highest bidder that certain tract at land lying and being in Surry Couaty, North Carolina described as (allows: a three-fifth* undivided iatctest la and to the following lands: Beginning on a rack in the Bock ford road near Joel Melton's corner, runs South 20 deg. West 46 chs. to a black oak; thence South IT chs. to a roek at the edge of the bottom; thence But one ch. and 6 lengths to a ruck;} thence South ft iI«-k Weet 4 chs. aid (0 lengths to the river; thence up the river as it la senders to the mouth of Whitaker's branch; thence up the branch to a box elder ■in the East side of the branch, James Jones' **d l,er«nel Jone«' old cstjwt; thence North 83 ehs. to a hickory oa I the Bast side of the branch thence North 32 deg. East 46 ch*. and 50 lengths to a Poet Oak; thence North I 6 chs. and M length* to Lemuel Jones' old corner; thence Weet oa his line 6 ehs. to a stake: thence North about • ehs. with Phillip's tine to a corner; thence East It chs. and W length* to a stake, William Melton's line; thence South 6 ch*. to- William Melton's corner East oa said line to the beginning, containing 199 acres mere or lees. Also a foe simple interact in and to the following described tends: Be ginning on a rock on a branch and runs down the branch as it SMsadsrs to the mouth of tha< branch la the Yadkin river, theses op said river as it meanders t.10 chain* to a bunch of willows, Jones' corner; thence North • deg. last with Jones line 6.50 ska. to a rock at ths foot of the kill West I ch. (0 lengths to a stake; thence North 1J8 chs. to a pine te the Has; thence South'? deg. North 2M chs. to the beginning 3.4. Subject to a right of way of the Baitraad of about J <4 *n acre Waving 1.1 acres of tend out side the Bailroad right of way. Terms of said sate, one tkird cash, the balance ta one and two yean, the deferred payments to ha secured by notes and deed of trust oa the p*» **r&s 20th day of Ssptembsr. 1MT, B. rWABD. Commissioner. This land has heea divided tarte tarnr tracts sad each tract will he sold Your tongue teUs when you need North wastaru; Kareer, of Califoraia. and Friadnuui. Iran, all of whom hone op ;>rem • keeper, Dr. 8. D Pa Min, and «tl»niW by a retinue of (ourtwn fts tWe Burrnm. The present ia P» wah't only season in Amarica, the Rinding Brothers being under l>ond to return him to Burma at tha close of th» tour. tanli ia on* of thoae rare elephanta that the Huddists of today and cen turies paat have wnrihippad in tha belief that in their huge bulk reposes tha soul of Buddha. And certainly he ia aa dtfferaat from thoaa ele phant* with wfeiah tha public ia fam iliar aa imf ia from night. His eyas are milk white, sat with sparkling pupils. Hit »kin ia aoft and pliable. Hit body ia whita aa a "white man in white. Ta quote tha Preach author ity, M. Duaaard, he la "as gentle aa a kitten and as beautiful as a Greek statue." TM* rarest of beasts *»a ftfund eight years ago in the Jungles of u,wrr Hurms. midway between Man daisy and Rangoon. Last WWW ha was brought ta England under the protection of the British government and in the face of threats from tha Buddhist priapta who protested that WHITE ELEPHANT COM ING WITH CIRCUS M«kia| Oalr| Amurican Tour With Ring ling Bros, mmi Barm.ni * Bailey Miawi.. Hailed aa the "greatest featar- of all time." Pawah, the world-faiaed sacred white elfphsat of Burm:< h ta be presented m tha menageri> of tha BHmNm Bros, and Barnum 6 Bailey Combined Shows when the big circus exhibits at Winston-Sa'em, Saturday Oct. 22. hnm ia the first of his kind to, he found in awire than three hundred years and tha only genuine sacred white elephant ever brought to Amer ica. He la accompanied by his sa il t. Airy O. "We Don't Meet Prices—We Make Them' MAIN STREET, - • MOUNT AIRY, N. C .d