffmaa, 8. 1 , Atkins. T. N. Woodruff, R. V. Brinl lay, W. D. Hayaaa. lakwt Jmm bktr Phillip*, D. F. Coofh, D. I Leva, G. C. Lortli, W. B. Edamd W. J. Thurmond, Cbwd* Smith, Seal Cook, t. C. UoUincaworth. B 1 Hinaon. A. R Ckihoo. A. V. Waa W. W. Harris, B F. Patterson, H. I Wood. J. W. Coekorham, N. H.-8W pMa, J. & Bullioftoa, 8. M. Pttpfk D. & Uwia, N. 0. Nixon, J. W. Dai la, J. A. Brlatla. Soeoad weak, T. M. Marsh, W. < flaawr, Back Bojrsli, T. H. Browi Jo* a Qwyn, Morris ' . 0. I Hansor, E. L McGhoo, Walter Mai « ion. W M Draagha, W. L. Hatch* A. i. Snow, J. 8. Hods**, A. D. Wo born. A. E. Craad, J. W. Bad**t Jo* a. chihoa, a a Bay. Improving Appoaraac* ok Mate Straat Work m started thU week by tt Southern Public UUlitiea Co. • work tag over Um transmission Um on Main street. New polo* are b< ing eroded and relocated so aa I carry the line* with the leant numb« of pok-» on the street*. While ti warkmen were digging Um bole* Wat nasday it was pointed out to a I*1 citisens standing by that whore tbei are now 11 poles lietwoen Oak stre< and the Council building Um new it cation will carry the line* on on! five pole* LmhuIdi Um numbor < polos on the street and nuking thai all uniform in slae and height wi add to the appearance of the stree At the same time there seems to ) some unneee*'sry pole* on the tek phone system the rentovsl of whk would greatly help the street's a| In some places thee ara several feat higher tha and not being of a unlfort Heighth throw* them out of banana with the other improvements tha hers been going on. Go To TImmmu Of special interest to Mount All club woman it the meeting of a the Federated cluba in tha Sixth Dii trict at TbomaariUe, Saturday Oc 22. The meeting, which ia aa annui event, will be held thia year ia tl Baptist Church with the Thotnai villa Woman's Club acting aa hai teas for the eighteen clubs in th district. Quite a number of worn* ara planning to attend, and will leai here ahoot • A. M., arriving at Thou aaville in time for tha flrat aeeak at 11 A. M. The luncheon at oj -o'clock will be carried, out on the "be lunch" plan, aa ueual. Mrs. C 8. Morria of Sallabury, U president of the 8th district, wl at both morning and afte isslons, a -event srOl be the 'President, Mrs. OaMshnro. in that a great deal of ! iaam and gaod will Is derived ther Airy haa roeafe n bride* aeroaa Annt rtour, g I cars colliding i the bridge nUltat. Ht ■dm for several toa m the head bat be to .wv / H. C. Smith ») Mi Oak street. Toggle anotht r Mr and tors off iu tin an! tbU ewNd Um to Smith's ear. S b F1H Dr. H. L. ■ton of Mr. Lottto ! Plain*, had a death whan hi* car >u hit by a and completely demolished, r* | o'clock Thunday arming at »K Dr. Robertson unronaciou* and the young man wka *u riding with him wa* thrown from the car into a field nearby They *eemad not to have heard the train or the whistle and the engine (; (track Dr. Robertson * Ford coupe at _ the car enrine tSrowine hi* iwmu. ion through the doot end driving the ear several yards down Dm track In front of the train, the doctor though unconecious warn (till gripping the wheel when he was taken from the wreckage, he had no broken bones but had aerieus evil on the bead and neck, one of which narrowly missed the spinal column and caused great loss of blood. Ho regain conscious ness Friday morning bat remains in, a serious condition tn p hospital at Rutherfordton. If no complications develop it la thought bo wiH recover with no lasting results of the aeci v ■ j W. S. Martin Moving Family ' ' W. 8. Martin, secretary-' "I »f the North Carolina Granite Cor • I xiration who returned to thia city lj teveral msnthi ago to risams his! connection with the graatte