U A AW u M 1 xfiouni Airy nonovi ificfnocr of President's Official Family Atoy Tuesday to ' of ! official family, Hon. Ju. J. Davis, nihUit of labor. Asids fr ing one of Intricate official positions In Um na tion, kl U also the directing hand of I Um ■ order of Mooae. It wa* Ma Uoa with the order nt Airy, coming «r •. ; future. Ha and Ma official party war* Ml at Winaton-Salem by a delegation of local Mooae and accompanied to tMa city arriving at 10:30. 1fce party waa eacortod to the National theatre where a welcome program waa rendered. In which the key to Um city waa pre sented to Mr. Dnrta by John H. Fol ger in a very fitting talk. TMa key waa af aolid gold, molded by Dr. H. R. Hege for the oocaalon. 11m pattern waa aaade by Jewelar W. L. Steele from n steal plate. After It had been IwHahod down I. W Paddiaon an graved upon It, "The Key to Mt Airy, N. C," In coming <nto the dty the visitor* witneeeed the apectocle of all the aehool children lining the atreeta giv ing them rounds of cheers. Loeal atorea alao cloaed for an hour the cereaMniee at the thantn Following the oeremony nt the theatre the party vial tod the quarry. Here a fitting tribute waa paid the official of the government in the unique atage effect that had been prepared by the quarry official*. Two of the large biaon head* carved on atone that are to be uaed on the Washington bridge ware a flat railway car and n aland built b*twa«n them and to Um rear of the stand wa* displayed the American flag. It was from this atage that Mr. Davis a poke a few minutee to the hundred* of workmen of (he quarry and the many people of the city. He waa high In his praiae of the sMU exhibited by the workman, aad his advocacy af a high wage scale for American workman brought hear ty applause from the large audience. A luncheon waa served the visitors at the Blue Ridge hotel, and while thia waa being prepared a trip up the Fancy Gap was hurriedly made. Oa returning more than 100 dtiaan* of the city joined with the visitors* at the hotel for the luncheon. Here Mr. Davia again a poke to the people and declared that North Carolina today la making mora rapid atridee than any state in the nation. Mr. John Paul ' Lucaa of Charlotte gave aoma Inter, eating data on the development of the atato In the paat decade. In apeaking of the need* of the atato Mr. Davia aaid that atl he aaw lack ing was an advertising program for | the state. The vlaitors were ahown the springe 1 property which is being advocated aa a poaalble alto for the Mooee home and Mr. Davis axpreeeed delight at the wonderful penorama af aeenary that unfolded itaelf up the valley ef of the Ararat. The party left in the late afternoon for an angngement at Winaton-Salem. Accompanying Mr. Davia to thia city on hia viait were Wm. T. Gilea. aupreme lecturer of the Mooee, of Baltimore and C. A. Heilig of Win A atomy mule it ■ pending thaaal dajri at tha home of Mom Qarrtnar, II waat of thia city, tM Im waata tha | f owner to aall for naa. Tloaa the mala la a food natared anialal, to I rridantly of Daaaoeratir dUpoaitUm] and hia chiarfototaa weald that ha U looking for aoeeoaa for hla I party aext month. Sot thla doaa not | pay for tha hay ami aata ha la eol Ing far Boaa and tha aaroar ia warned I faad bos la aboat to fhro] aomething will IM la a fow A flat aw ha legging to T. I atotoa laafcf night. Tha anlaaal waa ImW oo a traek and tha Mm lift far porta Valley, Presbyterian strong tvu lieghany Mpaaa, •Mstte At noon I on tlM grounds and after fasding w multitude the food woman look 9 enough food to satiafy a hungry igiment. Old acquaintances ware re fwed and old time* recounted, in >m« inatenoaa with plaaaura and in :here with memory ma<l» aad by old men who have been called to their iwarcL In the afternoon the crowd waa tain assembled in the church, quire Bird Snow gave a brief b«t Ffective history of the part the hompsous of Surry County hare layed in war and in peace, mention >g the names of those who fought i the War of lgl2. the Spanish merican unpleaaantneaa, the Civil rife and the World War. He prais I their peace record no leas than wir loyalty to oountry in times of W. E. Woodruff then madr • short ilk. mentioning