Former Resident Weds In Florida of thia new The (tore will to Ik* Weet iMi of North Nth and opposlt. Mm 0. C. Uvill Ca. Mr. Hytton U • former rnUwt of this city, the Mount Airy Dn« Co. In hl> new wtlJ tmrry a Hao at bilki, ■ten ho Uoim and gifts of t fall bo expects to 1 for bath North Carolina a ad Virginia sohoola. Mr. Kyttea needs no Intro ■taction to tho poop Is of tho city and country for whlla previously haro ho many frtonda who back to tho city Plana for FMi HateWy Go Ail it will taka now for this i to secure a fiah hatchery and nursery la a Uttla cooperation and work an thd part of oar cltlsens, Thla move ment waa pat in motion Monday night ■t a meeting of tho lsaak Walton league of this city and plana pe«feet •d to aacura a atata flak hatchery. la order to secure thia petition* will*ha i A I L . hA nftA a afflm M prCMTllM VO l*MI lUlf DMrQ MvUTf forth tho tliimi ard advantage* of thia nection for sbch an aatorpriaa. Firat the league will hare to furnish suitable location for the hst/*kar>, located on eotae /fcltabls stream. There are aavaral tract* of land that available at a reaaonable coat and re the atate aata up its fishery it be necessary for the people of lection to purchase the land for A large dalsgatiaa win be asked to go with the committee to Raleigh at some near data and present the request far the establishment of the Kitch«ry and th*n a subscription etui* paiga win be launched far the aoHal tatioa of funds with which to pur chase the aesdad land. Interest la the project Is an encouraging feature aa •vary one realises that wonderful ad tage to be gained from audi DtU It bow bting nthtr iant to the atata aa to the lability of thia section for a and one Item of informa •curad is the fact that ®ur County containa between 230 aad milee of atraama that are auitable stocking with some kind of flak. Rev. E. Gibson Davis had aa era in his congregation in Raleigh) last Sunday morning aoaaa of a former friends of thia city, they Ca ing Mr. and Mre. Claude Johnson and Mr. and Mn. J. H Johnson The par ty left this city early Saaday morn ing and arrived in time to attend the Tabernacle Sunday eehool in Sunday afternoon they Mr. Da via out to the state prtao* where he preached to the inmates of that institution. They learned that Mrs. Davis had iscovstod from a re cant aerioua operation aad aha left thia week to spend a few weeks with her parenta in Misalaalppl while Mr. Davie attonda the Southern Baptist tHcn nuiivft Rav. W. B. Clmmont of Ah will preach to the Church on Boater. U* 20th at 11*0 A. V. and alao at 7:40 P. M. Tha public U cordially invited Va.. May 10.—Mrs. C O jianby, tf Stuart, who haa boon fl] John Walter, of aad Mra. *. T. Walter, a4 fh. 1. 8. May* at and Mrs W. L. May*. Tlw FrtaM*. •Ml ha hoM at O Address Friday Night Closes Commencement Exercises Moot Airy Girl Receive! Honors kud la this act 1 and foiee are by Um iMMi m la i oi the ■rtteb and to found by a food fairy who to tcurhed by tka grief of a i 1*1 aa rairy Mr to bar parent*. After polled from fairy bind tha wins tba right to i si abatement by Um witeh to ooaoo bar aril bar allegiance to tka Outstanding characters wore Blanch* Gwya aa wtteh, Nina ii Fairy rif and Florida Grarae aa Um Fairy, and aoao of the interpretive lance* wara particularly Una. In tba laat act tba good fairy to ra ni ta tad and tha Lawranaa family art fathered in tboir sitting room to Um iyawing boar while Um father « bedtime story to them—Um • at which hare been enaafrd before the — ^ Feast Toned Into Mourning Alfred Mount Airy, Route 1, May 18.—A number of people from thia section at tended Um funeral of Mr Alfred la man at Westfleld Fi toads Church yea terday. Mr. Inman araa visiting his son in Moore County when be was killed. In pasalag another automobile his car turned over down a fill, breaking his loath. Sunday waa his 87th birthday snd friends bad prepared a surprise Mrtbday dinner for blrn and were ex* porting hto return when aewa waa received of bis death. He bad. several frown children and had spent the past Few months among them, aa bis wife bad been dead foe several years. Mr. Walter Collins died yaaterday at typhoid fever. Interment will take place today at Hollow Springs. Mr. and Mr*. Elliott W. Brown, of Atlanta. Ga, accompanied by hto fbther and stepmother of spent Sunday wttb Miss Helea 1 at the home of Elder J. S. Morrison. Rev. Mr. Schenck, wife and alao at the home of Mr. Morrtooo Tuesday of this week the family of Mr. Morrison spent the day with Mr. Sample Brown at Sedalia. Mr. Brown's father and all hi* children were together for the day for the first time la over twenty years. I ^Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago •Interesting Items Gleaned, From the Files of The , Mount Airy News tl Years Ago This Week food*, attractive to the fm, to the palate and jut which to be Um form of built with *! to retain the vary littla powar to mm to thia Mtaa Dackar cookery in whick tha bhka • rake tablaa. ate., vary littla water used far boiling, tha ate«M of this •mall amount of water being made te do tha work usually dona with addi tional power or fori. In tag thia point of . ar boitad enou*h Iriah pototooa fo' a good siaed family with only 14 cup of watw doing thia an top tha atova in • caaaorola with tight fitting Md In which tha vagotabla mi brought to the boiling point and tha powar than turaad to low which kapt it aimmarlng until dona. Mia* Dackar urgad that only enough powar ha us ad to accompHah tha daairad raault that in boiling vagatabMa not a mo ment's tlnM could ha saved by having tha fira hot anough to kaap tha pot at a jumping boll. Whan tha boiling point la reached and maintained your vagatabia will oook juat aa rapidly and juat aa wall a* It la poaaiblc to cook It, additional hut Is limply wasted. If H la applied. tt will boil out tha moiatara ar burn but will not Along with tha atactric ranga Miaa Dackar ttaaa tha Kahrinator and many of bar moat dettdona daaaarta ara froaan In tha Kelvlnator which la of courae tha modorn accompaniment of tha electric ranga In the homo and •he explains that it maintains an even low temperature making H to kaap milk, fruits, foods and tablaa indefinitely thus enabling thai houaewife to buy in any quantity aha deairea and to plan bar maala in nd vanca with no fear that fooda will sour bofora being used. Whan company la expected It Is to prepare the day before' tion and with the electric ranga aet at the desired heat ana is saved tha neceaaity of constant watching to prevent disaster by the fire becoming either too hot or too cold These anma advantagaa are ax avery day whan tha lady of may put bar dinner an to eaak and ait down to rand or aaw or visit with her i trie servant in

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