NEW MEAT MARKET LO-| CATES WU1 Bm m PmmI Ml A.» niyHi* Mr. T. K. Km* • (ore* of . of i. *k dty to-1 la Um to Um A. A P. Mora. J. C. •Ml J. A. MaCwiaMI wiH haw * M» mw kwhcM and will h ia mftim for Um He to Mr. M« ia ia Mm of of tMa Ww year*. and M «• Tho from • ■_ la % Ma he piaeo hor. will b. krv CaroUaa Moat M.rk.t ,„d Um CarallM Moat M.rk.t .nd will bo conducted oa . ca* aad earry but.. BatbaaUr. aa^»o.t.n> Moato will bo Special Awards Won By School Pupils r*f»i I Uti ■11 thJk