The unwuunded marine then con tinued down th* valley carrying hi* wounded companion. Arriving at a eavs they took refugo far the nigbt, la the meantime th* escaped prisoner reached Sandino and related what hall ^happened. The guerilla -leader thereupon dispatched • patrol of M er 40 man who piefcod up the trail, •potted with blood loft by the wound # fd marine. Reaching the cava. Sandino'a man concealed themselves near it and epened fire on the marine aviator with his wounded companion as they left the cava for Jlcaitt. The two ma rines opened fire upon their aaaall ants and killed several men each be fore they fell. "How lone you fan Jail fo', Moeef "Two weeks." "What am da chaga?" "No cha'ge, everything am ftaa." "Ah mean, what has you did?" "Done ahot my wife." "You all killed yo* wife and only In Jail fo' two waahaT" "Dat's all—then I git* tan*." She My first husband had much Ha—I doat see it. We wore both foolish erxfegh to marry you. SYDNOR * SPARGER MOUNT AIRY, ft C dulled Lindbergh's popularity la the capital, to which he returned 'w Ui' first triumphal wilnai to thia MM try, was atteetod throcfhout tha day.1 Throne* cheered him from tha he laaded. Hi* appearance I cd everywhere by a Qttick of admirara, aad whan ha walhad to tha Whita House, accompanied by j fallow aria to rm, ha did l in avoiding attention by paaeiag to] tha raar of tha crowd awaiting him. S Maato Bath Bdar The first meetiag betwoea Lindi bergh and Ruth Eldar took plac* as they waited for luncheon to bo sorv ed at tha White Houss. Lindbergh accompanied Mrs. Coolidge to tha! table, while the President accom panied Miss Eldar. Upon leaving tha executive man-] •ion, Lindbergh biuahingly poaad far photographers standing beaide Mies Eldar. Whoa he had left, she said: "Hs'i a poach." Lindbergh, guarded by police, dodged aeroaa tha White; Hooaa lawn to tha war dapartn for a talk with P. Tniboe Davison, | assistant secretary ai war. The only airman .invited to luncheon who could not attoad was Bart A costs, who waa detained in New York state by aagiaa trouble while oa route here by air. May Find Nun* of Uakaawa Paris. —The day ia approach | iag whan tha Unknown Soldier slssf ing in Arlington Comatory any no I longer be unknown. There ia little peeaibility that his name and rank will aver bo exactly known, bat within ton years at tha moat, it win ha possible to peat a Hat of ton or twelve heroes etf tha A. E. F- aad aay that one of them liaa un der the Imposing a lab at Arlington. Of the 60,004 Americana killed ia Franco the War Department knows of the burial place of all bat MOO. It ia te And thia mteeing legion of 000 daad that a staff of man ia comb ing tha battlaftolde, systematically, a work which will wgriw to to a stake in Um old lia* of th* Ty mm Evuu conwr of Um S3.1-S mi* tract *m «km; thane* WMt a kmc «hi» old Hi* to the baginataf. Con Laining 88.10 acm more or Waa. 8m tad book M aa«a U4. SaW made to latwjr a balance of mi.88 principal, intermit and coat of sale to add. ThU the 18th day of Not. 1M7. • Edw. M LinrilW, Trust**. •■nanHnaaanBrsaani V" . ■ A- .■ 1 / 3k41 SATURDAY 1:30 P.M. Wr u p„ , .I, - • • v» ncmi mugs r ropcrty Located One-Half Mfle From City Limits Near State Highvay No. 80 and on laqprored Road. 15 Par Ccat Cask, Balance Easy. Sal* of , i %' , REMEMBER (!•••• Tmm of Sale: 1:30 P. ML Follow The W. C. HEMM1NGS -7V" >!$"#< }" ' % irst Frost ■ ' : 1 Use an Electric Heater When it's loo cool to be without a fire and too warm with one, that's the time you need one of these electric heaters. Move it about from room to room. Just attach it to'a light socket So convenient, so simple. So economical. Always ready for instant The big flood of cheerful heat drives away the cold. Dad can shave without shivering, the kiddies can dress and play with safety and comfort « Chilly Days WHh Everybody Caa Be Get yours today. Sold on usual espy terms. $6.00 to 910.00 Values Now Selling For $4.00 to M Per