float ia I* laid. Ob tap at Mm » • atrimg«r of rails with i to bold it Um akia of tha bride*. TIm brtdga k M faat wida, affordin* two-way traf fic. 1W atruotara la aafcd to have coat |>aa tku M.0P0 and tha poapia <* tha aavity and Utt cnirinaara of thla " will watch with intaraat the that tha rivar flood* will have mm A large numbar of paopla gathered | at ■ llfcfciJ Juljr 4th and tha formal openiac of tha •haet tOO people are ai a* part in tha feAlval. aaid to hare tak 0. 8. Hawkins, sarvlca man far tha ft. P. U. -Co., tha fallow who kaaps aw 1 twa ptoca hi and who s rangos art all Malta Is off tha Job far aaxt Mr. and until ha is ahla to got baafc on Ms jab tha sarvtoa wart la tha 4ty '» balnc earad for bf Mr. ftrMdar. of tha Ml« ■ to an of har for IB Divide Money Sale of Safe Cracker.' Car troel. and in tbs future this laee of boaineai wiU be ikb to giv% to public full fountain milea, to ether with milk drink*, ice ereaau nd sandwiches. Tbe equipment just dded by Mr. Hytton is of tbe lateet eeign awl U electrically refrigerat d throughout. U-Driee-lt Sutioa I Karl Hearner has purcbaaed the U hive-It station in tbU dty from Bu rr Sneer and took charge Monday, "he boaineee will be conducted at the ame location oa fraaldia Street by Ir. H earner, who baa fdl tbe barber rade aad will deeoto Ma ttae to hi* aw entorprtaa. Mr. flaow la tearing dob for an wtwMlel rtatt to Mew ina where Ma father baa Head far number of yearn. He baa net A what be will 4a an hi Grady Wank waa tbe final winner i the Meant Airy Tennla tourna. lent and tbe trophy |hto by tbe Jewell j store was fenaally I at tbe Oraad Theatre Wed night with I. H. Tolger as Bar. R. L. Barry tmi Grady rrank layad tbe final SST.7S In the jntr 1WW*J. M. Davie by th far Sheriff of hi • by u»i •boat to date! hi* clectioa successful. Some of turned tMr back* • cm party that yoar are living deed should not be mentioned but the principal once among the men who war* not willing to accept Um action of the BapnbHcan convention and tamed against Sheriff J. M. Davie end defeated Mm are Vestal | Taylor, W. M. (Oam) Jackson, W. W. (BUI) Hampton, D. A. Robertaoa and others. A (tar J. M. Davie «u defeated la Um elec tion of MM. eepecfe "tth the ef forte of thoee man named twf other* cauee of the fact that they are aa longer living, in the campaign of IMA, W. W. HiayHw waa the nom inee far Clark, Veetal Taylor far