Detail, d Price* •' ea New Feed ai*«C • for • woah in two to Uw UnKad lUlw oarryto* Um tioiu at Um mv car. Th* Wwrtto ntwt of tli* Qraaite City Motor Co, of thia city, ippwitor to thia 1mm j StTM mm mt Um m«* important faeU ikNt Um mw ear. Friday to Um day Mt for offWiai abowtoff of tto oar whon all tofonaation to aoaaot Uon with Um car will bo given Um pobHc at Um rarioao Ford agaMtoa. The mw Ford u doolgMd ia mad* to six body typo*, and can bo bad to Mtvoral different combiaatioM of aul ora. Some of thr faaturoa of it eon atot of four- wbMl brakea, hydraulic abock abaorbora, guaranteed to make 66 to 00 aaitoa an bow with eaao, baa oil pump aad water pump, battery aad diatributer Ignition ayatem. dr> - diac ciateh and atandard thro* ap**d (Mr, ateol a poke wbMla, and • com** completely equipped with all: Eaccoaaortao found oa Um modorn high pricod ear. i A demonstration of the car wa* held |a Detroit Wednesday in the presence of the newspaper man fath ered from all parte of the country for Uw occasion, at which time the new price* for the varioua type* ware announced. Before announcing the pricee to the scribes the ear waa giv en an elaborate obetaele taet. Through blinding eddies oi (now, and over, nitty roada, rim deep In mud, the oar waa driwi at <2 mile* aa boar., twirled abotK, brought to abrupt halta and taken around curveat at a' terrific pare. At the conclusion of the demon atration, Ednel Ford, la charge ef the earamoniea, waa beaieged with que* tiona regarding the secret of the lev erage of the machine. It waa explain ed aa due to a combination of new eiemente which war* previously an nounced. In anewwr to other ques tioaa, Mr. Ford aaaerted "lite com pany hope* to reach a production of 1,000 ears a day by January; will continue to make parte for the old model T machines; will pro duos a •mailer machine for the French and English trade and to moat resistance of high horaepower* tax la theae coun tries; that plana for patting oat the. new ear ware conceived four years] •«o." Trucks: Truck and chaaais $400; track chaaaia with eab IMS; track chaaais with eab aad express body 9000; track chaaaia with cab and •take body 9010; track chaaaia with eab and platform body 9006. The prices, given out by the Ford Meter Car Co., repreaent an increaae over the coat of the old model T. ma chines rith the exception of one type the tuour sedan. The f. o. b. price of tie* as as Ford machtnss ars ooa fsiysd. aa similar type having been The phaetim, or touring ear, of the /M type aoll for 9900, while ths now type price Is 9909. IV old type 9996. nil i SKULL nUCTWP IN «M etoged to ha halt at the aahool MMtaf rday atgbt. bat owing let bnr i» UM aeghhorhood the oimntMi «m ealled off. AWwt • hundred liowever gathered Xl«il for tho *■«**! »ti iwl Hardy «u m of I ho number. A boat two o'-toofc that niirht Or. S. T. Flippin «m •rouaod by mm «•: hortlin at hi* door mm! when ho aaawared tho mil ho found Hardjr iy-1 ing on the porch, hut thooo who had ealled him had dieappoarad. Dr. Flip pin droaaod tho wound* of tho iajar or man and aaxt lonting ho waa brought to tho hoepltoL Sheriff Haynoo whon notified of tho affair had hie depatiaa investi gate tlx matter which load to the arroet of two youth*, Joel Key and Everett tloaa. Young Key admit* be in* tho one who a**aultod Uardy aad •ay* Mo** had nothing to do with the fight. Key claim* that Hardy a* the fight. Key claims that Hardy wa* upon him and that he threw a rock at him ctriking him with deadly aim between the eye*. The boy readily gave a bond of |t00 for a hearing when Hardy ia able to attend, ahould he be fortunate enough to recover, j All port to* to the affair are pron», inently connected and wall known in the aouthorn part of the count). Miaeea I'ullen. Tripletl, Walker am^ Dudley of the 1927 graduatinf rUuu of Martin Memorial Hoapital