the fact that there er« present the oldest member of te Thompson family as wall aa ths >ungeat, the oldest being Geo. Wellington Thompson of Alleghany iunty and the youngeet a hah* of u-eo months. Ho also made mention f the presence of Jonas Thompson a ave darkey who with his aged spouse is mothered and fathered throb ven ations of Mitchell's river Thossp >n's and who is proud of his lone irviee to the family. The speaker ade mention also by name of many rominent visitors and humorously tiled attention to the presence of •aa Monday and Abbie Smith, both ' whom he presumed had married in i the Thompaon ranks. After these introductory remarks Ir. Woodruff gave a short talk on imlly spirit as related te good eiti ■nship. Taking as his text a couple I sentences from Mr. Hoover's speech i Saturday at EHsabethton. Tenn., i the effect that the regenerating >roes of America live not ao much ii Broadway and Pennsylvania ave ue and State street but upon the reee of the smaller towna and the >untryside, he prisssd home the -uth that rural Asserts* ia depend ig eq the plain folks of tha oountry Isricts to keep alive tha beet and kghest In our dvitiaatiosL Theee ■demsntols. the ipsa her declared. I a temperate life, raapect for law. Id the ability te square one's Ms Id Nadwt to meet flhsngiwg ideas joe Han Thompson, to a hues efforta irgely is due this anaaaJ get-te S, was master of eorsmualss. The voted unanlmoualy to have a r celebration an the first Su sy of September next year. J. C. Ward deputy sheriff captured » gallon' still aa a branch near toe Ridge Wsdneeday and deatrsyed >me pommage ready far • m at randy. No sweaters war* te evi •oce and no finished product. Prana ri nor r reparing HiHsvittel For Event1 Oat It* «• Bs| J*mi* hi HUtory ml Tkk tha Fancy Gap vltte, Friday of neat of people art Um opening of Fancy Gap highway the main connection bet-reen (Mi south and the north war the Blue Ridge range, committees are now at plane for the delegation frata | this point. All who take part ta it i to make Moont Airy the point, gathering here Hillavilie at 14 A. M.. headed by local band aad the M-piaoe hand of Winston-Salem. Before a ing these band* will render a cert at the head of the North Main school. The local committee on will meat in tha city hell Friday 1 and complete plane far tha TVay lar* Heard A large number of people from thla\ count) heard Herbert Hoover epi at Elisabeth ton, Tenn, last Sat day afternoon. Among thoee wbe I were reported to ui ai hearing tlw presidential candidate ware W. R. Eckenrod, John Simpeon, Early Hutchenx J. E. Venable, I. P. Ven able, 0. B. Webb. A. E. Tillev, C. B. Tilley, M V Tilley, W. M. Matthewa, I T. R. Robertaon. N W. Dobbins, Mr. [ and G. C. Worrell y^J Virginia Citizen Killed In Winston identity Ettthliihid In MoffucI Of Aid* Sat FrM. j Winston-Salem. Oct. The body of a white man, fatally injured whan •truck by automobile on the Rural Hall road, nvn miles from here last night, wai Identified today at Jo* D. MrMil tn, of Can*. Va. Dr. A. 3, Hardin*, Pilot Mountain dentist, who waa driving the automo bile waa given a hearing before Mag iitrate Shapiro bare today on a charge of manslaHghter and waa dis missed the magistrate holding that the accident was unavoidable. Idantity of McMillan waa not aa tabliabed nntll this afternoon when Wyatt Hall of this city, and J. B. Mc Millan of Rural Hall, want to a local undertaking establishment and view «'d the body. They aaid they former ly resided near McMillan, at Cana. Va.. which is about IS miles beyond Mount Airy. L. P. McMillan, of Mt. Airy confirmed the identification, and later in the day several other persona 1 viewed the body and stated that It was that of McMillan. Funeral ar rangements had not been made to night. 