3u AreTo a V W V And How Australian Ballot Assures Secret Vote For Everyone """w Full List of Candidates For i parted of tan koin u4 forty aUsaitoa next Tueaday tka votora of «Ma county will virtually com* thatr Mb la bora, go to tka polla and aay who tkay ara aril line to truat atlk Ua uffair* at nation, atato and local, far tka aaxt to am a# offlea. la Una ttaaa point to a lirp incraaae to tka vote over any pravioua alactloa. Never kaa tka total rota ia Surry raanbid Mm tea tkaaaand mark, but tkia (tea tkera la a atrong baliaf tkat (ke eoua ty will poU no laaa tkaa 12,000 votoe. Two yaara ago tka largeat roto for aay «aa offtee waa tor tkat of akari^ and register of daada, botk tkaa. gatting tka aame awakar, 9.SU. And tka |aoat votoa ever given any ona l andidata ky tka PM»la ad tka oouaty waa 1924 when Ska riff Haynaa received KM votoa, tka only time aay maa kaa •var raackad tka MM mark. TUa yut preparationa am being aade to mm lor the polliag of 16, 4M votaa, aad with the tart—a* inter net is both «■"««»' «~i oounty iaaaoa it ia aafe to conclude that three fourtha of theae will vote. BaUuU are thia ««k being diatri buted to the varioua voting precincta 4k) the polls at* acMultd to opto at C:40 A. H Tueaday morning. Mount Airy tima, and cloae at »:*) 9. M. Thia newepaper has made ar rangement* to aecure tha («U toia (raph bulletin* aervice of tha Weatorn Union Telegraph Co., on Tueaday sight and tha public wil ha furniahed tha information contained ia them at the Newa office on Moore Street, aa they are reoeired. An effort ia alao be hag made to get full returna from all the townahips in tha oounty aa early aa poaaihle ao aa to determine tha wunera In the local contoat with the «4 Candida tea ShoulT tha audience hi »e Newa office overcrowd the quar ter that ana available the eoort —in tha city hall ia nearby. Ike paMfc can have aceeea to tha larger mean la tha city hall and at tha aaaaa tea hear from the bulletina coming Ma The Newa office every few aate wte*. The Newa ia pairing tha aaaat aiteaaive plana ia tha hiatory af ita beatneai to aecure tha election ra ta r&a Tuaeday night aad tha public ia cordially invited to avail iteelf of the eerviee. Further oa ia thia article ia publiah «d the complete ticket that will ha voM ia the election. Operating uivler the Auatralian ballot ayatota tha can didatra for both part tea will ha on the •ltd 4* Public ia not ai > to t|M ballots omtf u hia ballot. Upon i | to vow tha bailiff will name to Um checked off than you will to handed a Ml Mt of ballots with printed aide folded to, and the initial of the judge giving them to you arrltton on too top of tha ballot. Theee balloU an divided into tha five elaaaoa aa followa: Na tional, State, County. Township and Amendment*. On tha baltota for can a circle la at tha top rf with tho name of tha politi cal party. Xa voting for a etraight ticket all one doaa la make a eroaj mark In tha circle at the top e< tha list of Candidatoa, using a land pencil for marking. A pencil is required, for in marking with a pen and ink. It would bo easy to determine how the votor marked kia ballot, by the ink showing through the ballot, ao a pen cil la required if the ballot la to he Booth* M provided for the T«Ur in vhich ho enter*, unfold* hi* flr« different ballot* and proceed* to mark them. At the head of *v*ry ballot will be found full instructions a* to how to proeoed. la aaaaa where a voter waat* to scratch he doa* not mark In the circle at the tap of the ticket, but place* eroa* mark* ia Ut ile square* oppoeito each candidal*'* name. A mark fca the clrcl* will not be coiyiderad whan aay mark* are mad* in the little squares oppoeito the t andidatoa' !»