Dobson Court Wrestles With Large Number Liquor Cases smmm tjnart, eoHtft, pen for three years for forcing check* Airy. ta« liquor but mliifct 1m iiiMI 1y found K. He m M 111 mi orer him Aad he ii not U reeetre, buy, sell, pisans, transport, (mbk, glee sway or FIND any Hquor In llw fwri. The Judge itrtiwd the "find" part of Um eentence. Roecoe Wood wm with John on the mim oceaJbn and wu given • Ilk* MitenM except the word "find" vu «i i "1 i from the prori Tlekle vn too frae in that he waa "toting" a pUtol -around and got tndiated coating hira $60 and fha coat. Paul White paid the coat aad moat ahow good behavior for Are yuan for pnseasriag H^aer. What ta da with Jim Hawks gm the court soma food far thought. Ha 1a a T. B. suspect aad seems ta ba ad dicted to the retailing habit Ba had already tarred a term is Jail gad the county has been feeding Um for see- j eral montha, aa ha could not . Hit Honor thought the should not ba lequlwJ longer ta him and «a«e him a road sea not to take effect ea long aa ha days out of the state. He waa gtvaa oae day to ham \ Lloyd Wlleon paid |H aad aoat far with a deadly weapon aad l< atetM for good 1 1 Joe • N, off wtth three years ef , paid their part ef the months on Dm roods Mm Atkins w crime of six months on th 80 days in jhil. from Wythe County, Vs., but Gastoa Sparger, coi--„* i, car whilt drunk, six m ad on his promise to and of good behavior for tin Ahrie Uvmn guilt jr of | ary larceny of W. T. Hsyaos this city gMS to Old BUM But Cos. well to do Bo lt ro farmer of Wsotftsld. wbi to ths roods for four ninths to inol Uboi. Tho negro hod with some of his white nei^ ha got soma cord hoord oad crayons and procssdsd to draw op soma signs and pictures advising the public not to hove anything to do1 with certain parties These ha posted I la various pioeea about Weetfteld. which constituted criminal iihel. W. H. Marion appealed a cooa from tois city oo a charge of lag a parking ordinance, hot jury convicted Mai aad he waa with ths coot. The Clement*—Howard, Colaabfe and Virgil, wore givae Jail m ranging from U days to foar John Haynee, for ly. paid the eost and mast sober aad not drink, soil W any liquor for five yaata, , R. D. Atkins, " »nd of good for five years. 8. L. T) ia jail for liahment «Mk tte htl W. «. tho firm mm Pulp Mi Lin WUe. Tht» ftenahtf laetai aattl villa Thk l»U. th. iataraat of Mr Falp aai th* baa rf «. 8. Uarilla Mi am. fa Itl*. th* father retirei Mi I in, J. A.' Ua villa, has bmm i|intl^ Um tablishment atac* that tian. lb. villa hai *ivea Mat at Ma tha* i tha (tore, to Mr. Unvilla waa oae <* isera of tha KenwraviBa Factory ani continued —tie* la Mb IntaraaU until ttU. Ho waa vMKj praaiiaat of tho Bak of Korean riR* for a aaaahar of year* aai far tha Mat two yaara had hoar ' Ho aonroi aa Mayor aai Mobar of tho Board of A Monaco aovoral laai as la hU affarU Car tha ad odvaaceaaent of Um town. Ha waa a aiaihir of tha liana j Cfah aad ona of tha Jaaler Oriar United Amonrma Mechanic*. Active fa Charch fa aariy Ufa. Mr. Uavilla joined Lwrt Methodi*t Church. Walker towa bat when ha aw aai to Keraora-j riUa ha Uved near tho Mothoiiat Pro teotaat Charch aad berahlp there Ho had thro worker in th* charch aai far aov trai yeara waa auparintaadant of tha I* I«7«, Mr. Ua*Bs married Miss Mary Loaiw Vim, who pmiM, him in death. Eleven cki|irN «n born, but three dM in infancy. Hi*, mrvivoni include: