XT' L J. G. Vary 111 at O. Bonn, of to to •t the of hi* km. Dr. J. T. is with him. ifca ride of Ma to Inn Hinnrf • state that is m. i fnr mtb ago ha that ha would ha Mai Im hia aaa's hsapitai whara ha «t aUllad ttr—-*i la paaaMy the beat to tUa section of the, at a1 af the and Ya to thla was leaf the chairman of til la now m -M to hia affttetod wwdHtaa. beeps to ac of the fan-' eat to the eM I hia to the With a life of years behind him, every one of which fears far the future. If you are dia paaad to add a bit of cheer to his toat days a peat card or a latter addraea-1 «d to him at High Point to care of Ma son Dr. J. T. Burrua, will bring happy memories in thete day* of af-j fHction. Dr. Afc«fthy*» Car Turned Owr Bat Injuries Not State paper* Sunday carried an ac count of aerioas injiriM suffered by Bar. J. I. Abernethy, D. D., to aa to ■ In Iredell County. A later from the StateeviUe hospital where Ma injuria* were treated firm the information that his injuries are not which will he learned with by hie Mewls la this The Bav. Mr. Aheraethy at one tin* pastor of the Contrail Methodist Church to this dty and Is I -wall known hare. Ha la now presid ing elder of the Statesrille District, M. E Church, South, Westera North Carolina Conference. ariou* «Hy persons oa the Pilot On Sunday ni*ht alone four ears had the glass broken to thaa> by rodu thrown from the aide of the read by parties standing on the bank. Dal mar Lewis, foreman at the Barry 8a)ea Co., had tin (lass brokea oat of the front door «tf Us ear afeht, aad when he rsaehsd Pilot Mountain ha found that three ether* had the saaas experience with in a short time. The faDaws had sta themaetoes where the read through a eat aad weald recks tram the tap of the cat vpoa the ear. A at PUot Mountain and returned to acene bat no oae was te be fomxL 1_ Chief K. E. Lawrence has sold bis home on Broad ill eel te J. A. Bad* aad he aad Mrs. Lawrence and little eea. Bobby, moved today to The! Sf giving » flood of Street to Cherry ia* down Virginia, and Pint. Ia all a of those light! ha* the city of swingiac «r«r tar at the streets like the old They are of the to ghre the most effl flood of light for the earrsat Scariot Pmr Chin Socoad Dm* Bruce M. Johnson. three year old mb of Mr. and Mrs. Nark Johnson, of Flat Rock, dM Sunday of scar tot fever. Thto to the second death of the tame disease hi this family, lit tle Bethel Irene Johnson, nearly four having died a week earlier. The fun eral was conducted from the boats on Monday by the Rev. Mr. Harrison and the remains interred at the Flat Rock cemetery. Notion to World War Voters** Any mother in Snrry County who had a son enlisted in the . World War, either in the campe or over-eeas that woald like to join the World War Mother's Association of America, please write to Mrs. R. E. Little, Wadesboro, N. C. Mrs. Little to 2nd vice president general of the World War Mother's Association and to organiser for North Carolina. If she can get ton mothers who are intern tad, she will come to Mount Airy at her own ex pense and organise a chapter. This is a very interesting patriotic organisation and present* a great field for service. A postal card or letter to Mrs. R. E. Little, Wadesboro, N. C. will be appreciated. • Control Methodist Church REV. R. H. DAUGBERTY, Pastor. Sunday School »M A. M. Morning Worship .11 >00 A. M. Evening Worship T40 P. M. Prayer 8ervtoe Wad. 7:80 P. M. Several friends of the pastor from Charlotte and from Winston-Salem were among thoae attending divine worship Sunday morning. The Sunday School Workers Coun cil had with them last Thursday night for supper the members of the Bars em and Philathea classes snd the members of L. B. Kant's class. The latter class won over all others in the matter of attendance. A very elaborate and appetising menu was served under the direction of J. R. Mines to about one hundred people. Itfias Aim* Webb Win. Prima la National Contest Mix Alma Webb student of Mar* dith College SaWgk and daughter of Mr. and Mt*. A. G. Wabb, of thla etty by bar skill is draaa deatgaiaf ba comaa one of ilstean prisa aliiaaii lit a national contaat pot oa by the man ufacturers of the CO-ED draaaaa, teat fall. The contaat was adrectlaad hi this paper by Harriaon'a dealer la the CO-ED twin for thle seetloo and twe con testa ware open for (tadeats of U|k schools aad eoDagaa, one la paper advertising, sixteen priaea be ing offered la each dMsioa. Waa Wabb designed aa ivaning dw* which deetgn waa aaat In by Farmers Of WmtfitU Section Hart Important Call West field, Jan. 16.