to 8WtfT» Offlo Make Your Hut to Take Y« Thanksgiving Dinner AT Blue Ridge Hotel "The Place of Dinner— 12:30 to 2:00. Supper— 6 to 7:80. E*rly Price $1.00 i ANNOUNCEMENT ? BABY CHICKS i W. hav. takan ow ud will opmti th* Sun*«t Hatchery. for nMrly ownad by Mr. C. F. " " Tha first Mttin* will hi Daeatnber 10th. r—t»i IMM ktT°OT^mIf 1>Hked' Tj.1?? ***** <«So fa»l> faiy I ..JpHpigHMfQ) b# r*+top»d, «qy*pptd wftU i dsa.'&rjr"""" v I Mount Ai Airy Hatchery October wwrtid U HN.1I while the dlitwrniKi to) HU.SM.2S, of which 1*60,191.92 paid the hdml Intermediate C bank of Baltimore on the orifiM debtedneas of the umlitlon or on uhtiKM m«ui« to the nmI for operating parpoeea. The receivers have on depoai ■ tl.eii credit the ram of *300,24 cf which la not avail for checking and 1*7.17 of whfe hrU for United States court acct win* a checking balance of I 4:>0.C2. The entire amount of f. 241.46 is divided as fallows: A cultural Credit corporation, Dan 914JM6.8S and $9.17; Peoples First National bank, Charleatoa, $12,606 Ji'J. STETSON FORTUNE MAY GO TO CAROUNA FOLKS Fammdmimi rf Skip off Coaat Caused Jokn B'a. Son to Marry Carolina Girt Elizabeth City. Nor. 18—Ths foundering of • ihip off tka North Carolina coast near Nogs Head, 70 years ago, tet in motion a train of event* that nay brine to an Elisabeth City family, in very modest circum stances, a fortune beyond wildest A mans the Mrvivors of the wreck was the late Thomas Poster Stetson • son of John B. Stetson, of Boston, widely known hat manufacturer. Thomas' Foster Stetson came ashore at Nags Hand. It was mid-winter and rather than risk a ship wrack by a trip from the coastal wilderness back to civilisation Stetson remained thai*. Romance entered the picture. Thomas Foster Stetson inartiad a daughter of the coast country and settled down to lire nt Collingtoa, -s few miles north of Nags Head. He died 40 year* age leaving two child ren, Ada and Louis. The daughter married Thomas Crank, captain of a fishing boat that plied the North Car , olina sounds and ultimately settled in Elisabeth City where aha still » sidea. Louis Stetson Uvea In Norfolk. John B. Stetson died leaving a for tune estimated a» $1,500,000. Accord lag to Information recently placed in the hand* of Mrs. Crank and her children, all of his childna except Thomas Poster Stetson, died without la the laat Uw day* —kin of the Crank family ham haaa th com lt% YEARS TO FAY IT BACK. '; ,r,, - . LT av IF YOU DIE, THE MORTGAGE IS CANCELLED Tur Wife ttd CW* m wm lUv • Inm Pm Of Mi COSTS NO MORS THAN THE 0TRE2 KIND ■■■■ V * * LIT US TSLL YOU ABOUT "A MORTGAGE WITH A CONSCIENCE" SECOND MOKTCAG MOUNT A»Y, N. C ■" ^ JOS. A EADS Reconditioned Rights and Priced Right I This square-deal neoa ditianinfr and Mlbac poi Jim p^oSy^aFwUt rou mt whm rombmym II gjv > of miles ofda Dmdabkwvice. Look for oar red "0. f tat wben baying a und ear. Itw; Surry Sales Co. I S TUDE BAKER, TSX ©HEAT INDrriNDENT Ton are Interested In The Dictator's records of mlle-a-minute speed (or 24 hours, because: pst nat oassss power hi a Plstetsr Aei ths shore firii prore that thsso hatsm have hesa So well bulb i» the Smdcbakcr DictaMr dbt nor car mi be driven 40 Mile* per hour from tb« day you bay it ntml oil >n4 be changed only at WOO alia tntarraU. Tba cbatiU need be NEW tOW PRICES