corpora-' ; tion after withdrawing aad returning ; _ | to Pennsylvania about a year ago to; 1 live, has bought a home on Wait Etan i street and U this wank moving back y hen. Friende of the family wiU be | II glad to kaow that Mrs. Martin's h • health has iatproved during her ab w» from this city. il t Hslyiat Oat tko More bant '"I < In J. D. Smith's advertisemsnt last h i weak there waa an error that waa ia " favor of the merchants but Mr. Smith n | wants it corrected just the same * I The adv. priced a lot *>f boys' union '* suits at TS oaaU, when it-was meant " to read 56c and 96 cents The adver tisement of this clothing (tore ap pears again this week with the cor rected a R r « J. W. Lawson. a native pt » County died of heart trouble Oat IB >* | at Claudville, Va., aged 91 years. *1 J. & Love rt;tfce home of ^ Graves, Sunday. The funeral waa by Elder Jim Moont Airy to Gain Benefit From i Advertising of Dnke Power Co. Reports frmm the hand oAtoaa af ty Dote f«w Co, ivMn of ths mMmi fun C*, ud itIM kh fcioney that to being spent in ad [ Wtiiwili to the utioa'i leading The September iseue of "The Pub lic ferric*," e< Matoigh, to raferrtov to ths advertising campaign and iU far raarhlag effect had the follow ing intonating paragraph. which brought Mount Airy to the atto*to heaa and la atiU proclaim■>< tha ad-, raatogas of the Oarotiaaa to all qw ton af the United Statea and Cans to It H> telltnt the ma—htuhj todaa try that here he will ftod tha haat, of white American lahor; that here i« a climate which mahai pneaftU all-year operation, and all day and all night work if deal red; that have tha real aetata aaadad far eootfert able and cpmmcdiaua location of Ms plants may ha had at moat mmrtli! costs; and that hare ha will ftod • supply of electric power adaqaata tor all his needs, topwfrbto and at eeets just aa low aa ha will find anywhere in tha world. Such claims will per force weigh mightily with tha man ufacturing Industry of America and' that Coastal Carolina, as well aa the Piedmont will reap benefits there from. "Those benefit are already visible. Note the case of Mount Airy a* one! example. The Southern Public Utili ties Company (a part af the Duke t'ower Company) Just s year ago purchased the municipally-owned and opera tod electric power system at Mount Airy. Within the compass of that one year, six large new Indus-! tries have begun operation in Mount Airj Here they are: * "The Mount Airy Veneering Com pen's kmI Overall overall*. humlred MB JUST " / "In addition to tho «tM; otJm ■ — 1 „ AL.i ^^^nooim l^A^baa 1 ri n fi t a jf 4 m ' •vrpnsM hh mrv qots iucmw ib ; Mount Airy, since the Souther® Pub lic UUtttiM began operstioo* tkrt, K l« stated authoritatively that rir tunlly all the old Mkr ' ■■Mi , That Kaa baaa notably taw of North Careknn Granite o» the light aitd pom aystem of tint city. Prior to a year ago, Mount Airy hud a Mfmliifly utiififtftfy muti* cipal plant under management of a mighty food num. Bat tho Moot Airy plant stood strictly on H» own bottom; it was Isolated and K had no rtwrvt to offar. It eootd not ma meet tka naadi of tha Granite Cor poration. Than Mount Airy turned to another source for Its supply of Itowor. It voted, without a s.nglr dis sent ink voiee, to join In with "Um greatest super-power ayatem in tho world " Moont Airy is now linked with Now Orleans, with Chicago, with the big power-producing areas of Weat. Virginia and with Maade Shoala—that is one raaaon dount Airy appeals to ftlk manufac' tiring industry of America.'' Girl Hu Narrow Mi*s liertrode Bowman, daughter of Mr*. N. F. Bowman. of TW Hoi-' low, Va., narr<«wly aacapod death or prrmancnl injury Saturday morning whan she became