One-Half Off kb Par Friday and Saturday Oaly 60 Suit*, mostly Hurl and FuUn Park. These suite arc • little out of style now, but will wear to your satisfaction. These mite cost us 9*0.00 and you may have them for flt.00 each. ♦ iiL- •«. yy$'4fH Simmons' Clothing Co. lirv\-«v fr . ai ir ESTABLISH A TRUST FUND TWl U tk« tbioluUly hIi way to provide financially for your wife in cm* of jrour death. It U the establishment of a trust fund, provision for which you thou Id bo iiuro to main la your will. The economic mas ucement of such fund U a feat ure of our institution. Wo be lieve it «iU bo to roar advan tage to get particulars fro* ua Be sure to see this tnde marie"** .v« it' la will be plaaaad U BM la print, and that Um nati fou to aall up or to drop •round to the office stoat It. attain too eat, but to Will ^ ^ touitoln-l to ■ Pi» folk* got tto bad editor ploy* no mm to tto f »r week after | Naturally, to to kawwa, tto weeek with hlti to atop apl hi tto poat-offtea lobby or to oall up| on tto pbona and My: "Dout wbattor you've board about It or not, j but Old Aunt 'Um Jaqkina out on| Route rive dlad Uat night. Ca can cat tto datoUa trow Jim Bower* | here to town. He'* a Or mayb' W"» a wedding to proa port. J uat a tip, If nothing more, will bo graatly appreciated by'your Waal editor. Ha Inoara bow and where to find out tto raat Ha remembera, U that you're bla frtond wbaa you tipl him off to a bit of local naw», andl toll keep a confidence, too. And] then, If tt'a to your advantage Ma time later to gat your mm la tto] newm paper- maybe whan your littlal (hi baa won flrat priu la tto looalj will parhapa remember to My in J pauins that aba'* the daughter of J. D. Maiern. the home town'a gen ial insurance mi lea man who blnualf wa> recently a prlM winner whan to wrote for hi* company more automo bile inaurance during a given calen dar month than any other agent in bla territory, being awarded a gold watch in appreciation therefor. (Ml A' Ye*, it pay* u» stand ia with the lo cal editor, and if you don't know him personally, you ought to gut acquaint ed. You'll find him pretty human and probabily a likable sort after you got to know him. Nest beat thing, if your advance*, then give your new* items to a printer in the shop, the operator, or te the society editor. If there is one—anyone connected with the newspaper. Your contributkm of. news and of news tips will be taken | cure of by any member of tin forcn, and with thanks. Of course, there are other ways, other methods, of getting one's name in the papers. Some of them are of fective. Other Ways For example, if a man rob a hank, heat up hia wife, desert his family, Invade the privacy at another ass's home, allow his ear to run wild, en> •an a Hfe, or wife, fly the eaean, swim the Engiiafc or get himself elected mayor ef hie! village—these things will suruty gut) hia name tote the Russell Fork Coal Co. C. E. COX* Mia«|cr Mt. Airy, N. C. Just A Few More Days! ■ sm Special Prices and Terms on 60-Watt Lamps WillfBe Withdrawn Saturday, November 5th. Our salesmen have endeavored to call upon every customer on our lines in order to acquaint them with the special proposition we have been making on 60-wati lamps. If they have not called upon you, or if they have not found you in, don't wait for them to come back." PHONE 95 AND HAVE ONE OR MORE CARTONS OF LAMPS SENT OUT TO YOUR HOUSE. Here are the special terms offered during our campaign: One carton of sis 00-watt lamp* $1.40 No cash—Pay with your light bill—50-50-40. Don't risk inconvenience and annoyance—keep a carton of lamps on your shelf. And order them NOW, while you think of it—Phone 96. "'.i- , Public Utiles Co ki the nisi . i..' '' ''V *;•••' >• . ■ ■/ -5*