MKT on Mr. Wtll l^wkh aarf Mr. Mtenoo IHu. Mh 4nor baa aaM m to My U Um public ud W tba M chinU of HoiM Airy that ha mi Um »mH a» fiand.UH m mm* bMrt hM Imm girm by Um iHIum ta M PrkaAi of Dr. Omitm Uana.i win Want wttfc ra«rat thai Im haa Um «illa ill a* Ma bi.ylMl hi Wta »Im wftb Ana tfaakb. la laj taappMk* Mrf Ml laat »aak «WL Mdbaby *» ■ im7 ■ > aaid. Ha tkiaka tko pi lliH tMr umIm bee* aad hU that tka Mi out TIm ikmn la tie bare firon Umid a quick start koettky Officially ^•rk Hi the e«a|f| of Capt. aad Mra. Jankiiu to tkia city ia Mac* to take ap Salvation A nay wwk uiter aai tka work kaa nicely, and tka work will ba officially reopened koto neat Sunday Jaw IT. llnltod upon air meeting* will bo hold Saturday* afternoon and aigkt wltk tka W las Urn-Sale* band to play for tkaoa aerviooe. Sunday am lac tkaro will ba a prlooa aocvtea aad at UO p. m. Suaday ickool will bo bald ia tka araiy kail. Aa tervioo will bo bold ia tko prior to a greet Sahration A nay 1 lag which will taka plaea la tka ar my kail 19 Sotttk 'atraot at 7.48 p. Brigadier Hopkiaa, divisional eom aiaador fro* Ckariotte aad tko Ckarlotte ataff will have ekarge of tka aerviooe aad ovary one la dlally invited to Puteur Treatment For Four Children In tbe home of Jack Jo farmer of th« Sikxun for Mtlki kit tomr Uttla hav* njoytd the company ud oom panionahip of a playful kittaa. But Um othor day tkair pat baaaaM *4a lou® jmm! u fi omm ad Mr. Johnaaa la kill tL It Ud ell at found to ba aorMrt wfcaa tka haad of tha aat vaa forwaidad to laltigk far Tka • ftiOr dmlapad mm of •t wadiRc fanaar. aad rifkt to I Akf ^A G. C W«l* Steak CM Owl TIm etoeh ef goods ef the 0. C. Welch Co.. «i Sooth Mate Street, «m thle wtah mM to LnmH and i ef the stock within On *Mt tow woefcs. W. p. Welch, vtekuM charge ef tM baste* to M lengi At fwwt U has not Jum 0.—After today si for Mm root of the w«r North for >11 typo* of total of the «mo«i for large • on Jane 10 of tho sural activities for tho last of ftoh of tho stats, and one of tho j refutations require • license of every any lor who indulges to spprt I fishing or thoee who use rod a jointed rod, or who flah by Fundi raised by this Method are need for the benefit of the antler to the optnUon of htifhtrifi. MforMRMmt of regulations to prelect and safs the supply, and to other ways the ftehing faciUttos All coltocttoas are spent for benefr of Car Overturns; Back Is Broken of Mm Ik Dr. Dm Attta, far four yaara tar of Um of Ua dauckUr ta WoavorrtHr 4. H« was urtifcw wirt white attaa*ia« V«w Coltego cm nwnosflMitf Wtwi® fir four jfitn W* tewtec IMS ho airvfld that iaatita tioa m pmMmt Ha waa ti yaara old Church for uxty jmn. In fifty-ate* yaara prior to thia jraar Dr. only Two A|«4 Mmi Put Away Andrew Jaekaon Hill ed away teat Friday aad Um wot* laid ta roet ktori a aarvteo eiahUri by Dunbar at Um Laarol I naar Monad Nat y* Charlaa Boyd of route 4 paaaod away teat Friday acod TJ ytara. Um fuaaral waa coadartad by Mov. C. D. Crouch froai Mount Matbal Moravian Church A daughter waa bora to Mr. aad Mm. Harbort Jaffrioa Sunday ova nin>. / Daniel Boone's Trip* Across Fancy Gap