entangled in the line* of • passing team on the road to the Blue Rid«« Academy and «u dragged for a distance of fifty feet'' before Uie team waa brought to • atop. The young girl waa wiJirid un conaciou* and badly braiaed and skinned though her injuria* are net aeriou*. Two young man, Joe Ayer* and Joe Pack, war* driving a team of mule* hitched to a wagon down a long hill at a high rata of speed, ac cording to the report* of the chil dren. whan they mat aix children on their way to achool at the academy. The children any the driver palled ihe mule* from side to aide of the road until they did not know which side to take ao they divided part go ing on one aide and part en the oth er when either intentionally or by ac cident the lines were thrown oat and caught the seventeen year old daugh ter of Mrs. Bowman aroand the waist dragging bar in the wake of the teanf until it was m We are glad to report that 1 Clarice Bowman, who oar laet ta rtor appendicitis at Watts Hospital^ Durham, is dotn^ aa well as eoold be County Audit Still I Gored By Cow U Improv n« lira tt. V. Boyd who «u gored by a row at h«r horn* at The Hollow, VV, about two week* ago and is a patient at Martin hospital this city is recovering nicely from her injuria*, «nd hope* to bo able to return home !n a few day*. Supplaate Twherculoeia u Kill %irJlbrNM^cIrTlk^" Kaleigh. Oct. 19.—Pneumonia sap planted tuberculosis as one of Um three leading killers in North Caro lina iti 19M, the archive* of Um bo- J resn of vital statistics of the state board of health show. Heart Mm—>. kill in* 8,418, supplanted nephritis as the leading cauas of death in 19S6. Nephritis caused ZM& deaths, pneumonia i,tM, tuberculosis 2,709, apoplexy MM, violence 2jMl, enter itis in infante 1.480, sad oncer U» an. Increases over IMS were shows in all these causes of dsath with Um as-: ceptiona at enteritis sad riolsars, | which showed slight docraasos The greatest Im'ieasa wss register , ad in deaths from heart diasaae. thia ailment causing 400 more deatha in 1926 than in 1986. Nephritis, pan about 100 sack, while the galas ** and apoplexy wars iiagHgtbls. Closed to tke Public Sonw Fnm Fowls Mount Airy cMmm continue to manifest mock intomt in fin* brad poultry judging from the price hm of them are willing to pay for priae winninc fowls. Recently 4. B. Mid toff muia a trip to Fairfax, Va., where ha I amhsied freia a wall known breeder a Rhode bland Bed rooftar, 8 month* old, which cost him fifty dollar* of Uncle 8am't com This bird will be kapt la a pen with eight selected hen* of the same bread and from the pea Jtan will ••)] efp far setting porpoaoa, aad it's coins to ceet |i a sotttag of M to (at eggs from this' particu lar outfit. A safe guaraatoe te of fered however aad a aew settinc la furnished- at half price where the hatching falls belew^lO. Km from this pea will be oa the market about Dee. 1st, Mr. Midkiff says. Words mt Appreciation R U. Newton, af Johnson City, Tenn.. complains that taking off trains St and S3 listesi Mount Airy and Greensboro interferes with the delivery of his paper causing it to be delivered on Monday instead of Fri day. "We enjoy The News aad dis like for it to be so long isarihing as" writes Mr. Newton and suggests that It might help to ask the poetol clerks to eead north from Greensboro hK stead of South. ' Joe Phillips in seodiag his renews! from Mattoax. Vs.. says "I should very sick in bed bat am a little bet ter this morntag, the doctor says > am oat af danger. Mr. Phillips' aid friends wiD be glad to know he is aa the read to rseaesry. - ' Stol* Offioer Viaka Mother. te being wad for the heat at the fsmiltea.

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