ire 10 par cent of IIm first oa day of Mb: one-third December l, Its* Md on# third payable December I, i»» with interest from data of sale, interest payable WMfer, Any person interested hi purr has Ins any of the above pceueily cm tall on J. V. and T..M. fiarsh at Ararat, N. C., who Will ha pleased to The above Mia will ha made in pursuance of «alhaiM| aad direction of the hut will and teeUment of C. F. Simpson, doceaxed ThU November Id, 10*7. J. V. NAUH. T. 1L MAMMA, Executors af Laet Will aad of C. f. Simpeon, da'd. TMIITSri SALE By virtue af authority curtain dsed of treat ntntad July 14, 1M7 by Clinton M. Childress and wife M. L Childreaa to John A. Cutchins and M Folder, trastee, which daad af trnat la registered tat the office of the Register of Deads for Surry County la Book M, pan 470, record of deads of truet, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby and at the request af the bolder of said nates, the understated will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door in the town of Dobeon, Surry County, North Carolina oa the 1Mb day af December. 19X7. at 1 o'clock P. M, the following described real proper ty, to-wit: Lying and being in Mount Airy Township, Surry County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands «f Philip Warshaw and others, beginning at a aApnae n# finviti* —* —- - 4 Agkjl t|» A corner ox opnng sirefi ana Drota street, runs South 3# deg. 30 min. Weet ISO feet I inches to ^ke; thence North 4» deg. SO min. feet 4 inches to antron stake 5J PMMp Warahaw Una: thence North w 2sr«: See daad Book 108, fid to C7 jL^Mm?by e" P*¥o„ 'and wife Virginia lfoaer, by daad dated the10th day of July, l#kWnd w 679 , . TWs «ale made auMeet to a first «■ »»W CSh. executed I $ * Chikhmw and wife to Pint National Bask af Durham, North Carolina, trustee, first deed of trust This November 16th. 1MT. John A. Cutchins A Fred Folger, for Sale, Rent of Exchange ms. lit acres 2 miles from Mount Airy splendidly lo cated. 86 to 40 acres freak land in cultivation. Good for tobacco, grains or other products. Hog and Cow lota with running water. Large Poe try lot with good building. Residence, bam, grainery practically new and in 'good oooditkm. Reasonable cash payment aad liberal terms oa bal 1 if desired. Would exchange for city te right man for standing rent subject to — A. V. WEST, Moewt Airy, N. C. -.V—T--— - Capital's Polk. Women Stem! High in First Aid . 11 Ha* Cr«M ftrat aid num. Tttla to ptrhapi tto am wa man'« snap a* tha kM to to mmmrM tto apaalal a, at MM ftm *■*- ■■ A - - —« "T#l WV li^^^pVv'v can M Croaa to takan a# iiwpli tian af tto Miln. Tto Had Craaa to tto paat yaw *ualWad Mill paraana to Prat aid and mM aanitotoaa to mum* tors af palloa and to dapartunla. Industrial yawp* and wtHRtaa am All nyAa t 11|j4Aai Tto Blevcatb AM ami Roll Call of tto Amrr.can Bad Croaa. during which •aw memtorahlp la Invited, wfll to hald thla yaw froaa Noroator It to M NOW SHOWING 1 On our floor a beautiful display of new fall patterns and designs in Living Room Suites, Tables and Odd Chairs. BRIGHTEN UP Now is the time to brighten up the liv ing room for as the cold days come the living room will be used more. We Trade— W« will tain la yov old •ttiu or odd pise# at a fair CARTER-WALKER FURNITURE CO. MOUNT AIRY, N. C keeps right on delivering , enjoyment . * ) ■ '• * '•>:%'■: * , i . i " . j* ... ... ■ 4 / „ i j Jri,*!'] I. : C . ". V. ■ . . fJl, • ( • Camel holds the leader* ship because it delivers complete smoking plea sure—that's Camel's platform. .H ' If al dgrnmmmwmmm m—d M Cm mi I yam iinniUii'ifcwr M*l