1 Fire • put uf r» drill la Tuesday, which i af aucceaa that would prevail raal conditions. At a on that day a raal fire la withoat tha knowledge of tha tata. All tha i to laava tha buildiag and at tha taaa time tha city fin company waa sum moned to tha building, arriviag with fall flghtiag equipment AN tl ditiona wara mada at raal aa with Um exception of tha ftra. Tha taata mad* wara poetive proof that tha dtiaaaa of tha city aaad have faara far thair child ran la tha schools | aa tar aa (Ira haaarda ara c Tim* racorda leapt showed that ia all tha baildiaga thay wara vaeatad la laaa than two miautaa aftar tha i Tha exita ara all haih ia aaah a way j oa to navar ba choked with aaraha or The following ia tha racord ai the ftra drill at tha thrve schools aa aant r Raleigh by lira Chiaf Patterson High school oa Soath Mala, M children aad Id taachara, vacated ia] <>n* minute aad SO aaooada Rockfard school. 785 ehildraa aad IS taachara, vacated ia one minute and 10 satpadi, North Main school, 834 children and Id taachara, vacated ia exactly Colored school, 93 ehildraa aad throa j taachara. vacated la oaa miaute The time above reeordad also ii eluded tha tlma consumed ia arriving j at tha building with tha fire company, connecting tha water and having wa ter going through 150 feat of hoaa. PTimfrHran Chairman W. If. Jackaoa of tha j Surry County Republican Executlvr Committee haa called off the a pea Ic ing of Hon. H. f. Hsaws 11, his party's candidate for Goveraoc. Mr. Seawall waa scheduled to apeak at Dobeoa oa Friday next week, hat aiace ahnoat every oaa in Surry County will ba attending the Fancy Gap road cele bration at HlUavtlle on that day the speaking has bean cancelled. Balk'a Holds AmhmI Fashion A full house attaaded the annual, faahion show and fall review at the j (•rand Theatre Tuaeday night, which waa staged by Belk's depart meat store. Mr. Bain, the local managur, had chargr of the exhibit!oa of tha many showings of the aaaaon's it j tea tha frocks and coats coming from the stock of hia store. Mora than a dosen young ladies aad girla wara aa ad aa models, being introduced aa they crossed 'He stage by P. A. manager of to* theatre. Tha ing waa highly credit able aad reoeiv sd much favorabk mention by thoae who witnesssd it. Fancy Gap Road Celebration Recalls Horse Back Parade of Years Ago Our friend, R. T. Joyce, of Weet field, has been (pending • few day* in and around this city presumably In the interest of his candidacy (pr the state senate on the Republican ticket. But all he has heard for the paat week la the bit rmA celebration aft Hillsrilie on the 19th. This eveat re calls to his mind a celebration that waa staled la this city many yean a#o when the participants traveled by horse back and not by M». At that tisse Mr. Joyoe aad his aaee ciates had mrytUaf mapped eat far the biggest celebration ever held la i the hills of Barry, hat later e«HB taught him that the people ia thoee days dared net enter into a parade of large pmportiona for fear ef Injury in« their highly prised animals, la speaking of his experiencee ea that. occasion Mr. Joyce said: "Having so much interest In the suoeoes of the big Fancy Gap cele bration I feel K my doty to eeaad a note of warning. When the railroad j cMssas were squally as anthaaiaetta as the paapla are today over the Fan cy Gag celebration At that t*am I waa a cttiaea of Meant Airy, aad gtv- i •n to adventure, I advertised a horee back praenaim and for weeka Mora the event citizens from Grayson. Carroll, Patrick, Stokaa and Sorry called at my hardware (tore to rad iator. Just before the hooka ware oh ad there ware 1700 kataa back itiers "Major Fred Ford, Major Brown and myself ware to wwaaiaad. Fre to arrange the liae of coo Id aot ha found to mareh. The tea I would he Nt In two In efforta and after all been done, no place eould ho tie all the horoaa. "The day arrived aad all the Town | waa aerfally exctted The point waa to he at the foot af I en hill aad by actaal eoar only SI who offered to Soow time after It waa the aitlaaaa had stopped of | Town far a mile for fear w««M ha crippled. I Night Schook To Continue Another Term In County nights at the Bight schools liadaatld far the put several wmIm la Um Kocktwd street aad Um Flat ftock A visit by the rt^ertM to oae of thaoa Kooii proved 00 very istsf" I eating that wo thsught mm faaAm aright (tad It interesting and holy | thorn la a bottor nnrtirsnndtag of tho value of tho work If wo wnli tail Uteai at the floe spirit aad ^IwiH tamaiW — -» t L.