*■«■ In caaa* whar* voter* d**ir* aid in marking their balloU, ipacial booth* will be provided where thi* aid will he given them in the pres ence of two election official*, or mark er*. The marking of the ticket or aid rendered the rotor will thua be done in the pretence of a republican and • democrat, each watching the other. The** marker* are named by the County Board «f Election* on recom mendation of th* chairman of *ach political party ia the county. The law require* that prior to the election each chairman may aubmit to the election board five aaaaa for each marker that will be needed, and from Uu* list the board will select the of ficial markers, oqually divided be tween the republicans and th* demo crat*. to aarve on election day. After completing the marking of the five ballot* the voter folds them back a* they were when delivered to him and that part of the top of than which contain* the initial of Judge who cave out the ballot* Is Ihsared off and the marked ballot i* then placed ia the ballot box a* It came from the voter—folded, and marked. 'Possum Tree Filled Wjlth Honey While many of our mh lit at home at Bight enjoying their radio* aad •than attend the aioviei there at* others who hark back to nature thaae crimp (aU nights and go out hunting. Maay real oW time 'poeaum hunts are rapertad. A good story came to m recently of a man who teak hie aaa eat fee a 'poeaum hunt aad soon the dags toojjnap the acaat aad they fol ttau to crawl eat ea the limb aad if Ike Hmb wae too lug* fat Mm to geeaeb him earafa% aad grab him ^aiekty by the toil . The little fallow •vabbed the aaimal's tail it lat forth * pNMM ma'am Hmy had treed a (at Hojrl Hall at thia dty repprte hat tar taek, ha eajre the woods are Mil «f *)iaaii aad ha haa ae trouble at all la bagging three er fear la a ^*a«»t. bat be did ham. a aaad eager with a farmer for tki privilege ot hunting on hi* land. They got te thair automobile and dron four or (h* milea oat in the country to the fann ar'a wooda, parked thair ear, and in a ahort time Uaad a 'poaaum. Tha traa wai too largo to aaeriftoa by catting they eHmbad tha traa after thair pray. They foand a big hole in the trM Mid thinking the 1 goaa late tha bote thay cut ■tick and rammed it in the hole ia tha traa, inetud of thay haard a drawing oat tha etiek found tt dripping with haaay. Thay traa aad after getting tha raaaaat af tha aw war of tha iaad waat hack tn eat tha traa, fMMag it aa tl H fall gantiy aad did aat jar tha mi' tt white Tha « a HOW SURRY vbTED IN IMC aajarity, T„ IU b 1M4 Itevi*. IV ^ 44It | ur«iMte. CadUit Majority. land comnM from the public aa to how it »u marked Mow ia the full liat of Candida tee that will appear on the ballota in the | election la thia county IWiday: Democratic H»ti—I Ballot Preaident Alfred 1. Smith Vice Preaident Joeeph Robinaon Klectori at lar**: Clyde K. Hoey Tarry A. Lyon District Elector*: Flrat Diatrict Stanley Wiabome Second Diatrict W. H. & Burgwyn Third Diatrict George Ward Fourth Diatrict T. T. Thome Fifth Diatrict - Robt. U. Gantt Sixth Diatrict K. Bryaa Sevaath Diatrict T. E. Battley Eighth Diatrict _..W. R. Uvlll Tenth Diatrict T R. R Reynold! Republican National Ballot |ira—U nelu>e4 UjkAa#a# rivMm uoi i nuu?ei j Vice Preaident Charlaa E. Curtia Elector* at larte: ...Stuart W. Cramer Oyrua Thoiapaoa Diatrict Eleatara: Pint Diatrict Clarence Allen 8eeoad Diatrict W P. Outlaid Third Diatrict W. B. Rouae Fourth Diatrict a Jma. C. Mai I ha a» Fifth Diatrict 8. 