MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA Hillsville Motorcade Starts Here 9 A.M. • ii • u. Bud Concerts Or Mt. Airy Streets way « Mr wmjr U Mat tka Vtrgta In Mount Airy will be] practically at a aland still tor the day —a day Mt apart for celebrating and rejoicing over the completion and opening of the finest highway aeroei the Blue Ridfe yet built by either. North Carolina or Virginia. - f\ IWP. V. Prtca I. Wmstoo Saleas Hoapital Mrs. D. V. Price submitted to an ! operation on her eye under Dr. Per kins at the Baptist hoapital in Wln ston-Salem Tuesday morning and we am glad to announce that the special ist 11 wall pleased with the operation and the condition of hie patient aad is vary hopeful that she will have good vision when the eye heals. In the meantime she will spend two weeks Is the l^spital. Pswal-Tssctsr Masting and Other WestfUld llama Waatfield, Oct. 1«.—The Parant Teacher association of WMtfield met Thursday night for their miUr meeting. The meeting vu called to order by the preaidant, Prof. 0. H. Hmmt. After the baal»es« meeting the following program wai flrea: Song. America; prayer, Mr. laid Christian. music, Mount Airy hand; spserh. Dr. W. A. Johnson; music. Mount Airjr hand; speech. Dr. 1. T. Smith The Mating than adjourned to Mat agate Nmak* L Mrs. Cora dOmur and Mr and Mrs. Will Hale riritod Wastfleld Sunday N "STLi Mn. John L. Mara hall and Kttla daughter Dorip apaa« Sunday at Mrs. Daaaj Crew* mt Wlaatoa Waa and Mlas Bertha Neal. of Pilot ' ^Mr ^d*Ma t r Christian *eat Mr. aad Mrs. Ward of Baaaaaar ■peat Baaday with Mr teaghtsr eae af our popular taMkn. k^v v. Pine street at 10 o'clock Saturday fuming whan Miaa Bella WilHaawon Cravee became tha bride ct Mr. Phillip Hall Haakina. The affair waa unannounced and only witneaaed by tha imstodiate families of the contracting partiaa. The recaption hall and living rooms were decorated with lovely white dahlias hi tall flower baakata and to the music room whore the ceremony took place a beautiful improriaed al tar was arranged with ferna and tsll cathedral candle*. Miaa Julia Prather, close friend of tha brida presided at the piano and aa the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march announced the approach of the bridal party Rev. R. H. Daugherty. pastor of the bride, took hi* place at the al tar. Then came Miaa Sarah Gravea, «istar of the brida, a* maid of honor gowned in brown aatin with hat to match an dcarrying an arm bouquet of butterfly roeea. The bride and groom entered together, never had the bride been more attractive than when attired in her going away eaa fume of ton and brown carrying • bouquet of Bridee' roees and orchid* with ahtfwer of valley lilliea aha plighted bar troth. The simple, yet Impresaive, ring ceremony of the Methodiat Church waa naM while Miaa Prather played softly To a Wild Roae". A* the ceremony waa completed toe Joyous strains at Men delseohn's Hirwalrtal pealed forth and the happy couple left for a motor trip north. The bride la the daughter of Mr. (leerga O. Grave* prominent ft nitre manufacturer at thia city and waa educated at Mom college. Tha groom waa raared at Amhnrot Maeearha •ette and waa giailaated froai tha Masaachaaetta State rnltag* majoring In landacape architecture. They will ge aa far north as tha groom'* ham* and wffl vMt Waehtef ten. D. C, New Tack aad palate ef to Election Ballots Being Prepared tlM special ihrtlw law far thia aad other ii—lln at tke elate. follow ing the printing at the ballots they are to ba folded, blank aida mat, ami •nM in pecfcages of 80 oaeh, tad thus they are la win until mat at that no ballots reach the pah Be eaijr aa they are haaded tha voteca whaa they ■aha application far than at tha polla on aieetiea day. tha volar eaters a heath where ha can unfold them, mark thata amil 1 in« to hi■ wtahee. teld thata back, and cast thasa la their i amities hesee without aay mm ever kaowiag how he voted. Tha ballots contain tha eaa dideiae far both partiee aa the saiae ticket