it ku bam In Um put. All this U in the mind, cf farmer*. We talked with one citisen who live* far back in the rural see tion one day recently and asked hi* opinion of the condition* under which UM farmer is MV living. Ha talk-! ad at length of the conditions. He aald in substance that It morh da pands on the individual farmer. Some | are succeeding wall and getting re sults that are highly satisfactory toj them, while others are failing He! gave specific evidence from his own! experience He told how a neighbor ntly sold a whole bam of te bacco and averaged well over twenty coats. Some of It wont aa high as thirty-.*lve cents. That neighbor was | well pleased. In hij own case he has, boon able to grow a grade of tobacco that will be claaaed as flae wrappers and lie is expecting a price well above twenty cents. Anuiher neighbor re cently Mild on one market a whole bam of tebaooo for six ceata, and being ao diaaatisfied, he called It ia aad carried It to another market many mi lea away aad resold It aad for three eenta, aad let it go at that Of cours* he la dlaaatiafled. There is ao disputing the fact that his tnhat eo was of a poor quality. No two dtiaens will see all this alike, but ateet people la this are new agreed that the program of farmers ia a farming that has something of a mixture of all liaes of farm ty of home supplies grown oa the Mrs. ft. J. Levin wa two tables of bridge aad oae of rook soort building and plainly told the folk, that chawing and amokin* dur ing hl» court waa taboo. Volunteer worker* of the American led Cross la North Carolina hose ontniiuted hundred* of dollars in iccording to {igira contained In innual report of the niganiaatioa ude public today hy the local chap or. j| Victim* of di*aatera, destitute chit- | Iran in loreign land*, the *oIdler in he ho* pita I, the blind, the aick, the. leedy, all ha\e been made more com- > ortable and more content, aaya the sport, hecauae theae worker* found iaae to make *upplie* and to per u-.m counties* friendly taaka. Fortjr *even chapter* in the State rere tnfa(*d in thia work, carrying hi i diversified program of aervice. , rhey produced daring that period 1.- ' 107 gai meat*, aid throughout the, attire year an average of SO person* inch month were doing volunteer »ork for the Rod Croea in North Car-. • Una. I The work perfaimed by ralonteera' • the United SUte* during the year, deluded the making of 171.4S1 gar nenta, the preparation of XfiVtJUt ■urgkal dreaainga and the earring fi. 19,70# person* at cant*—*. whUa the rwered a total af 21.208 eaBa for aer riee. Th Croaa actliitiea eaO for and drivers. Through chapter* hav ing motor corps, m>hi alao to ghr rn td other philaathrapie iaatitationa. In addttiea te thia work, 1JM vot amoa wore transcribed into Braille for the aee ef ths blind. Thia invohr rd the transcribing of UM*t pages. Garmenta produced by theee werk *rs ars used by the led Croaa I* ttyata kg at I of them •f *:Q: " , b Candy Time BSg**;. $ PHONE S3 W. S. Wolfe Drug Co. *TW Nyal Qmlky Used Cars for Sale! i We have the following used can that w» will sell cheap and on liberal terms: M aster Six Buick Sedan. 4-passenger Buick Coupe. 2-passenger Buick Coupe. "70" Chrysler Sedan. New Chevrolet Sedan. Ford Truck. Ford Sedan. These cars have been^ reconditioned and will give good service. Swanson Motor Co. BUICK DEALERS Rear First National Bank MOUNT AIRY, N. C is mra rmr^ Tarsal 7 PUT IT Iff THE WILL IIhh yoa Imvi MM bjr (0 ton. If jroa iwlw w will took mtUr all Uw praHaiinarMa (or j jrou, rack m tko lawful ud io contostible draft at the will and *11 'otkor particular* invohrod. Cot this off your mind mow. DfPARTMFN RCA -RADIO From $69.50 to $895. RCA Socket Power A. C or D. C Storage battery or dry ■ ';i: s ..*■ DESIGNED by the same engineers who plan ned the treat broadcasting stations. BUILT by the world's greatest electrical manufacturers—General Electric and West You haven't really heard radio until you have listened to a Radiola and RCA Loudspeaker. CHOSEN by Victor and clesive use in their da laze ACCLAIMED everywhe achievements of the radio a for a* - Authorized Dealers Mount Airy, N. C.