LETS LAUGH A boy toft the farm to (et ■ )eh la Um city. He wrote to his orother, who stack to Um farm, telling him of the joys of city life, he Mid: "Thursday we autoed oat U the country club whore we golfed until dark. Then we motored to the beach for the week —d " The brother «a the farm wrote back: "Yesterday we ba3 For tho •Public Health Nursing pro it ram, a na tion wide activity of tho Rod Cross. IM1.MI ** wh expended. Other serv leoa contributing to health aad well be lac Included Instruction la Home Hyiioae ud Care of the Btck. lor which I1U.M0.1* waa spent: Natrt tlon Inatrqctloa, which tear bee thou aanda annually correct food principles la relation to health. 1171.170 71: Pint Aid aad Ufa Sarins, a service which to actually curtailing- accident •ad water easaAltloa. MH.'HM; Junior Red Croaa, the child rea's branch of Rod Croaa activity, aad one of the moat unique organisations la the world. Hlt,UUt Other Rod Croat Chapter activities. Including Home Service to clvlllaaa amounted to IIJM.MO; while other national domeatle operations required $131.147.IT. Aa outstanding Americaa coatrlhu tlon to tho re* of tho world -to Red Croaa aaalataaoa ta foreign dlaaatora. which tho report ahowa. called for MM.MS to the aad of tho I seal year Activities under the League of Red Cross Societies, Junior Red Croaa foreign prolacta, asatotaace to A aer ie an Insular chapters, aad other for eign and Insular work completed the demands on the total approprtatiea for the year. These expsedltares were cited by Chairman Payee as emphasising the need for s growing membership aad Increased Income. Red Croas Nurses Aid In Every Great Disaster Two major dtoasters, the Plorlda hurricane aad the Mlasteslppl loot, .required the daifltee of Red Cross aarsesja large aamhers over a long period at time ta the past year. la the Plorlda atom, senilis of M aarsea la nmlil It la sotlaaeted Oat shout 1M ethers aaatoted la the tnt lew daye aa velaataors. .The total ■aahar of a erase la the MMsalppI tbaagh they are ea daty ta haapltali aad la prlvsM practice They rsastl tele the reeeree at the Amy aad Nary aaree eerpa ta ttoae of war. Devesth Aaaeal Roll Cell of the Red petated awl. to ea niirlaaltr tar ri. and Sat ■V". .1 hi IU* Jl '4 ' * mm >m ■ -■ ■'*• .jrm , Co. . *> SS8F 5,5 "The Better Clothes" v"v%uto f CHE\ ROI \ In rtwuawh at Aassrirsn hot— thwt iw now two automo biles—"■ car tor her, too," ao cKat there nay be transportation for the fcrnih while "he" drive* to business. And the itmily car hu such an infinite iiim of usefulness neighborhood shopping, running downtown, taking the H trhfH»l, ralL—ytul umiy trips that must be matie as pert of every day's w ork. Became it is ao easy to arte* and park . . . becauae it is so decidedly amart and comfortable, today's Chevrolet la an out OidlM fcvorka among women driven everywhere—provid ing. in abundant measure, the misty, charm and slsgi nee that woman demand in their personal cars. Cone—and saa the beautiful Chevrolet models. You*11 find' —at these Low Prices! 2U . .'595 E£T"*"745 SU. ■ 625 "Sszsi'39s EttT.^695 ,T£is£»495