im 'aid This Week 9 at. V i •rehouses A daughter was born to Mrs. Dotty ChiniHMg>i, v«w Mrs. Gertrude IMUrt, oi Stuart, Va.. to a patient te the iMopttat fur A daughter «u bom to Mr., aad Mia. A«k Atkiaeon, at ■lliem.Ort.lA CtoMto Jefcnson, of Pilot Mountain, to hi ibo hospital lor tr»utia»ht Mrs. Joel Mars ball, of tbo Meadows of Dan, Va., baa tiUrni for fittor treatment aftor ipi»<ln wrtral days at Imm. Frank Shehoa. of Praaotooo, to a patient for treatment. Miss Christians Robinson of Tbo Hollow, Va, submitted to mi operation Mrs. Edward Pay Jr.,Is recovering nicely from an operation far append icidto sad sKs sp in bod. Mrs. Sarab Jans Jsssup, of Pilot Mountain, to OA operative patient bavin* had a growth ww«t Miss Graee Vonabto, of Meant Airy, route 4 to a patient bore for treat Tea persons wore brought to (be hospital for treatment Sunday as a result of autosnoble a* el dents. Thorn remaining wore Mrs. Laura Jdhssoa. broken collar boas, Mrs. G. K. Parker, broksn ribs, Raymond Branseoatbo, Youngst, broken collar boas,Mrs. Viola Branaeombs, two fractures of the loft arm, Luther Brnnsooesb, ckeet mashed and broken ribs. Of thoee •lightly Injured, Mr. Joba A. Martia, unconscious from wounds on the bead and Sam Utt badly bruised wore la tbo hoepttal over night. C. P. Simmon* Is a sufferer with a carbuncle. Afed Cilia— Diet i Riley Barker. sged 7t, died la a boopltal at Galax toft week from the effect* of blood poison in his too. la an effort to cheek the qprood of the disease his tog was smputated bM> hi* condition grow worse and bo died four days aftor the operation. Bo was buriud at Crab Crook church la the western part of this county. Sur viving him are a largo number of chil dren. The doeeoaed was a well known citlsen of the Round Peak sectioa. Farmers Pleased With Prices Here • > ■ «. I ly lut« smoaa> at i th« market in n|wtii to »how aa ln ema to tlM »WWH. Nowhere to the state U there to be to of WkoOMMM who able of taking «n of the tobaooo. Even when the end of Um day fMi tobeeto oa the floor i there la no coafnaloa abet car* ot the tobacco. There la always ample room for the tsbaacn to cam mi' a rainy day and whan It looked aa If tha day would ha wet mi I waa no uaaaeineee oa Um past of Um | fa they eaw that the able to take ear* of them. Tha good prieaa that this market la | getting the farmer* far their la ef tha Maaat Airy war* rery week aaa hoars of far who hare always spld at Down , Mr. Flak has always eold Us ea last Monday ha sold two pilee that weighed a total ef #22 pounds. One grads brought him M cents aad Um other 27 eaate. Whoa he weat home gad showed his neighbors his ware hoaas bill they knew then that the Moant Airy market was aa good aa any to the state aad aow there are more new cuStossers oomlng to Airy from that sectioa. Below la a partial Hat ef tha fanners who have eold tobacco oa U market during the past few days: PLANTERS WAREHOUSE J. 8. Sbralajr, 240 lb*, at 26c, 64 at Me. Nurl Johnson 176 lbs. at 80c, 47S at Me, M at 40e. Long A Htnalniri, 40 lbs. at Me. 1*4 lba. at S4e. Boylaa A Smith. 1M lbs. at Me. Usury Johnson, 110 lbs. at S4e, 74 lba. S2c. W. M. Praneaa, 1M lba. at Stc, ltt lba. at Me. Holt A Lone, 170 lba. at Me, M 1-J at Me. G. W. Whita, 170 lba. at Me. HiMa Simmons, M lbs. at Me, M lba. at Me. J M. Marion, 1U lba. at Sic. M« at Me, 1M at Me. Jack Candle, 4S ha. at Me, f V. Wall. 1M lba. at Ma. 174 at Me. M M K L. P. Onaal. M lba. at Me. Bill Wall. 1M lbs. at Me, 4S at Me. J. O. Do*. M lba. at Me. 140 lba. at 48c, 100 Am. at Me. W. J. Evans, M4 lba. at M 1-Sa, M4 at Ma. MO at Ma. M at Me. White A Wolf. 4W ha. at Me. J. C. White, 474 lba. at Me. 44 lba. at 44e, 1M at (Ml . Wall A Shteaak, M he. at Ma, M4 ha. at Ma. - Wall A Jonaa, IN ha. at Ma, 1M lha. at fTa, M0 ha. at Me. P. C. Oii—iB, lit ha. at Ma. W#atharmaa A Marshall, 40 ha. at , Me, M at Ma. J. C Marshall 14*.ha. at 91% M at 4k. 1« ha. at 4k W. ft. Blahoa, 7« ha. at Ma, 1M at Ma, IM at Ma. S. *. Ma is a a, 04 ha. at Ma, M at Raht. Jabaaoa, t!4 ha. a* I4a, 4« lb*, at Me,MO to at Mc. C. r. Payna, IM to at Me, MS at SIMMONS WAinOVSI J no. Bahpaon MO to. at Me, IM at 41a. MS at M* MS at SSe. E. D. Hardy, MS to at IM. 1M at 31c, ITS at Ma, 44 at MA M at Ma, M at Ma. L W. A. Caadla. 