———— ■" O. T. Mmm, at hi dm dir i* n tar wttk bar ana, A. B. *75' mi + KM* & c, T J. • O. ft. paratrtt, Mr. aad Mr*. F. & far a faw day* Mrs. liaotga r. G*., aathar, Mra. Millar, fti DacaO who has baan har gnaat aamm toft aararai daya ago la apa in Charlotte and OM Fart. Atty 0. ft. hn ia tha main floor will hava flva aai a Imp of tha baaaa Miaa Mary PawaU toft tar Maw York City hat Taaada all had aiada away ?H« atay ia Monat Airy. Sha ia wary much by all har fnanito Mr. and Mra. J affray Daa Jr., ha« trip aad ara at Chaataat Oaat tha ho ma of Mra. WUlto Moora Gantry. Mra. J. L. Aihhy haa raturnad froai Winaton-Batom whrra aha visited har daafhter. Mra. Conrad 8mlthar man, aad har infant daughter born Oct. 19 hi tha Baptiat hoapital ia that city Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Ctrtor motor ed to Reid«vlll» Sunday to vtait her parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. W. Duitl, the day being the tflat birthday of Mr. Daniel. Mr. and Mr*. Gwrp O. Grave* and children mad* a trip to Charlotte and Gaston ia last weak. Mr. Gragos at tending a meeting of cotton null stockholder* in Gastonia during their •toy . Mr*. 0 H. Yok ley, Mr. H 0. Wolt*. Mrs. T. J. Payna, Mlaa Mary Franklin Gravaa and Mia* Earp at tended the meeting of the sixth dis trict of State Federation of Woman'* Claba in Thomasville, Saturday. Mrs. A E. Sides. W. H. Sides and Mr* E. C. Kapp war* called to Char lotto Sunday morning to attend the funeral of Mr». R. L. Wumark, who was a sister of Mr*. Sides. The party returned Monday afternoon. Miss Grace, daughter 6f Judge A. E. Tilley, nf this city, is recovering nicety from an appendicitis operation at Martin Hospital. The operation was performed several days ago and she is now well on the road to health again. Paul B. Collins, teacher, singer and compoaar, wil' conduct a community singing at Franklin school auditor ium Sands y evening at 7 o'clock. Mr. Collins is a graduate ot Salem music company, of Aaheville. Roaring Gap quartett will be there. Come and hear this quartet sing. Mrs. John Myees and Mrs. Wilson, e( Til——Tim, aunt cousia of Mr*. B. H. Williamson, apt her gueata this walk. Mr. Myar* and Mr. Wilaaa will *ead the oem them hease. W. L Steele, ed Mm eflk-iency of Ma repair depart meat by employing Mr. Wray Greene a gradaate of the Ilarelagkal Insti tute of America. Washington, D. C. Graduation from this toaMtote means > young man has graduated to watch repair work and ia to serve the auhHe as a Mrs. Louis H. Stewart, of Attioa, Ind.. left last Thursday after a tan visit ta her sister, Mrs. A. B. called hease by the sadden of Crawfordvtne. lad. whe dM of apoplexy. Mr. Pari wiB ha here by friiadl of the by bis visit about a i mm tor Ms amtfc Mix Paul CiUtcI, at Greenville, 8. C, hoot (Mat of her cistor, Mr* T. J. Smith wick, was g«eet of honor at a party liven by Mr*. H. M. Toy, Saturday evening. The beautiful Foy home was aglow wHh a*ten and dahlia* in brilliant A bos of handkerchief* was pre sented to the guest of honor. The came »a* followed by a delicious chicken salad coarse served with Russian taa. Mr*. John D. Thor-.pson. Saturday afternoon. Hallowe'en decorations, Karnes and favors were used while in the dining room whore the birthday cake was cut and served with ice cream cone*, a pink and white eolot note prevailed- About thirty-flee ► mall gaoala wore present sad Pa tricia Whitloek and Nancy Lewis were contoat prize winner.. Notice. On Tuesday November 1, 1M7, at 2 P. M . Surry County will sell >40.000 Ave month renewal anticipation note*. Mail bida to B. P. Folger, bookkeeper. Pobaon. N. C. Alas Chatham, Chm., Board of County CwMiaaioner* Mr*. A V. W«t J. C Virginia Martin. | Natl Foliar, Gra«n, and KlWriiw Edgaftoa, a# j [ Coldsbvru. who is now a ilad«1 at | I 3atea» Collage. MUa Lett* Ma! ' Nngsworth directed la tha living i mhiui wh»rf Mrs. Martin Beanott and ! Mrs. C. C. Hay ; goodbye* wet* uld to Kit. R. T | : Jojffr. Mora/ decorations ronauM 1 >4 pink chrysanthemums and ager itum ta the drawiag moat, yellow | people of Mount Airy and in* immunity Of flee hour- II ta IS—1 It I Kvatiings l y A ppotntmeit C. L. THOMAS, D. D. S. Wo ileoi.i It ■ 4>loa*urr to v-»it I i|.un th.i.w vfho appreciate uar never failing «uri»'f of pure, choice mean. Telephone your order—we are hap;>jr j to oblifre. However there'a • dinner inagiration in a visit to uur I hop (llad to are you. . Good Gosh!! Good GRACIOUS ud also good NIGHT! Have you noticed that in this good LAND of good WEATHER and rood ROADS, good SCENERY and good CROPS, good LIVING CONDITIONS, good- HEALTH and good HUMOR, not to mention good PEOPLE, nearly every body ALWAYS figurea on having a good TIME? One good WAY to make a good TIMS better is to PROV1DB yourself with one of these good Boies of Hallowe'en Candy whic hyou will FIND here at this good STORE at a PRICE that is good for your POCKETBOOK. Moral: Be good; and U you cant be good be careful where you buy your Hallowe'en Candy. "C. P. C." MOUNT AIRY DRUG CO. "A Gm4 Drag For Prompt Dtlimr; HALE'S it* «f UdW SPECIALS! UTUMAY mm4 > of l»Mm' 914.M 9U.M it tr 9tr 500 yds. 474a. Draw Ginghams. . 5c. I « 500 yd* 32-in. Dress Ginghams . .THc 1000 lbs. of QuiK Wadding, bunch, 7c. ■ • ' 2000 yds. good grade 80-ta. ■ Domestic 10c. < 200 pain odd sad cads $3.00 aad .■ $3.50 shoes, 00c. I 100 pain fall rise Cotton Blank ets, per pair $1.4$ v 100 single fujl sixe cotton blankets, 7$c Hundreds of other items at prices un eqnnled. This 9tor»? is chock fall of ail lines of foods bought before the ad vance and we can and will meet any price in this and any other city. We do not carry any seconds. Hale's Department Store AIRY, N. C Again We Lower Prices! Look at These Values: / • Car load Galvanized Roofing just received to be sold at follow ing prices: All Lengths up to 10 feet 11 ft and 12 ft Lengths J4 | Q PER SQUARE J4 20 PER SQUARE Smokeless powder shells, f O - per box, .... Single barrel shot guns, priced as 6C CA low as ^ #V.«Jv L. C. Smith or Fox double barrel guns, hammer!ess, $33 25 Full stock, all sizes, rifles and shot guns. I Furniture Values I V A shipment of Kitchen Cabi net*, Dining Roan Furniture and i Bed Room Suites will arrive for Saturday and be placed on aale at price* that will astound you. HEATERS STOVES RANGES ANY PRICE — ANY SIZE ? i ' -V _ > & Midkiff IkMHH "We don't med prices—We make them