have paaaed the North Carolina SUU Board examination*. J^iiee PotWh re main* with MartinJ0^nu,rmi Hoapiul u nfgtot luperintendenb Miae Dud ley haa iMUd ia lto^ioke, Va., where the WNkuac pr/»aU nursing, Miaae* TripM tiihl(lker are lo cated In WlnafhH-Salrm *Hare they will da private dity thouch at pree enl Miae Tripiett ia on fecial duty at the hoepita! here. ^ Rev. Albertu* Perry,' D. D.. waa al vialtor in thla city Tueeday. Dr. Par ry ia tooHnc the South ia the inter eat of the Boring Travel Serviee of New York City with which ha ia con nected In the capacity of (reap di rector and lecturer and waa director of the group with which Meedawee P. D. Holcomb and C H. Hayoet toured the Holy Land*. He waa gaeet of Sheriff and Mm. Haynea at lunch' Tuesday and haa been invited to Make a viait here later (or the par poee of |iv|g| a lecture. TEN CO-OP WAREHOUSES REMAINING TO.BE fOLEtf at • p. m. Tto pmtrM wM Ik by tha Shields Trio mi each la an art tat af ant. TMr program la tfe and ana)m TW Shields Trte la really Um Extremely at talented, elr* at aad |UM. It la moat unaeaal b find la ana family euek pre*—I abil »ty The program* which tboee young ara af irreelatibfa tivata ha piantat uf ability. Lauma la a drmattc nadir. Pow ar and personsltty are tba fascinat ing high-lights In her work. She ap peals to y»unc and old as aba draw* from a rich repetotre of hoth humor mu and dramtic selections. She la al to an excellent alti|«r llattie-Sell, 'cellist, poe>see« apian did terhnlqur and lovely ton*, fiho plays with oqual aklll tha oH favor ites and tha works of tha maatara. Small Boy Struck by Qhr Skull Fraeturad ! * Cameron Easter, a aU year old boy of ('ana. Va.. waa (truck by a car near tba aviation field Saturday afternoon and suffered a fractured skull. The little boy la reported to have jumped from a track on which he had been riding and started aeroea the road in front of tha ear which hit him and threw him some dlatanee. tils brought to the hospital where remains a patient. The car was driven bjT a Mr. Cull er who came at once to the office of the sheriff to report Um caae. Wlt of the accident are said to free Mr. Culler from blame In the deplorable affair. Small Boy Accidentally Shot The three year old son of Mr. aad Mr*. Uwmn Newman, of Dug Spur. Va. ia making a bravo fight for life at Martia Memorial Hoepital where ho ia suffering from a run that wound in the abdomen and hip in flicted accidentally by the child'a brntlwr a week ago last 8atarday. Some children ware playing with the weapon when it waa fired, Um little fellow waa ia quita a serious condi tion bat is slowly improving. Mia* May McAra To Wod Dr. Job* L. Aahby LustAaap, JPtt, N«wr W-Vltr. aad Mrs. Daniel Hunter MeArn. of Laur Inburg, announce the snfafMsat at their daaghter May to Dr. John La Fajrette Asbby, of Moant Airy Iks wadding to taka place daring the Christmas holiday^/ Qunrtarty (fiirfgrni at Salw The first quarterly meeting for Salem Methodist Church will be held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning Dec. 3 with prsarhlng by Bar. K. W. Fax. Mr*. McCraary had ta her jaual health and *u trying to M •iat te Mttltaw up Um affair* of Mm aetata until stricken with paralysis a ahort while before her death. j < The funeral wu wfcdid from tha home of Mr. and Mr*. Dtxia Mc-11 Creary on tha Fancy Gap road Act-1 urdoy and Interment made in tb» cemetery at Moant Carmal Church wherr tha bodtaa of tha four victirea of Hjrhtiling wara interred about ton 1 weeks nn. Giwm A Club Cook Book Whan ptannine your Chriatauw J rtfti remember that tha Woman's Club still has on hand a limited nuan- , bar of tha club rook hooka which t make eaaellaat gifts for all woman , young and old who ara intoraatod in ( tha gentle art of feeding a huaband , or a family. That tha cook hook la | appreciated outside oar own