IMC Friday nlfht la npirtii to aar fill M| wwt iw pulled off h#rt., Tho brl«|la| toicotbor of ao Inrgo ■ of boys aad girli from all of tho cvmt) will bo a fool Tho mombors of Um p iirjr club art brinainc alone wt*' h«m ono of tholr birds which will bo sold at pab Ik aucUba la front of tho hotel at 4.90 Friday aftornoon. Tbo pro from the aala of thaaa bird* late a faad for tbo parcbaaa of far* brad on* aad fowl* by tho County A««wt Koory Kiwaalan la urfod to bo both at tbo auction aala aad that evoninK and bolp to *Wo tbo yoanc folks tbo boot "— Mr. aad Mrs. Louti Burton Ml Taaadajr with IMr littW aoa Hairy far Charlotta whane aa oparattaa wiD ba parfonaod on tha child', foot which waa turaad aa a raaalt of ia fantila paralyse If Um oparatlaa ia aoeaaaaful tha specialist thinks Um Uttta hojr wilt ha abla to walk aataral Far tha put two yaars tha Mttla bay has haaa ndn tha ear* of Dr. Millar Um aur*aon who will oporaU. Mra. lartia will ramaia ia Char lotto aatil tha child U ahla to ha waak aa a motorcycle trip to Tosas whara ha wtB atatt Ma alatar Mra. ■am Rtvtww fjiiniarlti Ml»— ORn Druwn, lormeriy Allan MJiiv form. Mr. Sins baa i bar of Suaday school institutes la Sorry County, and H wall known to many of the worker* hi Mount Airy and throughout the Associated with Mr. Sim* in the eon rant ion will be Or. M. A. Hon-' ltM, Pasadena. California, who will Viva a rariaa of addresses on differ ent themes of Svnday school work. Dr. HonKna is said to b« one of the most noted Sunday School worker* that has arm via*ted North Carolina. I From the officers of the Mount Airy Township Sunday achool aaao c let km. comae the information that all indicatioae point to a record breaking attendance at this Sp»ci«l Mnmn war* mad* in IW »ppoi*tm*nU at tka Amkaa la Mount Airyv Rn. R. M. DMgfcarty fonaarly paatar at tka Hawtkaraa Una Church at Ctalatt* MMMfad* bv. W. A. Nawail aa paa tar at Caatral Matho> «t Church aad Kav. G. W. William* uf Rufftn rac aaada 9m. 1. 0. Ervia aa paator at tb* Maakfurd Straat Churelt A* an noaaaad laat waak Bar. i. A. Caok ratiroa from tha actlv* pa* u>rata aad h«S« »acc.«dad by lav. H M WaU The R*v Mr. Nmll return* to tit* presiding eldership tod will have chare* of Shelby District, the It*. Mr. Krvin goes to Charlotte. D«Hn| his stay hart the Rev. Mr. Newell has not only filled his pulpit with credit to himself and the church hat has organised and lead lelief work among the poor to aa extent never before undertaken by the focal church, constructive work such as making K possible fw ailing and da-' factive folks to have medical or agr-' gieal treatment to pat them la condi tion to become healthy aad self sup porting aa wall a* looking aftor the ordinary cases of Illness aad poverty. He has enlarged the borders of the denomination by opening up a church at Plat Rock where a fine piece of property has been bought including a granite building where preaching sad Sunday school are held aad wort Warn ^||Q ftlhUlhtd §t FtlAUill is held in the school'boiMinr He and hit family have won many warm friends who will regret that the bishop awl his cabinet have seen fit to remove him from the pastor ate bar*. The Kev J. 0. Ervin who haa baa* pastor of the new Rockford Strset Church only one year is trans ferred to Spencer Memorial Church Char lotto, he and his family also have won a warm plain in the regard of many of oar psapls. TV Kev. Mr. Daagherty who aa the new pastor of Central Char ah Is classed vss aae of Mm leadta« mm la the eaafarence, a maa who haa a personality which glees him eatrgpee to the hearts of his hearers, a fine preacher aad a great leader of men.- Before going to Charlotte he served the Weet End Chink la Win ston-Salem far tour years. The Bev. Mr. Williams needs m lain ins effort. wipe a clean alatd'aa far aa the county highway commiaaion la anaw. To do thia Iwwww would ba to nullify all tha work dona by Um auditor aa tha highway booka aad taav« loaaabtdy tha bag to bald, for at Ota wmmtimg Moaday it b aaid that Mr. Haadrteka had furtkar claiata for work aad la aakiag $2240 for tha work aa tha klgkvay booka. Tha highway miariialaa la not badgiac mm ML Thar «y tkay acraad to tha employment af aa aa ditoa to audit tha baaka of tka hi*b to With tha 1 u moaay. Farther it And now mm* a bill far |tW aad the qaaattaa af a tka highway Anyway tha audit la made far tha hichway comraiaaioa aad aa far that body baa rafaatd to accayt tha aa dit, It la ready bat not amplad aad at tha thojr inU ha to Ik* h«yer lk(|r had to carry the approval eyto toa of tlM ha* legal flnu to ikt north. And for • toj— to mm forth aad 4oai* Um ll|l») of «B A,' of tie put to Monday Mr. I» hi* full Mil for mm *1.800 for tlM •r ttom of ahowt |7M lor the t another for Um highway for aboat 1275. and ca e»p of aiao an Dm of SIM for auditing tho ihorifTi MWO on the work laarin* *17 9710 for the Tho whole ma it or td Um boards win ad try to aad dollar* for ft Mwof Otolk Car Mm Interest Was Intense In Vir ginia Elections on Tuesday Voter* in CarroU and Patrick Split Tickets and Disregard Party Lines—Wesnan Parted to LsgisUlare in CarrolL