Mm Alma Spwftr who taaafcM art in U» Charlotte achoolt ipat Thaakifirinr vtUi bar mother la ttm homa of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. KochtKs W. Mr*. P. L. Smith. Robert Smith ud John ^rank attended the gam at Chapel Hill last Thursday aad vara accompanied home by Prank Smith a student at the UnhreraKy. 0. O. Grarea left the firat of the week for a buainees trip to N«w Haven, Coon., Beaton. Maaa., Phil adelphia and other pointa north, Mra. Gravaa and the children accompan M him to Greaaaboro in their car Mra. T. M. Edward, and daughter Mary Virginia, of Winaton-Salem and Miea Inei Dimmette, of Lunenburg, Va., are vialtora thin week to Mra. M. P. SatUrfi ' ] vb '.■** vMr. qaK* aick for mm I.m. > D. 8. Hodge left Tueedajr for At lanta where he will attend a ee tion of Dodge dealers from all of the couth. * I Trotter, N. C C. W. Greenaboro waa gaeet of her grandmother Mra. A. 0. Trot ter lor Thankagiving having aa her goeet Mkaa Virginia Stnmp of Moot Holly alee a*at»deat at the college. Mra. a B. Blount and My Ml Saturday far Philadelphia. Pa, te iota Mr. Bloat who holda a grrrern aeveral month, with Mr. Btout'a parewta, Mr. aad Mra. P. 8. Roth rock. Mra William lUdle/le .pending a few day* with fir— riawmata. at Bnmmi College, GataeevUle, Oa, Mr. Mr. and Mra. m to Gr 1 where MM took the ' far ~ Dr. aad Mm. K. U Mitchell -neat Monday evening in OrMwkon *> w dinner at the O. Henry with . >. .n I Mm. ». Vaa Barringer. of Durnam. who w»r» ratarning from a vlatt ta Mm. Barringar'i mother Mm. C. P. Mitchell hi thie city. Tha December nHlnf of th« Mount Airy Woman'i CM will be bald in tha ( ommontty Building Fri day afternoon with an iataraatin* program. Alt laaa^wm ara urged to ha praaant and thoaa who have no*, yat paid dae» ara remindad that an opportunity will ha given to do ao. Bo preparvd to take dinnar with tha ladirs of tha Firat Baptist Charm December 10. Dinar win ha sanred In-ginning at 11.46 a. m. aad thoaa who know tha raptatlar of tkiaaa Baptist la dim far prapariag tarkay, oysters aad otUer good thine* ta aat will look forward ta tMa dinner with pleasant anticipation. Msaam. Jamaa aad Oscar Yokley, Miss Alma Yoklay aad Mrs. T. J. Payne attaadad tha Virginia Carolina rame at Chapel Hill Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Payaa balnf accompanied by her daugfctar Misa Margaret who la la college la Oroeaabero aad spaat aevaral days la Oraaaahoro aa mock ing that point on tha return trip. Mrs. L Schafer has returned fraa a visit ta ralativaa aad frlaada la TiiamofuviUa, Florence aad Chariee u*. 8. C. she made tha trip through tlw country with bar son Dr. Hoary Schafer, of Wlaatea-SalaaL While aaray they attaadad tha Schafer Graanberg wedding in TimiaonsviUe where Dr. Schafer waa one of the ifroomsaiea. . CUria* laaaty 3h^»« Changoa Haada Announcement is made la the ad vertising columns of this paper of tha change in ownership of tha Clar ine Beauty Shoppe which bscoaias the property of R. E. Fori aat. local bar bar, after having been owned and '■paratad since R waa cpaaad hare l«um than a year ago by Mrs. Nlaa Vanahou. Mrs. Danahou will far tha a resent continue aa maaagar of tha Ihm m Ma* «tet*4 far Dae. Mk, but thU nraa an arrar and tka unaat data la Friday nifht tkia waa*. TW fandu from tka cawaart ara far the ba—fit of tka achaal. ThU Ulaa Hub (a una »f tka baat at any ill tka p"talc and a kick rlaaa cancart >a :>ia~'aad tka pubHr. Attend Wedding m Spertea burg Mr. and Mrs. J. WiU Prather ami little daughter Kruicw and ■other Mrm. J. H. Prithtr toft Mondny for Spartanburg, S. C. whore am TMatey • bey attended the mrrftft of Mr. John Prather of Mount Airy to Miss Sue floyd of Spartanburg which took place at 11 a. la ta the Prt« bytorian Church in that city. The party will visit Mr. aad Mrm. Joori Brow* in Aaheville before returning to thie city. I Mr*.