th*r votod for tha man who baat m thah- Mm! m Mm nttod for tha of — Thi. boh* UteuitW 8.1th «t' to tiki a vow that they will Smith If h* is nominated, and Aqr j an laid to hava baan told that fo into thl convention to aapport tha n« •a Had ita atttot tail mi mm» of h« la-1 have takaa tha atond that if I t vo» agmiaat Smith la tha lion «HIM (tine thro«fh a thaa thay will stay awajr and t Mi fiw to vato a«ataat htm and all hi* loppartori in tha fall i. action. / ' TW rffort to aeata away from t^M ivavadha tha la^Haa avidaatly raadhfl ad Mm aara a# tha Hall wwntw at | raeaivad a Tha N«wa Eab Vanea la vtgarom Tha iJ ^ YWnh to Ma laarai* far fcar«'» • to try to N«ih. Nn. tar Saturday, thiy M« the fiwa* «»rte*jr. Mr. m toek uy Ma atore U b« to Ma one la able to beat him on a Club Pruiiwi CivM frum. C. C. Hale waa boetoea teU^i of the Mount Airy Woman'*) ykL*ZlW|W| 152' Covara ware laid (or six and the lamp*** mam wa« aervad by Mm. H«la'. youthful hooee pM. Miaae. KUaa and Virginia Griffin if J I T Pm nat '• I • MOOT® laSfcS ii^r • ■■ ___ V«tmi Eipmi Mm Mm At S- Airy M Ywri Am \ T. M«or.di« .t hU hose 7 Tfcurafey monriac at tlx pn It, —I- m __ iil -■ -M ^^ iwn. For w opeaad for playtog and all eeem iw« wh« have paid their Meek pay Mm to data an privileged to mm the eearae at aay tbae. The raiee at the chjb do aat permit playinc by ■tack hi the aaa»tla»iaa aad are ia good itaadiac. A green Cm *»W br charged all vuttore Mhf eotatde a radtoe of 10 milee of On dtjr. / ^tl^hMton of the «M htnfc cared th£>aerrieae of L. T. Daria, fonaerly aeaaetoto pro. at the Char-, lotto Country Ctob, acd be will haA (half* of the ap-keep ef the emmd*. Ma aad Mra. Darh arrived last week pared far Um to th» etoh hanae. Sev-. ml haade are mem lailmf hi Mt e flatahing tnathpe ea the and It U the plaa «f the etf to hold a pabMc tuomaiaeat «*t«rapHp about inly let, aad aa torn to the etoh hoaaa. At tha public will ha tarltod to attoad aad tot ... fa