Or. J. P. Cm It ta i. a o>nn.» Nr. ari Mn. K AJ Mr. sad Mrs. H. 0. WoKi Ml Tbm dmj tm am otowUb trly rlirii(> Um VaBtjr of Virginia to Ni* Yortt CHy. Mr*. MMh Croaay la abb to stt Im • wbaal chair in tha aanitorium .■ ■Ma to (tend the trip, fa bar* in Mr*. Note Taylor, of at tha waak wlmlin from tlon ipaal to Virginia with miraa to tha booM of Mr. ami MM. Julio* Eldridgo Monday Re*. E. 0. Dtrii ^a«t the first foar (toy* at tha waak attending ttw wiHh and Mini to Mmm. Tha Rav. Mr. Davis was stads iawatoi| af tha convention. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Ltarilte of tha dty Monday with Mr LtoriOa'a brathar, Edw. M. LinviUa. Thay war* anroota to attend tha funeral of Mrs. UnrilUs grandmother, Mrs R. F. Jackson at Waatflald. Mrs. J. D. McCollum waa te tha aiamban of tha Entr _ Book etob Thursday evening whan rook fnrniahad entertainment far tha guests Mrs. N. H. Wright, of Win •ton-Saiem. guest of Mrs. E. H. Eocb tittky waa tha only nan ad, wafers, pumpkin pis _ wara Maadamaa E. C. A. B. SomarvHla, Mia Pries, Elisabeth Lovtll and Mary Hollingsworth. On Friday after nbon Mrs. McCollum waa hi«t«a« te reok «n played at mm >iMh. Mr*, J. D. Smith, Jr., t racnrt hrldr received with the Imtiir TV kick Mart prta* ■ patted blu—lag (ioilik «m ww by Mm. Carroll Hill and a «ift of linea >a* prmaM ta Mrs. SaUtK. DaKcioo* ' refmhmeata followed the playtoc Mlaa Mary Taylor waa hoateaa ta rirht fir la of tha high echool aat Fri day nirht at a atomber jarty to hon or of Mlaa Joah Fay* Err to. who, with her parent* the lav. and Mr*. J. O. Ervto, leavee thla waak ta auk* her future horn to Chartattn Bach at the tori tad gwaata with tha hoata*. printed a maaaery sMt., ta IhaM ■ehoohaate Mlaa Ervto. Keok waa played to the early evening followed Thanksgiving We know that next Thursday will b« THANKSGIVING DAY but If you are reading thia MESSAGE of oom this week EXPECTING to find OUT what we an THANK FUL for besides all. the BUSINESS yon folks hart SHOVED our way the past YEAR you art going to bo DISAPPOINTED. Wo hnoo a lot of things to bo THANKFUL for and you'd bo SUBFBOBD nt sons of them if we told you, eo we are NOT going to BUST out b> PRINT with all the DETAIli just now, but inotasd are inst going to TELL yon about these boxes of NOR RB CANDY bore at the STORE which will do a lot to make YOUR Thanksgiving mom wMsynbls. Moral: That la If yon buy some of MORRIS CANDY. -c.». a mYDRUG CO. —— MarbU it tL 1 Crawford, to Dry J Whereas the President of these United States and the Governor of our good state have declared that November 24th shall be set aside as aday of Thanks* giving, We, the following merchants doing business in the Town of Mount Airy, N. C., announce that our places of business will be dosed on Thanksgiving First, Because we have been greatly blessed in this community. Second, Because the Churches of our town will have Thanksgiving service. Third, That our employees may have a day of rest Day, November 24th— (Signed)