Narva b«r 41k. 1»27 •I I •'clack P. M.. the following described r*al nUU tMttl First Tract: Beginning at a roc) pile, J. V. Heasley and Going*' cornei and runa North 76 1-2 Ea*t 45 cha to the Ararat River, corner in Gwyn'i lint; thence, down the rivar South I deg. E. 5.30 cha.; thane*, still dowi the river South 40 deg. East 2 1-1 cha.; thence South 13 dec. W. 9 1-i cha.] thence South 48 dag. Waat 1 1-1 rha. to Wilton's corner on the Eaal side of the rivar; thence, leaving tin river South 40 dec. Cast 1 chain t< three poplar* at the edfe of .Um cliff; thence with old road as foiWws North • dec. East S 1-2 cha.; thenct North 76 12 dec- East 2.76 cha. thane* North 47 do*. Cast 2JS cha. (hence North 74 deg. East 1.K6 cha. thencv North 75 dag. East 1 1-2 chs. thence South 44 dec. East 2 chains thence South S3 deg. East S 1-2 chs. thedc* South IV dec. 3 chs.; thenc* South U dec. East 1 ch.; thence 8 7 dec. East 2 cha.; thance South 4( dag. Wast 1 JO _rhs. to the edge ol the field; thene* South 17 dec East 2 cha. to ride* road; thence op ridgi road N. 76 doc- East 20 chains U an iron pipe on the North side of tM road, boaster's corner; thsoce Nort> 33 dec. E. 15 chs with Beaslsy't lin« to the beginning, containing M 1-1 seres, more or lass, and being th« same land Nnvrnd to the said T J. Nunn by the Bank of Mount Air] by d«ed dated the IMh day of Jan uary, 1922, and of record in the Re Cistor of Deads Office for the Count] of Surry, North Carolina, in Bool of Deed a. No: 88, page 125, to whicl deed reference is hare made. Second Tract; Beginning at a wal nut and locust in the old Franklii Gwyn line on the North hank of th< Ararat River, thence, running witl the Sulphur Springs tract, croasinj the Ararat Rivar to a maple on thi East hank of the said rivar; thence running with the East bank of th< said river and with the South bant and the Southwest bank of same MS* Teat to Hatcher's cornet; thence •creasing Ararat River to J. H. Gwyn'i and Banner's corner; thence witl Owyn's line North 62 dog. Eaat 481 feat to a planted rock; thence, Nortl 14 dag. East S11 feet to a plant* rack; thence South SI dog. East 121 feat to a planted rock; thenee, Soutl OS dag- East 111 feet to a plant** rock; thence. North 62 deg. East >01 feat to a planted rock; thence, Nortl 42 dog- Kaat MO feat to a plantm rack; thence. South 74 deg. Eaat 14' feet to the beginning, containing 4) acres, more or laaa, and being th land formerly owned by Jim Batter field and known aa the Satterfiel bottom, and being the same land eon vayed to the said T. J. Nunn by J. M Parker and his wtfe and Weldom Par rowed. A boat the middla of sufficient pr» Springa rotd South 2 1-1 drf Eaat 1.7V cha., thence South 3fl 1-8 d*f. Weet 2 cha., thence South SO dtf. C. 1 eh.; thence South 71 deg Kant £ cha.; thence South 86 dog. Kut 4.*0 eh*.; thenc* South 48 dcg But 8.80 ch« to an iron pin, Johnson'* corner on the Eaat side of the road; then Waving the road North 88 dog. 46 min. Kant 260 fret to the Ararat River; thence with the Ararat River South M 1-2 def Eaat 800 feet; then South M defr Eaat 6»4 feet; thence South 46 deg. Eaat about 420 feet to a forked birch on the Eaat bank of the Ararat River, R. W. Reece'* cor ner; 8. M deg. E. 6 1-2 cha., thence N. 1 dec- Weat up the branch 11.86 eh*. > to a pine stump; thence North 80 dag. 80 mia. W. 26 cha. to a black walnut on the bank of the Ararat River; , thenre up said river North 80 deg. i East about 700 feet to the mouth of Johnaon'r creek than up Johnaon'i i Creek North 46 dog. West about 600 ' feet to the beginning, containing i 116 1-2 acrea, more or leea. There fi i' excepted from the above boundaries i' about 2 acrea, more or leea, at land on the hill between the railroad right ! of way and the old Sulphur Springs i road on which I* situated the sprini on the hill west of the road, the and I lot la dealgntted by earners marked i by set stonea and known a* the wa i taring tank lot. Also the water right I to the' White Sulphur Springs -ai ', deed to J. O. Hatcher by J. K. Roy I noldn and wife, January U, 1990, anc i recorded in Book 66, page 108. Tht ■ above boundary beinc the him laik I conveyed to f. J. Nona by Thoasai —hiLi " . 'JL\* iA 1M4 Ford Track. «Tt Ford Touring4 food « IMS livM dollvory Ford, porfoct Studobaker Soda*, driven low tku 20,004 wit! trade for food Ford, balaaco 1MT Chrysler Coach, cot our prico oa it 4I&. NEW BUGGIES AND WAGONS AT COST Airy Buggy & Auto Co. Airy, n. c J r xC, Chevro New before wm a low-priced cat so delightful to drive as today's ■Chevrolet! ' ■ .. raseget-away...easy, smoothop eration ... high spetod roadability ... unfiling power... and flashy acceleration— effort!e« gear shifting that have made Chevrolet to decidedly popular for congested traffic. And never before was a low-priced car so comfortable—for Chevro let springs are 88% as long as the wheel base. •. and built of chrome vanadium fteel! The COACH In an automobile foday! And the source of thia matchleu per* formince is the Chevrolet valve-in . _ -.jpi r, a I — that has established J— for to In addition, thfcre is •II *be jBnj|^r*tip W»« braking and Come in! Learn what a feeling of confi*, dence it give* you to driva a car that It powered for every, need . that ta smooth and quiet low price fcaldl SALES COMP MOUNT AOtY, M. C QUALITY AT LOW