9 MA T-L U-" M-1 j,vw i ntccv uTowcfs iNCO meei ■f to Protest Low Prices of Tekocco Wlailii Mi«, Oct. IMM <* \mm today wHh hopa» rtag^ra^ wera' g^ng*thk"yea^i my a»Mh low |lllll. Sock hop** died quickly, aNkaack a Mt rehwtaatly, aa ra qaaat altar H|M«t (or their appaar aaaa tkuadarad out lata tha arowd oa tKo Liberty ararehouae floor ta fata no iakMac of raapeaae ta arte, aw cram mad fall of po litical, ocooomic aad aplrltaal advice, tha aora of which waa co-operation aaieag tka farmara in dtciaadii I hair tobacco acreage. Mr. Taylor waa interrupted by tha appearance of tha men who were run ning the meeting, along with their N. E. Pepper of Walnut Cor*, mow tory, the —tint pi underway , read from two of Inritod to nutter would bo referred to ttoir of fice rm, white K. J. Reynold* informed the fa would be gla4 to have a tie* Met with ft tee." The Imperial, Export and Ug gett-Myera ply to the by O E. Snow, Pilot tain* with the fanner*. Mr, Bowie ad mitted that he knew tittle co farm tag er Ha prohtana, bat on to tay that > general, all era were touched with the mm direction on hU tr Hi* principal advice leriion of man eapebk tivea in their goveniawit. both coun ty, state and nation, holding up to them deeply studied tegialation far the farmer* a* a final aolution at their problem*. Hi* addreaa waa well received. 71 is to. • HolKngsworth Drug Prescription Druggists Ybm ^Mott Storm Phone 31 Only Buick has an engine Vibrationless beyond belief BUICK'S remarkable freedom from vibration it due primarily to three vitally important factors. First — the inherent smoothness of the Buick Valve-in-Head six-cylinder engine. Second— rubber engine mountings, front and rear". And third—the scientific and almost perfect balance of the entire Buick crankfchaft assembly. Only Buick enjoys these advantages. And only Buick provides the silken performance—the unvarying —ontliiii ss at aUspseds—the longer life andgreater serviceability of an engine ribrationUss beyond txl tef. [ ' Sedans '1195 to '1993 Coupes *1195 So KM %«vt Modsb 1199 m I US BUICK>I928 Swanton Motor Co. [ nHnw war* of aaah imlii m to ; doud the hinn' almli, with no I doubt ao to Mi owa tptilwi about | >uch lottoi». Ho rowadly rappod tho criaa at I overproduction by tbo tobaoaa lataf \ cata, aajring that "mora atoa had bow ! conunlttod to tho naaia of wac n» I ductlon than any > thor word bo know." Mr. Uaaoy aaggoatod raorgantaa tion of agriculture ao 9* to hint price-fixing and find aaarketa for gooda a# wall aa increase prududtios. "The boot remedy, ho continued, "hi to ga to for a living prioa. and if you Mat gato that by eupplicatioa, it i» your powor to craato bjr law a focoa that will give you what yoa need." Tha meeting waa not without po litical expraaaiona, promiaoat Bapab ttcaa joining with toaurgeat Deaao crato aa Mr. Linnoy cloaod bia • poach with tha word that bnwwht tha aaoOt hoarty round if chaara. Bagtutfal of Mr. Gardaar'a rafaaal to atto«d tha meeting, Mr. Liaaay had atatod: "We would ttka to Iowa what bo thtoka about tobaceo. aad if ha doaant think right wa might baa* Taaa for our next governor." Following abort talka by W. Read* Johnaton. Winaton-Salam attoraoy. and John Kolgor. aaeembiyautn froai Mount Airy, five names wera addad to tha executive committee, thoaa bo ing John A. Kplgar. W Reade John son. Tam C. ho aria, Frank E. Liaaay ana K. n. tt. mom. Ureenaboro. The] original committee was ma tie up of N. E. Pepper. J. U Christian, J. C. Fran*. H. McCw and M. O. Jones. A call for contributions to finance the work of tb« committM wu gen •routljr responded to by score* of tka farmer* present The meeting waa then adjourned until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, whea about two-third* of the crowd re turned to hoar a few more speedm* mostly bjr farmer* who were airing their own troubles. Intimation waa made by the sec retary Mr. Pepper, that the commit tee would meet with the representa tive of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco com pany next week. There waa some general talk of reorganising an aa sociation to decrease the acreage, but no action was taken. The meeting finally adjourned to meet again when the committee de cided (t advisable. No mention was made at any time during the meeting of the action the farmer* had taken Monday in their, meeting at Danbury in holding their tobacco off the market until after! today's meeting, nor of the program' started toward increasing the tobac co acreage fur neat year. „ JURORS ARE DRAWN TO HOLD TWIN CITY COURT Federal Term Opens There em Monday, November 7, With Lone Docket. Greensboro, Oct. U.—Juror* for duty at the regular Winston-Salem branch term of the United States court for the middle district of North Carolina that will ha opened on Men- ] day, November 7, were drawn here yeaterday by Clerk B. L. Blalock and Jury Commissioner D. H. Collins The j tt names drawn cosoe from Forsyth Yadkin. Berry and Stoke* oo an ties. Following are thoee drawn from each county: Forsyth: Glen Glaaeoa, Kerners ville, rural rout*; W. A. Stanford, Winsten-flelem: M. T. Fulp, Watnet Cere, rural raete; Harry B. Grime Walkertown; A. N. Unrilka, laaai riUe; Henry W. 8paugh, Wtaaleu Batem; «. B. Fishal. Wlaston-SelmB. rente fear; C. B, Mlddleton, Balm WlneUm-Sekae; 0~ar Htekle, Win ston-SaWm. rewte flee; AMn W. U» You can be absolutely certain of the quality of Maf reconditioned used ear you buy from us for whan we recondition a car, we do the Job thor oughly! All work is done by our own expert mechanics, and k subjected to the regular factory tests and inspection*. Genuine part* an umd for all n After the ear hat final inspection, ITZd "O. K." taf je attached to the radian* cap. This ie the purcnaeer'i nntee of value—eo rar it when you boy a ved car' I SEE OUR Ne. 500 Deep | WeV Water j' System j In Operation j In Our Store The Everite Well Pi The Number 600 EVEMTE Deep Well Pump U of the entire ly enclosed type, the splash system of lubrication bein* rmplojrad. All working p«rt», therefore, receive ample lubrication. The aim of the designers of the Number MW Deep Well Pump haa been to eoa struet a rugged. compact deep well bead, property balanced and tak ing up a* little apace as possible, making H more suitable for the ■mp installation. / This Number 600 Deep Well Pump wasn't It's modem. It's a 182* model. It wffl be a IMP IMP cornea around becatwe It has incorporated ia it are far in advance of the timea. • We call your attention to this pump as ha viae !•» parts than a|y pump manufactured today. It is equipped with a metal and check valve built directly lata the pump. This Insures the a bos lute and positive protection elder type of relief Mtd cheek vahrea. Call ia at year Should yoa be ta tfcs the best. Call and let oe