^., jkoiuiML * *"* ij® 11) ( aont viwrv, in roue n iiw columM of Tho News. hfili Kagor ta Laara la tho first place it m a achool far raal woik. ovorybody it busy and >if<r—oh ao eager—ta laara. Aad thoy do ktra, aad laara aa faat oat can hardly boMwi it. Tho text hook haa baaa pnparad with caro by lira. EHaaboth C. Mor riao who has had amah experience la workiag with adult begiaaara aad tho reading laaaons aro prepared around the central idea of a happy aormal home with high standards of haaKh. proper food, thrift, education, were ation, cooperation aad eitiaenahip aad tho activities linking hoaaa, achool church aad community. Average Night School Ago Thirty It haa boon ahown that the average age of aight achool pupils la around thirty aad saeat of thaos have hoaaoa and childraa therefore tho raadhw lessons ware prepared with this la mind. The following ia I leaaon on good citiaenahip uaod in Um local aehoola: •The man and woman la Um aehoola for adult* want to bo good citiaena. They want thair childraa to bo good citiaena. They will laora the thing* • good eitiaon ahould know and do. THoy will learn that: A good eitiaon ahould know how to wrlto hia own lottora. A good citison ahould know how to road tha nowapapera and tha Bible. A good eitiaon ahould know how to keep hia own account*. A good eitiaon ahould have good food for hia child rem. A good eitiaon ahould keep hia children well. A good eitiaon ahould keep Ma children in echooL A good eitiaon ahould aava money. A good eitiaon ahould have a bank ac count. A good eitiaon ahould own hia own home. A good eitiaon ahould work and play. A good citison ahould help hia community. Each achool for adulta will have a community project each month. The men and women will plan aome project that will holp their community.'' Health Re lee Since the health of the child U the joy of the home and the power at the nation the following health raha are taught: "Take a full bath more than once a week. 1 Bruah the tooth at leaat once every day. S. Sloop long houra with windowa open. 4 Drink aa much milk aa poeaible but no coffee or tea for children, to Bat aome vegetable or fruit every day. •. Drink at loaat four glaaoea of w» tor every day. T. Spend part of ev ery day out of doora. H. Hood erect. Cheat up. Woiat flat." Letter Writing Taught Blackboard and individual holp ia given in writing and aa aoon aa poe aible pupila are taught to write lot tare. Um following letter written In a clear legible hand with proper ia being done and how worth white the achool ia. ttt South St. Mount Airy, N. C. Oct. i. IMS I want to thaak all who hove me to do thie well to bar* tW 4a thia it * of Um state l pie will tlMjr actually loam If they hawa tha 'Tothia »nd"the Colonial tlM D A . R. of the data pn 11000 and tha diatriet ehtba StTJt. Long Mora tha appropriation waa allotted to Surry and Stokes Countioa tha W*> naii'i club of Mount Airy ander tha direction of Mtss Mary Franklin Graves chairman of tha committee was, through tha Ik school taachara of tha making a survey of thoaa who and should ha renchsd schools. Whan Mlaa WorWy ana te* to tha county aha waa aeaietad hy Mlaa C. raves. and Mrs. Goo. Marshall. tha club president In finding local work* an to visit tha proapects and by giv to than that thay could profit by at tending tha night achoola. The Wo man's club npproprintad 1100 far paying Miaa W or lay's naatatanta and providing othar naraaanry axpanaoa and secured a contribution at $Xb0 from the county. Aa tha tine ap proached for Miaa Woriey to ciaae tha work at the two achoola la this com munity and open a school la Etkin with the pupils aa aagar to have tha work continued and now pupils at» Inc in every week it aaamsd beat that the school should continue aa ather term and ao the situation was preaentad to the Kiwaaia Club aad their members donated flSO to this was added ISO contributed by tha North Carolina Granite Corporation and this amount will gnaraatae the My of four experienced teachers, Mra. E. 8. Hendren and Mra. John Pay at the Rockford Street school and Mrs. E. F. McKlnney and Mrs. Haaaar at Jw Flat Rock school. Prof. L B. Peadergraph. superiatendent of the Mount Airy schools and Prof. B. 8.

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