SYDNOR A SPARGER Imotum Agents MOUNT AIRY, N. C FORDS Wanted [' Will trade good building l lot* on Lover's Lane, lead ing from Bannertown to Flat Rock, will trade for | Fords. Also one on Her ring land near CroM Roads. T. M. Robertson MOUNT AIRY, N. C. Chiropractic If you are sick and will in vestigate chiropractic with an » open mind, yon will never re it. To get well ia not such • dif ficult thine to do, providing yon (fet to the cause of year trou ble ** Chiropractic dealt directly with the caoae of many dis eaaea—why not inveatigate chiropractic. The result* that rhiroprac adjustments have given to to convince ■:r':?■'i Ev*nlnc worship 1» P. M. Christian Endcamr—Swi. Mt P. M.I Pniwr ■! i iHng, WW. ..... .TM P. M. Tlx f'hristiaa Endaaror MtMy will havs char*s at tha rrrniag Mr-! rfca naxt Wasday a* 1M. TIm y«b-; He Is tirrrtad to this sarvtsa. Tha ladtos aiiaalanary iwligi will ■m( Thursday svmiivr •» 7:10 at the hoM of Mrs John Hafchsns on, ChuTrh Itrwt REV. C D. CROUCH. Paotar Sunday School ..._ 1:46 Ay M. Momlni Worship ..... 11:00 A. M. Ermine Worship _..7:00 P. M. Pr»r*rmNtin| avory Wodnaaday night at 7 P. M. Rocklord Stmt Sunday 8dx».] Js4l A. M. Divine Worship and Pnack in* at 11 A. M. and 7 JO P. M. Epworth Lm|m —7:11 P. M. Prayer service, Wad » P. M. Flat Rock PraUjrtafUa* Sand Quilt toOrplmw Mount Airy. Rout* 2. Nor. H— The UdiM Auxiliary of tha Plat kork Presbyterian Church aant a quilt to the Preabyterian Orphan* Home, Barium Springs for Thanks giving. A call meeting was ha Id at the homa of Mrs. Worth McHone Wednesday a ft* moon to work on at othor quilt. Tha Bibla cUm of tha Flat Bock Praahytarlan Church hold its monthly meeting at tha homa of Misa Dora Valantina Friday evaoing Nov. & After tha buaiaoas meatlag a social Re fresh man ts wore served. A delight ful evening was a pant. There will bo a baaaar for the benefit of tha Heatrola fond at tka home of Doc Mkikiff Friday evening Doc. 2. Fancy work, homa mad* cakes, candy, pia, tea and coffee for I. W. BARBER PImm 3S0 Main St.—Next to Sheriffs Office TRUSTER'S SALE By rirtaa •( authority conferred upon the s>d*ni|Md truateea in i eertnin deed of tru«t executed July 14. 1MT by Clinton M. CUUtNi «nd wife M. L Children to John A. Cutchiiui and Fred Polfar, truatee. which daad of trout to rejrietered in the offlc* of the Begiater of Deeda for Suryy County in Boak M, pan 470. "ncotl of deidi at trust, default having barn mada hi the payment of the note* MKund thereby and at the raqnaat of the holder at anid notea. the undenipted wtB otter for ante at U**. 1?W» Oil • t \ r. ML «wt fotkvwtnfl dMerib*4 rwl utitt' A4Jttote^U» Dobson, formerly J. W. Hir^'i tor Mr and rum mm Dm kM m4 as it now mttndtri, N. 70 deg. E. »M .'Kainii, North 46 deg East 2.60 •bain*; North IT % East 6:-) chain*; South M deg. Ea«t 10 cbataw; South 6S deg. East « chains; Sooth j tl »k. corner of the Weatoy Whitafcer old track (Northwent rorner) and run* South mm 0 chain* to an a*hef thence boaring • little East «f. due South and runs about $ chain* to a j •take and pointera; thence East about 30.60 chains on West aide of; a mall branch. Wood's corner; then ' North about 7 do*. Wast 17.60 chs. to a stake in the old line of the Ty