'.hot M lata Hurt A toy, wttMa ■ mdfaie of U «to: Airy. Of thta HbBm. iTVft'iaaeo Now lots go iMte Mi Nt if < oacrete Mi oil rood to Sforto, 16 aitao Concrete road to Winston, ..... li nsilos Oocrrtt and oil rood Iwiu to Stotoovtn*. . . . • mite* Oil rood to WnUafeoto, - ft aittae Oil road to Dobeea. imnilrf and now being ballt by Um •tot*, » ■iloi Making a total of U miles of mm crrtc and oil readb landing into El kin within a radios of 1ft miiaa—this against Mount Airy'. M mUm. Of EOdn'i ft* miloa, IS 1-t «f It la oaa mto against Mount A try's 14 1-t ' miloa. Wo contend that the aban figures spaak tho troth t—etmhglg. «s to what* tha state and mntjr lands aro being apont. All agrao that the rooord should he kept correct ao wo mat eahaUt a few mere figures. It is charged that. "about »16U.000.00 m ipant on tkt om mad (Wi Mi—t Airr-Lmrpip mi" AD of Mount Airy teaashlp'* roads w*r« built by boni money nttd by the tax payers of -taunt Airy town ship. with the exception of 1 1-t miles from White Plaina lasdinr to ward Roekford. In the days when the townships war* doing their own road work and up-keep Mount Airy towa ahlp voted a total of SMJM road funds, with a tax levy of M cents to pay off the beads and keep up the reads. But when it hsean advisable to make the road work a county-wide proposition Mount Airy townahip went into it unanimoualy |ivin| up a local tax rate of >0 cents far road up-heep aad is paying instiad a rate «f 40 cents—Just twice as much. With the townahip money we built the Lowgap read as far as the Stewarts Creak Hue, aad Stewarts Creek moa ey built h to the leaa Richards place, leaving U milea to the foot of the mountain that wis built from eonaty funds at a coat of ttMOO. Aad seat* thing leas than $80,000.00 was repair ed to Wild the S 1-t milea up the whara^the*OraiJ^OM^Man^had peeT My preahed John Fetger, W. P. Carter, at aL, that hs would asset the ftrteads would htw the |Mph helium this read cost Just twtoe what tt did la Mb. Elkia. the County and the Highway •ion. U the darp tha done in Um dark. Tha newspaper ha* far weak oriag that the auditors report made pub he. A Tribune tive aaked a wakar of the Caunty Board of ComeUakwwra If tha audit waa ready far publication and waa told that K would ha i«ady far pub licatioa in doe time. This waa a aatia factory answer, heeiaae k ia the bual neaa of the Board to tra Heart Ha own buaineas without the dictation from any newspaper. It ia reported however, on good au thority. that saaw of tha facta known iu th« The County not triad to injur* Mm character of two aai oa the Highway „ Before the Graad Jury tioo of the a adit, tha aw alleged to hava trading, and that the The Caunty Highway SI50.000.00 of the lnierrntin$ Item* OUnm Mount j/fry .Vrirg 21 ty-one Years Ago ®r~— •d From ike File* of The Yeart Ago Thi* Week;