~cT W. Tkacher PiMta | Mrs. Sallie J. Thacker, wife of G. W Thacker. psnsd away at bar homt on Hadley street at 4 a. at. Sunday, agad M yean. The funeral waa con ducted from Hayraore Memorial Bap tist Church Monday aftaraoen with Rev. C. C. Htyaon aad Rrr. J. H. Kulghum. of Mountain Park, offici ating and tlta remaina wart Md to real in Oakdale Cataatary. Mra. Thackar waa the mother of eleven children, nine of whaai Mr rive her, and all of the aoi living chil dren except Mra. Jack Marshall of this city who ia herself a boa pita! pa tient were with her whea the sam ara Mra. N. i. Patterson, Sahoolfleld, Va.. W. G. Thacker. Wiaa; Mra. Letia Jenigan. Atlanta. Ga.; P. W. Thack ar, Hickory; rssidtag bare an W. 4. Thacker, Robert Thacker, Hail J Thacker, Mra. Wilborn King, Mra. J nek Marshall. B*r of Twdva Appendicitia Victim George Riddle, son of Mr. aad Mis. J. T. Riddle, ef route 1 died Nov. 11 j in Martin Hospital following an op rratiop for ruptured appendix. The funeral waa conducted Saturday aad interment took place at Hollow Springs Cemetery. A son Sidney Edaoil was born to Mr. aad Mrs. Dock Johnson at city R. F. D. No. 4, Friday, No*, 16th. BRIGHT IDEA Once in a GREAT while we have a BRAIN-STORM and when we DO something HAPPENS. Thie is one of the TIMES. We've been thinking about our CHRISTMAS ADVERTISING and we evolved this IDEA. Instead of makint out a LONG LIST of all the MANY (ift articles in our STORE we're going to SUGGEST that YOU make out the list Just JOT down the NAMES of all the PEO PLE you want to GIVE stuff to and bring that litt in HERE. Then you can PICK OUT a tfft for EACH ONE from our large stock, and by golly, WE'LL HELP YOU!! Now if THAT tsnt a CLEVER IDEA we nev er HEARD one. How doea it strike YOU? Moral: If this really i* a good hunch you have just 28 more day* in vfrhich to take advantage of it. MOUNT AIRY DRUG CO. ' A Good Drag Hero m Fw Prompt Delivery. i . S2£ * NOTICE By virtue of a powei taateM ia ■ M of trust fivcuUd by Maggie Uv«n I# ■> m truetee *km to re ■ oar did In tki l«|Wtiri offlo ef Sir ry County, HnrtS C*nllM ill Souk H i pap Ml; Miak Mm been mA in the payment of Um Mt wtliwl thmky. I wMI uffer for Mb at pab I if auction to the hlghe«t bidder. far ca»h. hi front of Ftram Bank, ft lot Mountain, North Carolina, oa Dalii4>. DmaWr Jl.t. tMT at In r. M„ lb* fallowing lota la Pilot Mountain. North Carolina and toirlbri aa fol low.; First lot IW ' .ninf at a etake in Um- wlff and coiner of Howard atreet and ran* Want •! do*. North with Howard Kfeot ISA foot to a etake, than North W dag. Eaat 40 fL to a atone ia Sylv« «ter UmlCi aor ncr. than Eaat (I dag. South wtth Syhrmtar Lovtlfi l*t ISO foat to a ••ton* ia tha edsre of Academy >traa<. than South 2U dag. W.aat with Am demy Street 60 fro: to Km bogtnnlag. Srtaad lot Ifa-Kinmn^ at a ataka or utoaa la tha rjn of Howard Straat and being Lb* Northweat corner of tha above lot, aad maa Waat 61 dag. North with Howard Straat 7ft foot to a atone ia tha adg* of aaid Howard Straat ia G. O. Key*» coraor, than North 20 daft. Eaat ISA foat to a atone, than Eaat CI dog Sooth 76 foot to a stone, than South 10 dag. Want ISO feat to a atone, the begin ning coraor. For further daecripooa aoo deed from E. P. Stone to Maggie Lovell recur dad ia office of Hegbter of deeda Surry County. Book N page 890 Thla November 2*th. 1OT7. W. R. Badge tt. True tee. wmmamBmummmmurmmBssam lk,Tf| •# FBm Mmr lAii ftp • paltMrt it Mtrtla Huiflui far tiMlMi Chests of Silver I In Gift Assortments I - On* of the moat delightful gift* you can five your wife on Christinas morning is a carefully selected cheat of silver. We can supply you in Plate or Sterling. Price* to suit your own gift limits. Paddison Jewelry Co. E. W. Paddiaon. Prey. NEXT DOOR TO BLUE RIDGE HOTEL MOUNT AIRY BUGGY A AUTO OX RIGHT FORDS FOR SALE 2 1925 Model Ford Roadster t j NEW TIRES 3 1924 Model Ford Tourings. One 1925 Model Ford Coupe. One 1924 Model Fort Track. One light delivery Ford Track. One Ford Speedster, 930. Two Dodge Tourings, $60 each. Hi I Red Bird Overland Touring, |1M. Several used Studebakers, open and closed. Good bird dog and Winchester pump gun (or sale at a bargain. MOUNT AIRY BUGGY * AUTO CO. Moaat Airy» N. C MOUNT AIRY BUGGY * AUTO CO. > s Santa Claus Has Arrived Yes, Santa has paid us a visit and left on our floors this week a large assortment of WHEEL TOYS consisting of: KIDDIE KARS AUTOMOBILES WAGONS TRICYCLES BICYCLETS (Small bicycles that children can ride on sidewalks.) And numerous other Toys foe the Children's happiness Make This Christmas More Enjoyable By adding a new suite of furniture or a few odd tables, chairs, etc., to the hone. Fire Sets and Andirons in the newest design and finish. NowO* Sale of Wabrat Bod Roooi F« Greatest bargains we have ever offered, which is being proven to us by the public in the way they are buying these suits and odd pieces. Going at One-Half Price. Carter-Walker furniture Co. MOUNT AMY, R. C