five soma, A. N. I. A. and Waiter S. Linville of br-; nersville; Dr. W. C. Linville, of GoMoboro; E. M. Uarilie, of Mount Airy; throe il«i4 o'clock Saterdsy afternoon from the Kerne rsriiie Methodist Protestant Church. The ministers of Keraers rilis officiated including Rev. E. G. Lowdemiik, of the Methodist Pro testant; Bar. W. G. MacPartand, of the Methodist Episcopal; Re*. J. R. Milter, of the Bajtto, and Rev. Wii Ham Potter and Her. Walaer A Den, of the Mersviaa. Interment was Mads in MeMt Gurr Osasatery. Drug Store All Paof fd IW Iters of W. «. Waifs Dn« Oa/ is all diBMatsd in gala attirs with Win ud •re JhataM faatah WottoII and C. Hitmn af tkia Twiht to nflM > in Aahvrflla far tk. y far tka largaat body «f Methodiata mr imaibliJ to etty, aHlwr far an Tka laat Marly doublad tka toy •ntativas and thar* ara now 4M iatara and board mim*«h faraaca. To tka official thraa and auaiatara will ho largo nniabar of TV fotlnalt mini iter* ara in at-1 tandaaaa from Mount Airy and ry County: Proaidinc EMar Ear. K. W. Pan; Rot. W. A. Nawafl; la*. J. O. Errin; Bar. J. A. Cook; Ear. J. A. Eada; Bar. C. A. Morriaoa; Raw. W. M. Wall, Mount Airy; Baa. M. Q. Tuttla, Dobaon; Ear. Mr. Pilot Mountain; Bar. L. B. Abaraatky,! Elkin. Fine Crowd* Attend Eranf«hstic Mirkw art in prog-1 reea this week at Grace Church with Rev. Waller H. A Ilea pastor of the Moravian Keraeraville and the vial) Church at preaching each avaMiaf at 7 JO o' clock. The Rev. Mr. A Urn waa bora la the Weet Iadiea and U the mo of a Moravian missionary who is the (oreicB (laid for 80 year*. The Rev. Mr. AJJea has beea in the ministry seven yean and was assis tant to Dr. J. K. Hokl two years at the Home Ms flu • __ Dr. ■- •— 1 Midnight Auto Wreck^Clainu Two lira; Another Injured Surry TmmJmt Traiaing CUu At Work and Play TIm Twdwf Training clan of Sir-: ry Coonly ub**rr*d in ths Mount day of Ubt wook. The — mbors of the claw from Mount Airy consisting of Misses Capitola Bolton, Mario Gwyn, Almarie Inman, A Ik* Nor* man and Moedames 0. V. Moor* and J. B. Poor* entertained the entire claaa and instructor, Mrs. Mary G.j Scarborough, also a fow fchiii .t a luncheon at the homo of Mrs. J. B. Poor* in North Mount Airy. Tht homo was tastefully decorated with' chrysanthemum* and other fall flower*. While favor* «uggestivs of Hallowe'en were uaed. A very en-! joyable hour was spent with toasts, songs* and impromptu ipeochee from different inowhois of the das*. On Thursday Mrs. Scarborough was hostess to the momhors of her class at a '* Ridge Hotel. The guests | tractive place sards. AI marie lamaa gave an original toast to teacher to XHM w> ■MHItii waa ghm tka ti adaM ipM tka amki|t k Mm Wn mi Um mm to • frw aUaatoa M carried Um injured to Um hM*. ml aad Um ftn track pot Mrt thi An. Scbamakar waa a uUrt of ittln Hlb. >nd S4 |MH, atoda u4 M * widowad mW, aad worked at Um rfaaa factory. Carter ma aboat M, married, and waa a iakn of tka ud Taaakara «f hd Gin Play A com#dy drmma intitlod MUttk Miaa Jack" win be ffeaa to tka i at Rockford Nov 6 at 7J0 o'clock for Um beaaflt of Um kM. faeuHy aad pupils of thf school taking Dm Ciflt of ckrortori. The drama, which is in four acta, opaaa to Um bowery section ef Mew York ihifUnf from tkarw to a faafc ionabk quarter of the city aad Um Jack ia by a ftraage whim of tela brought from tka darkaeaa af povar ty aad •uff«rla» toto bar rightful of gitai P« *