One cohun eonUias tha Re publican candtdatae, and another column III# Democratic ctndiditMi the bead of the eohamn designating tha party ticket. Provision Is aMda for making a croee mark la a circle at the head of tha ticket what* tha voter wants ta cast a straight ticket. But where aay scratching is to be done the voter will a*b croee bmHcs in Utile squares opposite the aaaie of each candidate he dsslrm to vote fee. - '■ ■■ i At tlx hwd of mrf ticket to printed full instructions an the prop er way to mark Um ballot*. Should any voter not bo eortain aa to how to mark his ticket, or not be ablo to read and require assistance, nock as sistance will bo gtvon blm on kia ap plying to the ragiatrar. In the past thia aid waa rendered by one man tat > thia baa boon chanced and this yaw any aid rendered the voter will be la the preeonee of two men—a Repub lican and a Democrat—in order that there can be no room far a charge of unfairness in the marking of the bal lots for voters who cannot read or write sufficient to prepare their own ballot The registration books are now open in all the otng precincts of the Mon ty. On Saturdays they are to be kept at the voting places and during the other days of the week, excepting Sunday at some convenient place la the precinct. The books will cloaa for registration on Saturday, Oct. 27th— next week. To regiater one meat ha 21 year* old. live hi the state os> year, the county six months and the precinct three months. — I ■■ I. ■ I Help Beautify Mount Airy With Spare Shrubbery A vary fine piece of work it being undertaken by the Mount Airy Wo man's club through the civics de partment and garden club in thoir efforts to beautify the achool grounds at the Boekford Street and North Main aehoola and this should bo a community project in which every man, woman and child can help and feel civic pride. The achool hoard haa arrangod far the preparation of the ground far the thru be and bulbs and parents are askod In sand any shmbe and bnfta and evergroeaa they can spars trans their owa collections. or wfcara their •hrubs noad thinning to lira them to thoir children the laat Friday ia tos month with the roots wrapped aad where yssihls a label sttsshnd to taD what the plant ia and let the shiUran deliver them to the janitor of their fcora of club ars askod if iMrt to brtog ar send them to toe Community Building Oct. M at 3 p. m when ■ meeting of the Qiri— club win be bald unto the direction of Mrs. 1* B. PcixltrfTtph. Any dab who have not ahaady |im m« far memberahip in thia an join at th{a tin Thi« will be the Initial me-ting aC! thia daparta»ant and "Bulba" will ba| the aabject for ftiirnaai— The mi Anyona ahruba loo largo to ba aitbor of tba abara way* U invited to call aitbor Mra. I. M. of driaa or Mrt L. B.| lialraiaa of tha i A vaat »m»at of will ba aaaM aa than la of havtaf too many and tha I Wblta Plaina acKool haa help of tha Mount Airy In • way to Maha aar ik Many Fanners Bringing Tobacco Here; Market Average Increases This Week Little School Boy I rniwl V ICUui 01 ACCiaCHI hf m -IimmT m M» Wte •f Iart ha Of Mi !»> j »ry No tha ftitt Ik mm a mm af i of Ma' of Maada >nd lovaly proof af tha M«h aa-1 ha ws Mtaa Hand* Warlajr laft Wa day to bagta night achaa Warlay haa with tha work ham 10t| work ta flat an who wilt for anathar flftaan niftita. Tha of tha Monday rraninc aa a tafcn af appraeiatioa of bar affarta far I Miaa Worlay »p«ak» wary highly af | tha pnptta of har aaya aha haa aarar had achaola nrhara | tha popila enthusiasm la thotr work ar mada hat-1 tar Walking Not Lost Art With These Girls In theee timet of automoMleewhen, Wr ride te the office, rid* to natch., ride up tow*. ride down tow* and ride to work or play, ae tho eaee may bo, H is refreshing to ftad. her* and there, someone who really lovee to walk; anow the few wo would cite oar readers to two young ladles « this city who walked all tho way to Pilot Mountain and two mile* below that town whore they viaitad a friend. Starting about nine