Bivena For Legislature, Monday For Sheriff Head the Ticket of a Mff waa the H. O. Woltt wii aad lost ao tea ia of i. B. tleo m a op tMr vote. The i hi th* convention had a total of 17t| votaa and in tha vota for sheriff Mr. Moaday wtdwd 1M aad Mr. Low*! 66. Althaagh Sheriff Haynos not a caadidate for tha office ha in evory townahip la tha! tary rata of 10 ia tha | Whan th* raaalt of tha rote for! ahartff waa announcad Mr. Low* | aovad that tha nomtnatioe of Mr. waa dona with a roar fraa ovary | of tha eoart Tha buaineae of later of daada waa aoaa dl 1 of | of W. F. Lawrence by acclamation. Whan temporary chairman Haodren called for nomination* for tha legis lature Q. C. Woltz waa equally as qakk on getting to his feat as was Us brother H. 0.. aad at i before the convention the name of R. C. Freemen This brought Geo. K. Snow to tha floor .with tha aaaaa at I. H. Folger, with Mr. Tricar trying to pull him down at the same he woald not to plead with him | not to withdraw. While this waa! to ba ia barriac tha doer to otb entrants. Finally O. ft. Snow start off again by pladag ft. C. before tha uwi>aa>lan Bat be at Me withdraw aad Mr. 8aow MM'bar try by eaUag for tha nattaa of W. 1. Byarly. Thla Mr. Byarly radag to tha bar, Hng over the toee of aMa aad w ia bis haato to wihdraw bia aam i the withdrawing few , of Mr. P» sad the mm at «. C. M«w waa pM the by Mm A. Martia. IV* by this time «m Curtis Harbour m veyor and Dr. S. E. Airy m Mton. The call for candidates for to Kb foot, ho caIliac vtpoa the con vention to nominate Mr. Aim Cha tham. Mr. Chatham waa not and Mi nanw stood. W. it I and T. M. Woodruff ware in ed. It waa at this Juncture that the Elhin delegation go* iato action, far during tha next faw Elkia full aat of tha aama of A. G. Click, than i. P. Fields, than Puller Moeafcy. Thia woke ap tha Mount Airy delegation and tha naaaee of O. H. Yokley aad W. J. Byariy ware plaaad bafora tha. convention followed with that of 0\p4 ver P. Hauaar of Shoals. Than tha nomination* ware eloaad. with Mr. Byariy running all over tha re sal Bail ing on tha folks to Inn him off, but he U running in the alaettaa Juat Tha vote far commissioners raault ad in a majority for Byariy aad Haua ar By the time the votes ware tabu lated very few people remained la tha court room aa tha crowd had begun to leave. Although Mr. Chatham tell rd to receive enough votaa oa tha ftrat ballot to nominate, since ha waa the neat highest W. P. Carter moved that Mount Airy shift her vote ao aa to give Mr. Chatham a majority. Hardly • corporal's guard waa left to vote but Mr. Carter got tha vote changed on the record aad Mr. Chatham, Mr. ad aa tha candidatea of tha party. Tha vote far CoNuaiaaioaan waa aa follows, with M required to naaa O. P. Hauaar 196. W. J. Byariy M, A lea Chatham 83, O. H. Y ok ley 71, Puller Moaaly 82, J. P. Plalda U, A. G. Click n Tha Pareat-Ta of North Main achool will naeet Mon day, Oct. «, at 7:#6 p. m. in tha au ditorium. Doughnuts ahd coffee will be served and an opportunity given t« anyone who has any auggeatioa to make for the good of the tion. Mount Airy Tobacco Market Lead* With /Average $16.03 Dm ■MNMthc'^ll •«# Mr. Unb I i I Jmn Far P«M CnH Tho Norwtxr term of tho MmI Court to>h* Mid In WIimIi III— Km bora movad forward from Ma* doy, Nov. Itt to Uh No*. 7th, bonw of Um yonoral election no th* Ml TMa ehanc* «u wad* at th* Mf cootion at Judff* Hijm. A Jury hu boon draw* for th* court and la the list aro found tha folio win* name* of ettiaaaa frmm thia nection: Charlla Boylaa. Pinnae!*; Jool 8. Coolu Pilot Mountain; John Aha Stat ion, Plnnaclo; C. M. Nlchola, WhHo Plain*; W. 8. Wolfe, Moufe Airy; Jo* P. Boohar, Mount Aiff; Parity Goldinc. Sound Peak; J. B. Bad**, Siloam; Joe Gentry, Bound P*ak; W. K. Undaay, Mount Airy: Prasaley Stono, Brim; C. C. HotyftaM,. Doh m; Oacar 3idea. Ma—t Airy; S. J. Hod®**, Dobooa; J. R. Inman, We*t fi*ld; C. W. Simmon*, Waatflald; 0. P. Hauur, ShoaU. G. 0. P. Speakers To Invade Surry Candidate For Gmnor WUI Sp«ak ia Moat Airy Oct. Hart P. 8mwell, of Cartha**. Re publican nominaa far govarnor of North Carolina and Jake F. ftawal), of Charlotte, ittmai, win apart la Moant Airy Oetobar I*. Mr. 8mwall, who • raw weeks ago underwent a aerloua operation, la ba in* aaaiatad ia hla calnpilfri by Mr. Nrwell, who will carry tha majar portion of tha burian of aa aitaaM half tha oowatiaa of tha Stata. plana to ipiak not mora thaa flHw ■inataa (Mac way to Mr. NawaO who will thaa axpoand aa tha Maaa which Mr. Seawall mria»»< la hla •hart tMtwa. It to aaly at III al phyaiciaa that tlw nominee tea «to chtod to carry aa hto oaMpaiga la tfcia »• * • For Fancy Gap w Unlucky Pilot Crashes At Glades Landing Field