1M to at IS*. M Ik Me. 1M at Ma. I U. r. Moea, M4 to at Mc, 170 at tfik M at Me, 70 at Ma. I Elian 8 he Ron, IM at Ma, M at Ma. Mf_at 27c. VMakar MeKlntr, SO to. at M% IM at Ma, MO at Mc, 114 at Me. M at /Holt A Tow tar, 400 to at Ik, M at Me, 171 at fla. Jake Badgett, MO to at 17a, S7S at Mc. 104 at Me, M at Me. C. L. Badgett, 104 to. at Me, MO to at <7e. M4 at Me. J. B. Branch. 114 to at Me, MS at Mc, IM at Mc, IS at Me. LOVUXS WAREHOUSE Low and Wall, MO to at lie. E. A. Wacaaar, 00 to at Me. W. B. Bobarta, 844 to at Me. N. J. Martin. 1M to at Me. Kappa aad Grabba. U to at Ma. Kappa and Grabba, XM to at 40c. 'B. A. Overby, IM to at Ma. C. G. Wright, 140 to. at Me. Jaa Hooker, IM to at 41a., Jonea A Moalay, IM to at Me. W. Vernon, IM to at Me. Smith A Kin*, 184 to at Mc. Elbert Ballen, 111 to at Me. A. M. Walla, 100 to. at Me. W. 1. Tucker, 70 to at 40c. Beece A Jones, M4 to at Me. J. M. Smith. IM to at 40c. ~ J. W. Holt. IM to at Me. Jim Sams, IM to at Me. Ma Hoi lan, 170 to. at Mc. Broaa Jraaup, 104 to %t Mc. S. L. Eaton, 110 to. at Me. B. B. Tattle, 140 to at tfe. E. W. Polk, IM to at Mc. W. A. Palmer. IM to .far Me. J. W. Boberaon, IM to, at Mc. C. C. Paga, 74 to at Me. Sandy Stephana. IM lbe. at Me. Eads A Draughn, MA to at Mc. Speakers of Both Political Parties Invade Precincts of Sorry County k * I mum of tlx county political cam paign arc this waek Mm brought di rect before tbo roUrt of Surry county by speakeni of both parties. For wuriti ad In the stata and! nation a » peaking campaign oa state national laaua« m never before in tk« hlitory of Um country, and now the campaign I* narrowing dowa to local iaaooa In thia county, and thaw Ihum arc claiming the attention of. tha speakers of both parttes. Monday night former atate chair man John G. Dawaon, of Kinaton, spoke' in bahalf of tha Democratic cauM at Pilot Mountain bofora aa anthualaatic audionca. Ha a pant Tuaa day la this dty confarring with party Isadora and that night apoka la North Wilkoahoro. Tonight S. P. GravM geaa te wkila E. C. tlma at Lewgap lehul Bivena haa datra tor campaigner 8. O. Mafuiro. Mr. Ma guire hat reprse sated this county hi both branch** at the legislature ia tha put and la this yefe landing his as sistant* to the proeent candidate, while he himsalf la a preeidential elector from tfeis district. Allan Adams of Graansboro is be ing brought hare far a Republican a poach on next Thursday night at tha city hall. Mr. Adama is a son of the lata Spencer B. Adaau, and a i of the lata Jack Adama, sheriff of Surry County There la no will aaa Us In Barry County. Bath getting every available rotor tared for tha slactiua am have beaa ovei looted by to .ba brought hi day «t am < Hare hi Meant Airy C. P Creed; | W. R. Gorden. W. D. Hayaaa. Oao M. Slaughter. H. I. Boyd L b. Ward. J. K. Caadle and Caro.-Va. Fair May Be Discoataioed 15,000People Take Ikn lUH'rMfb fPMB ^ Mr. aad Mn W. B. Mr. ud Mn. Jack I Airy, Mr. aad Mr* Veaabk. Mr. and Mn. A. A. Taylar, Ararat, Mr. n4 Mm. Lawi—m Tay lor. Ellis Vaaabl* and fri*ad* W Affair One of Um largest parti** of th* waa a benefit party given la the ta b* need far the of the Woman'* dab. Th* lum and side roomi ia autumn Iwtn aad Hollow*'*o eei faato ta th rook ware enjoyed by th* and Italian dip* and cream. Th* party waa tion of Mr*. J. D. of the

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