Hoover 40 States Leaving Only Eight For Smith —imm 0 ■ ,i , i, i ■ —.. North Carotin'* Goo* to fluxing tab) taction have mliiiU to I the immdMi popular vote b) which Herbert Hoover and Chariot •Cartia Kara wmid maJorltlea ii •tatea having 444 electoral unite am Wft Alfred I. Smith and Joa T. Robin ran landing in other* having only 37. Tha lata ratwrru have tarred only to emphaslxe the inunenaity of Um Republican map that embraced th« AfltlM VMM Mil MiMt tot 4 La Ma* anj a ^va Vaa aaa *wa™ % KVHi alao axtandad Into four traditionally Democratic »tate» of tha aoath—VI r |Ma. North Carolina. With lea* than a ~ «rflp Mtion'a prac uncounted tha Hoover Major!tiaa hava roilad up is 40 Mate*. Smith hold Um laad hi aigtrt other*, tlx of theai Ir tha >oath and two la tha eaat Maaaa < huaett* and Rhode laland. Only Ala bama, Georgia, Sooth Carolina, Miaa iaaini Arkanaa* and Louiaiana in Dim remained definitely undar th« Democratic definitely I VpilM »fit re than I When mare' than three quartan oi the papular vote had horn counted to a total exceeding 00,000,000. Hoov " mer*ff'wTapproirt'"*!^.OOoToo ■elected a Republican admialatratioi! the etectoraU likewise incraaand thai party** majoritiaa ia tha two houwi of oongraae and gave Republican* a load ia moat of the >4 game ma to rial Following a trend ** i A nw rrporrwi. Fergee Ahead With one^WgybHtaa definitely ported wHbo«tQftJ,pHUb WW procinct* fain i rticaUd • «i MR „ about WO votes. Eighty three prs cincts all but a few in Isolated moun tain counties wars unreported aa to the actual vote. The vote in 147 pre cincts was Weaver 34,1 M; Pritchard Congressman B. A> Dough ton was >4iag W. 8. Ba«la by 1*00 votes in •7 of the ISO precinct* of the eighth district reported, the vote being 22,479; Bogle 21,960. The unreported precincts, like those in the tenth, are in the mountains and prob ably will not be hoard from until to morrow when the canvassing boards HamaMr Has Big Land la the setmnth, William C. Hammer, Democratic incumbent, led A. I. Fer fee by 9,400 votes in 190 precincts re porting. The raaaaining 191 precincts are largely In two heavy Bapubtican counties snd two Democratic coun ties thst east a comparatively small vote. Hie vote for Hammer 17,494; Ferree MM Char tea M. Stedman, Democratic In cumbaat, in the fifth was 2,900 ahead of J. t. Harden. Republican, in 117 of the 2M precincts in the district. There ware, however, five counties, onrapiaQNitad in the tabulstions The vote was Stedman 29,119; Harden 26.279. Salute Your Next President! p Herbert CHooVer y Poultry Night For KiwanU Club Will EatorUoi Poultry CM Mnrnhmn Auction Skb of Fowl* IV annual meeting of the mem ber* of the kojrt ami ffirl* poultry club of thia county with the Kiwaii* Club will be held Friday night at thr Blue Rid** hotel. The member* of the poultry chib will brine » number of their priae fowl* and they will ha fold at public auction la front of the hotel at ata o'clock and the banquet for the boy* and girla will follow im mediately in thr dininc room of the hotel 7 The Klwaala Club haa aponaoroe the work of the poultry club la thia county and every year approprtatea fund* for the purchaae of para brad atnelc for the boy* and ffirl*. Death Claims Popular Gtizen Mr. John Ultdi, on* of 11m moot »uhaUuitial citisen* of thia city, died at hi* hoiM Mar the quarry last Fri day night after an itbwM of aavaral month*. Mr. LaiWh waa enjoying hla uaual good health until he had to un Court At Dobson Coming Week A iperial term of Satrjr Superior Court will bo held at Dobaon begin ning next Monday (or on* week to try criminal nm only. This Urm will Uko the pine* of the regular October term that wai poatponed on i ^ t u t ' j f t h< e I n on 1 f n that wa» then in profrfu There am no eaaaa of grant impor tance on the docket to Do heard, the majority of the defendant* Mine charged with mm violation of the li quor law*. Judge John H. Clement will hold the Court. REPUBLICANS TO HAVE 49 IN ASSEMBLY FiftoMi m Senate and S4 in Ltww lliw. According to Kalcigh, Nov. •.—The next RMM assembly wilt include 49 Bepuhlirans —IS in the senate and 34 hi the houae— with the Democratic strength being ** in the senate and 7* in the Houor. One county—Iredell—ia still in doubt and la not included hi the t h!>u tut ion. In 1927 the Republicans elected three member* to the aenate sad 14 to the houae, while in 1918 they wore represented by three senators and SO Chicago, Nov. 7.—Oaear De Priest, negro real estate man and former Chicago alderman, was elected to Congreu front the flnrt Illinois die-. Met, according to unofficial rfwvto loamy He will be the flrat of hi* to Washington from Illinois and the first to occupy a aeat in the national I of representatives in asore a quarter of a eentury. De Priest will fill the vacancy cauaed by i—al M I,, , ,at., ■ if, ,«>, Kiln OI MprPMIIvailrV Hrwii B. Madden, chairman of the Republicans Carry Sorry Solid By Big Majority The Democratic ticket all down the line Mifftrtd defeat ia thi* county Taesday and next first Moaday the county at Bmr ry goea into the hands of Republicans after being managed hy the Democrats for six years. No oae reahaed that the over whelming majority obtained by the Republican ticket would ever come to pass. And Surry's vote is liable to eontribate la the defeat of Major Stedman Compilers of the vote for Cn> li wmsn in this district stated that the Major woe Id go ia if Surry did not go more than 1,000 against him, but the official vote tabulated at Dobeon today gave his opponent, Hardiag, a majority of 1800. Ths is «p«eUd to defeat him. If it daea North Carolina may sead three aad possibly four RepubHcaa Congressmen to Washington. The state is Democratic by a in duced majority aad Hoover's majority, bow placed at 25,000 ia the state is gradually increasing as the rural vote comes ia. Surry gave Hoover a majority of 8863 against CooHdge*s ma jority of 618 four years ago. The following vote was taken from the official count as eaa vaiwed at Dobeon today. Thursday: i OFFICIAL VOTE OF SUMY COUNTY