town •vma recently illustrated whan tha | club praaldant received aa urgent message to forward a doaen rook ( hooka to another atato where a Mount , ahe wrote "all my neighbors wast thorn and if you da not sand thai , mine will ha warn out by my neigh- , bora borrowing H." Mooey For Soldier* of Lata War All veterans of the World War who • haw not already nudt applteatioa for their adjusted compensation ear-1 tificate, commonly railed "Bonus In-' surance" should do *o before Jan uary 1, 192* as that is the data after which no applications will be oonsld ersd Thar* are at least one-half mil lion -x-soldiers with approximately i a billion dollars worth of this insur ance who hairs failed to make appli- > cation for H, away of these are H> this community. It coats nothing to make the applteatioa and Geo. K. Snow will look after this far the lo-j cal post of tbs American Legion and for any ex-senrtos mm withoot .charge. f ^Moravians Will Hold Lore J Feoat The public is cordially inrited to join with the members of Oraea Ho-; ■ rarian Church at 1:80 p. m. nest ; Sunday when they will hold a hire feast. The address of the afternoon | will be mad* by Atty. Pnd Folger. The usual preaching m>lw will he conducted by the pastor Re*. C. T>. Crouch at the usoal hear at mws ing worship, 11 a. m. The pHe Is welcomed at all ssrrtaas. I 1, Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago — - 1 Interesting Items (i leaned From the File* of Tks .Mount Airy .Ww* 31 Year* Ago This Week Few people take th* tint to real ae the number of boy* and girl* who mr* oar own ■action and go out into k* world and thara maka moat crea te Me aaooaaa and reputation In tmr ou* flaid* of endeavor. Jaat recently >ur attention Has been railed to tk* u>ceiu of tka aon of C. T. Hall, of he Pine Rid*, taction. Young Mr {all I* a graduate of A. A I. Col eg*. Kaleigh, and ia now eounty igent for Halifax County, Va., and eceutly the hoard re-elected him for i third term. Hb re-election waa tka wbject for an intonating editorial n hie county paper, tka article ba nc beaded. "A Thanksgiving Gift 'or the Farmer*." Tka article waa ia follow* and roe* to »how the *uc •n that Mr. Hall ia making in hi* rork among th* people of hi* adopt "On behalf of the hundred, of armor* whom ho ha* helped durinc ho past two year*, wo take thla op •ortunity for thanklnf tho Board of Inpervtaor* of Halifax County for hair action on laat Monday in p«V inr the work of County A font RaU •dUnf oar faroert how to tMr land to literally aave H been given to her which we publish htmrttli. Any loUwn whoa* mm ha* been omitted or ujrooe who knows of a hum which ha* not baaa published will do tho county and the soldier a favor to nport at one* to Mr*. P. 8. Rothroch, Pino at root. Mount Alty. Tho now hat follow*: E. W. Amburn, woundod In «rtli» Ladouia; Dr. Edward C. Aahhf, Mount Airy, Joooph Henry AUrod. Mount Airy; Ernest Brig**- Rock ford; William Brim. killed la rraaee, Dobaoa; A. 0. Bryan, Elkin; Janaoa Mount Airy; Byron W. Gentry, Mouat Airy; George Gray, killod In actioa, Elkin; G. C. Graham. Elkia; Fraak Joyeo, Elkin; B. L. J of fords, Elkia; Robert Johnson. Mount Airy; Eg bort H. Jones. Mount Airy; Lacy Lswson, killod in Franco, Whita Plates; William Mcknight, killod. Mount Airy; Chartie G. McCraw, Mount Airy; William A launder Mc Craw, Mouat Airy; Cotumbaa W. KoberUon. Mount Aim Robert Riffi died In F ranee, Doboon; Milaa RoyaO. Elkin; Robert Edward Smith, Mouat Airy; Claude D. Smith. Mount Airy; Gay W. Sparger, Mount Airy; Paal J. Spargar, Mount Airy; Carl Ste mons. Mount Airy; Gaorge K. Snow, Mount Airy; DoWltt Sparger, Doh son; Claude WoHx, Dob ton; Charlie Whita, Elkin. Colored Martin Shattoa, Elkia; Thastoa Tucker, Mooat Airy. As aooa aa the entire Het of the soldiers can be corrected and the pro per additions mad* to it The News