0. Macwif* Sixth Diatrict . John A. MrLeod Seventh Diatrict D. J. Lybrook Eighth Diatrict Giii|i Cheek Ninth Diatrict Richard A. Shuford Tenth Diatrict L. U Jenlrina ' I Democratic Comity Ballot Stale Senate .... John D. Humphrey! j House r Q. Wrens Sheriff J. t. Monday Register of Deeds Willk F U«mn j Surveyor Curtis Harbour Coroner Robt. E. Smith ( ommissioners W. J. Byerty Alex Chatham, Oliver T. Hauser Republican County Ballot State Senate Robt. T. Joywj House Batmen Bernard Sheriff .JL M. Smith Register of Deeds T M Marsh Surveyor C L. Wolfe Coroner Lee few* (Mamlaeioners ,W. C. Lindsay I. A. Pell J./A. Somen. Democratic State Ballot .. i , tJovernor 0. Max Gardner ! I.ieut Gov. R. T. Fcaataia Rev. Daugherty Md Wilaas Moving MmmI Airs Tw» New ft* > T)m Mi annual mriwi of Um Wwtim North CtnUm Confirwm ^(othodlot Ei^iacitpel Chuich tiinith, cloaed in Cluriitti Monday moraim roliowin« the rwAif of appoint menta by Biahop Mouson. Both of tha Mount Airy Mathodlrl rhsrehea lm vary dearly Moved psa* tora. Tha Ba* R. H. Dearhert#, paa tor of Ceatral Katkodbt Church, foi tNa paat year, awayU • vary fine of fer In Kan tacky and tranafara to Um Kefitaefcy coaferoaco ah an ha mm ceeda Dr. Ollhert fUynoldi Com ha a* paator of tha Ft rat Mrthediat Church, La xi net on, ty Dr. Coaha traaaf.ri to tha Waatarn North Ctidtat Co» Myerc Park Mathodiat Church, of Charlotte. The Eev. Mr. Dougherty and tartly km atand thsmsalvss to the peo pie of this church and community toi • vary raal way and ikab going ty gives two raaaana which InHusodad him in mUdc tha change. Ha had been offarad tha uma church In Een tucky uaa months ago but did not conaidar it baat to aaeept it at that tlma but tha <>ffer waa oat hard to re fuse. and ttea Mrs. Da«|tot| haa with tha way open again through the action of Biahope naiUnha and Mouson ha mads hia decisioa to (*. Tha Mm. A. C. Oihha. ad Canton, comaa to tiii< tha Bav. Mr. Da^h arty. He la a yooag mm anid to ha to tha aariy fortiee or laaa and haa a wife and (We childran. Ha comae high ly racommandad hath far hia pulpit ability and energy and will arrive •am time next waak. Ka*. G. W. Williams paator far Um aacoad tima of tha Rockford Straat Church and to whaaa tha MdhiJIaH and Mount Airy at largo owe a doht of rratitoda not only for tha splea 14 church ediflee and comfortable par sonage bat for tha oxlatonaa of tha work ItoaH goes to PoIkvUle an Shalhy district. Hia frianda will ba (lad to know that hia now appointment is a decided advancement with greatly in craaaad salary. He will ha sacessdsd by tha Ear. M. W. Hackaid of Spray. He haa a wide and three boys and will arrive some time next weak. Among tha other appointment* of most interest to oar readers wo Hat the following: Bee. K. W. Fox, pre siding elder Mount Airy district: Rev. H. M. Wellman, Mount Airy dreait; Rev. C. A. Morriaen, Ararat circuit, Rev. W. J. 8. Walter, Joneeville; Rev. T. W. Da via. Laurel Springs; Rev. Elmer Simpeon, Hebe on; Rev. L. E. Aberaethy, Elkin. Eav. W- A. Newell, former paator ef Central Church returns to Shelby district as presiding tldtr. Eav J. M. Polgar whoee wife la a daughter of tba lata Mr. and Mra. G. C. Welch of this dty takes the super snnuate relation to reoaperate from a nervous breakdown following an op eratioa about a year ago. For the present the Eav. Mr. Folger and fam ily will remain at Monroe. Eev. J. E. Aberaethy is presiding elder of the Stateeville district; Eav. G. W. Herman goes to Chestnut-Hay woed. Aaheville; Rev. W. M. WllUs. Belmont Park. Charlotte; Eav. W. B. Weet, Hendersonville; thaai are all formdf pastors of Central Church and Eev. J. H. Wast, former preeiding eld ar in thla district returns to Main Street Church ReideviUe and Eav. H. of tha