—Rufus Fanner was buried her* today in the Baptist cemetery. He left this place about eigfct year* ago and lived four miles from Kernersville. Was found dead by tone one of hi* family in his to bacco basement lata Saturday eve ning, supposed to have died of heart failure. His wife died sbout four years ago, leaves three children all grown. Services ware conducted by Elder Pruitt. Mr. Parmer had many friends in this neighborhood aad a large gathering was present at the funeral. John Christian aad Eugene Pepper will address the Westfield fanners Friday evening Jan 90th in the sehool auditorium at 7 o'clock. Be sure to come, matters of vital importance to the fanners will be discussed. some thing besides talk has to be done if we continue to raise tobacco in this country. Manufacturers are getting rich and farmers getting poorer. Curtis Bynum, of Asheville, spent this afternoon looking over this con try accompanies by R T. Joyce. ^ Miss Hattle Lowe, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. H L. Lowe, married Mr. Boy Inman 'hiring the holidays. They are at home with the bride's parents. L. L. Lqwe has opened a nise little store and filling station on East Broadway. John Hunter is going to start^ big cloaisg out sale Wednesday at his store here. , Miss Vera Soyars, our fine mail carrier, has commenced a nice Hom^ on West Broadway. T. J. Hatcher has returned from s trip to South Carolina where he -purchased 200 sheep. Mr. Hatcher has the sheep on a farm near this city bat win probably place them interrupted period. It is understood that Wrenn's de falcations in the North Wilkesboro bank, and tha revelations that follow ed a* a res alt at his trial, will cauae the State hnlrilt Department and its examiners to spend weeks in un rsvelinc all the various ramifica tions. It haa been reported that oth er prosecutions might result. Arthur Kemp, young white man of Pilot Mountain, M In Martin Mem orial hospital Sunday night after •offering for 24 hour* from injuries loft the rand and plunged down ■teop embankment, pinning the Ke Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago \- L , .« Interesting Item* Gleaned From the File» of The Mount Airy ATeics tl Years Ago This Week Hm work at the Baptlat MMn : U programing rapidly, the •alb IN up, tlw roof la being pot an aad it lie Hoped to bald aarrtoea la the baitd j in* in twa aula, Mia. C. H. Kaehtltaky and HtUe Y<*m, Mm mt FrM CWch Gm BuqMt For LmHm About ninety youag tadiee and young mM of the Frisods Church so joycd • banquet te the dm rooms a£ the church Thursday evening the ladiaa. The heaqnot was the result of a contest pat on in the early fall and nmiisf through the remainder of the year in which the ladies woo in attendance and increased member ship by about 86 points. The loeors paid well for their fail ure by providing a sumptuous menu of roast chicken and all that wee with it and cake and ice cream for dessert. The affair proved to be a very delightful one and was greatly enjoyed by both the winners and the losers. Quick Actio* of Bojrs Ssros Winston-Salem, Jan. 17.—Several boys saved the lives of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Williams and child of Waugh town Street Extension, Monday by flagging a freight train near Ogbara station oo the N. and W. Railway when the Williams ear tarasd over an embankment falling on Mm rail road track with the family plnnsd un der the car. The boys who were out walking saw their plight and flagged the train which was stopped about thirty feet from the mat turned ear. H. Daugherty, of Waltoos rood samp, was arrested charged with being re sponsible for the car lsaviag the read as he is said to hava ran around the Williams car forcing it off Ike read. He was aleo charged with driving while intoxicated and reckless driv ing. No serious injury was sustained by the Williams family. I The firat Hm of Ounlk to N pal 1 "Wtnseap." bat two other liaee km i bM added. The "Aateriean Am" will I be the leader and Mr. West dpclaroe ; it to be the beet overall, without any exception, that U mad* tram LM ' copyrighted and the total that has ! been designed ia proving te be a p«^ I alar feature aa it ikowi an ahplaae I Of the Lindbergh type "xooming" down oat of the heavens, and by the aide of it ia tha brand "Ammkm Ace." At a time when all braariM* of business are rnahiag to the petit office with new trade names Mr. W«* ' ' considers it fortunate far his ooaeorif > ! that they ware able to be tha An* to secure the copyright on ao popalar ! a name as the leading name for their best overall line. J The "American Ace" line will be high claas overall and is alao Mia with coats to match, sisaa for both ia alao being pot on the market with I the copyrighted name ef "Khig Get ton." It too will bo a high quality gar ment bowavei although at a ieeaar Mr. Wast ia plsaesd with tha prog reas being made in tha trnmi production by his fom of haaia and more win bo added aa tha booi Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burke spent Sunday in Greensboro whan they | heard Gipey Smith aad visited rata , tives. They wore ■nmaipaniad by Mrs. W. 8. Taylor who rmsotaed there for a visit. Rules and Prixes For Hbtgry Contest : . THu contest to being held for the Aurpoep of stimalattiig interest in Psurry County History, and ly for the purpose of r*ttin« rr son* of oar moat interest j cal facte in manoeeript fona that these may be piaaai i'»d m a mora aeeeeaibto form than they now am and before many of them which have never been recorded at all are lost all May This contest shall be open to aay and all hi*h school pupils of County. There will he a first priae of |M* ad a sscoad priae of |LM. will be a< of Barry Cea*r kould not be mm ton* ami will be I. Va «• Sty* s# .ompsalttoa aad art

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