o'clock Saturday morning Misses Mary Birkner and Vera Smith journeyed at the rata of a little more than three miles per hour stopping 46 minutes an route to rest aad eat lunch. A group of young people had plan- , ned the trip but only the two had the nerve to make the start when the | time came for it. On Friday MImss Smith aad Birkner walked beyond the W JE. Jackson place en tho Fancy Cap road and on Sunday, accompan ied by James Carey a northern friend, they walked to the Wljite Sulphur Springs. They laughingly declare should a group be organised to cross the continent on foot they would be among the first to Join. Local Warehouses Nearing Two Mdbon Pound Figure; Growers Keep a Steady Stream of Tobacco Flowing to Market hi tha rftjr track toad of tib aad , wu kit fini tily km to Ml i HlitUhiM thru 1Mb of Ak|. Last waak Ik tea hi carried a M mt to •U winkiBiwn a fcadof tha ptdt to Moast Afary. Wkaa tkay cot back kMM Ik* (ira mm quality mt titnn. Aad ao tka old far said ka wm golif to Mil tka ra of kla crop to Moot Airy. Wktn ka mat aa that ha c«dd toll from kla first via* that tkay wara doing all tkay aoold to tat tka Maat far tka tobacco |i»wa. J. Sanford Chlhon to a^irrlM of •alaa for tka local awrkat and to i in* an affart to bria* many naw farmar customers to this In this work ka to kataf aaaiatod by tka nsarrhants and kaataaaa paopla of tha city. Alraady tka markat to inc tka two aiDkm poun. Br low to a partial list of tka tkis markat toffatkar with of their salaa: SIMMONS WAREHOUSE Jack Willlard. 188 lb., at 80c. Jack Willyd. 120 Iba. at SOe. Jack Willard. 208 Iba. at 27c. Lilla Deaths ra**, 106 Iba. at 88c. Lilla Death«r«f 148 Iba. at 28c. J. B. Branch, 288 Iba. at 28c. J. B. Branch 112 lbs. at 82c. Frank Haydcn, 64 Iba. at 82c. Frank Haydan, 70 Iba., at 22 l-Se. Frank Haydan 82 Iba., at 29c. Jake Jaaanp, 144 Iba. at 84c. Jaka Jaaaap, 100 Iba. at 82c. Jake Jaaaap. 88 Iba. at 28c. Jaka Badgett, 880 Iba. at 27c. Jaka Badffott, 278 Iba. at SOe. Jaka Bad**tt, 28 Rm. at 20c. S. F. 8 lata, M Iba. at 82c. S. F Slate, 70 Rm. 28c. S. F. Slate, 288 Iba. at 29c. 8. F. Slate, ISO iba. at 22c. M. D. Lynch. 82 R». at 28c. M. D. Lynch. 220 Iba. at 28c. M. D. Lynch, 284 Iba. at 28c. Hawk* and Marshall, 94 Iba. at 87c. Hawks * Marshall. 80 Iba. at 82c. Hawks * Marshall. 240 Iba. at SOe. Hawks ft Marshall, 110 Iba. at 24c. PLANTERS WAREHOUSE J. A. Sawyar*. tM ft*, at STe. 8. P. IMm, M Iba. at 26e. J no. Cow. tS3 Iba. at 27e. Mrs. Lacy Low, 140 lb*, at Me. Henry Puekatt, MO Iba. at Me. Sid Comer. lit fta. at Me. Sid Comer, MO Iba. at tie. Cd Johnson. 140 fee. at Me. J. J. Mill*. 1M Iba. at Me. *. K. Collin*. 1M Iba. at Mc. O. C. Smith, 1M lb* at Me. C. C. Smith 171 ha. at Me. A. V. Baa*ley. 1M Iba. at Me. rirtibn Jmmmp, Mi Iba. at We. KWteker Jaaaay. tl« Iba. at Me. Hatcher Jeeeap. MO fee. at Me. Mis. A. I. IDatt, 1M W at tie. Mrs. A. J. Hiatt, M Iba. at MM. Mrs A. i. Hiatt, M Iba. at Me. Mr*. A. I Hiatt. 1T0 Iba. at Ma. ■Mia Pllppin. 1M Ibe at Me. Haai. PHpvta. f4 Iba at Me. MOfcrd tMth. too fta at Ma. LOYHX1 WAUMXTSI Mr. Earl Wa«ner. ISO Ma. at SSa. & E. Holland. INhmahL Dm Jajraa, M kilfl 1-k A. Jape*. Mfti *1 Me. O. W. (MHm, lMkittti Tm Cook. M Ma. at 17a. Mary Eatoa, 1M Ma. at S7c. Mary Eataat, • la. at Mc. Mary Eaton, M Ma. at Ma. Joe Norman. M la. at STa. W. A. Smith, MS 'ha. at tie. W. A. SmKh, 114 Ma. at tic. Sallie Hodaon. M Ma. at Me. 8. L. Haymore. 174 Ma. at Ma. O. M. Flint, MS Ma. at Ma. J. M. Smith. M Ma. at Ma. Eiorett Cockarham 4M Ma. at MHa. Hanry Bona, 1H Ma. at Nt Buwden Whita, 10S Ma. at Ma. Bowdoa Whita, SM Ma. at Me. W. M. Spain hour, 110 Ma. at Ma. W. M. Spainhour, SSO Ma. at Me. W .M. Spainhour, 408 Ma. at Ma Bakar A Baker, 114 Me. at Me. Baker A Bakar. 70 Ma. at SM. Trotter A Sprinkle. SM Ma. at Sk Trotter A Sprinkle, SM Ma. at Ma. , W. R. Snow. SM Ma. at S7a. Veatal Taylor, 4M Ma. at Me. Vaatal Taylor, 41* Ma. it lSe. Ben Childroee, M Ma. at Sic. 8. L. Eaton, M Ma. at SSe.' S. L. Eatw, >4 Ma. at Sle. H. W. Newton, S70