Salisbury district Eav. M. Q Tuttle former paator at Dehaaa goes to Cullnahas. Thieves Load Cows Ob Truck /Nr. NH Hmiit. (umt H viae flw JbUm wMt of tHU e«T, u offwrtec • liberal imH for Um raptor, of Um fallow* wWo MrtOTW Ma putiin mm ni*bl last n*k sad knM off kit tw» baat Milk earn* ta i track. fiMaiii ML Airy Football Boy* Play ReidsviHe Here Friday 3 P. M. Maggie Briigs F Jiggs to Party for the ime to tea, to tlM womb by the ud called m Mrs Merritt aa eecrt'.ary (or the ladies to call tha "roll, this proved ta tereetlng u they war* Bailed by tkab known to tha majority of eat. Follow*;* roll eaH tha to com from tha Khraala wtraa; "what do Klwaaians build?" inquired one. "I had thought whoa a/ hus hand joiaad the Klwaaia club," aha continued, "that now I would hare no trouMe about getting tha littte add carpenter job* done about tha and that he would build that coop I're been waiting for bat I aan not cat him to da a thing about tha place." Another inquired "da tha Kt wani* director* really meet four time* a weak?" inferring that her husband uaed the director's meetings an excuse for tearing bar at night. Tha notes were the source of a let of Mr. aad Mrs. Hugh Holcomb as I "Jigs* aad Maggie" brought down tha houae. Maggie waa armed with a rail ing pin aad diabe* aa the pair ap proached the goldea gate preeided over by St. Peter where Mania told of her owa good dead* aad promlaad to properly chasten her mate if tha good aaint would only let him ia. 1 Igie waa consigned te an from the lower ragtoa aad poor oM I Jiggs was lad by an angel te etaraal rest, little Coleman aad Patricia . Whit lock taking the parte of sataa | and tha angel eoetwaed for flair i parte. A very temping and satiafyiag menu waa aerrad in four coureea aad : attendance prise* drawn by Mr*. K. I S. Hendren aad Mr. John D. Thomp I son. Aa enjoyable featare waa aeloj aiaging by Mlaa Ruth Dohaoa with Mr*. Bailey Glenn at the piano. Mr*. Lucien P. Wraan thanked tha i their hospitality aad ia faootiouej style thaaked them for the of putting on tha program. Get Out Your Fiddle Saturday A PMdteta' Convention will l» Md in tiw auditorium of U» Koekfard Stnrt whool S»Urdajr night Nor • beginning (t TJO s'eloek. ilwluhl H and 40c. TV pnmli will k« |1>— : . JiAliM I, Local T«m I Ul o* 110 tawMsk mMi Ml la tf raagod tha Khwtulc for tha vaster* half d 1 Carolina. Mount Airy fall h Mat No. t with Baidavilk, Laakavtlla. aa4 Airy Kaida villa far Umt opening gaaaa *Ub Wiaate* 8a lam aad Laakavilta win fb*t It art an Satv^ur Nor. 10 at Salan If Winatea-SaJaai a Airy rarrhn tkaaa two taaaii wil play at Wtaaten Saturday. No*. IT. If LsakaaviUa aad Mount Airy wta Nov. M. u cc In football |UM« this BaidavUIe la Malgr to aub tlM Mount Airy (or all they trt worth to victorious. »hcw« that they in atiang on both offense and Www. The baak rwld that th* Eeidaville Mm wttl present la rated as oae of the faetiat quartets la the state and Moan Airy will have to put up a touch wrap to heap a clean slate of net The entire local sqaad la la first class condition save Jsjaes Creed, wha has a swollen knee, and from pnnat indicatieaa \he nai lineup will ga into set ion, including Creed, thaV^lay ed against Harmony last Friday. Sev eral of theao tailed ruarvaa have been ahowtng a world of ahflKy, how ever and It wauld not surprtae the lo cal football followers to sea aoene new Thia «aae will got going at Ml a harp. Coach Underwood any a that the gaaae la easting the High Scteat • ing what Beidaville log here aad the coot of i oat of town effletolo. etc. The High School boya V the gaaM Friday. Come aatd help boya Workman Die* From Old Boras