Republican Commissioners Faced With Selection of Several Officers aw* 'ft ZcS" «kfc dty, J. A. M atjfJMHiaUK Um Mm. The beard wUI m taU pahltean administ ration had m it* at torney A. E. Titter of this city, and his mm U Mate awtlinrf far tka office. Abo the County Chairman of tka »0 nritneeaes, S lawyers and I Judgment for the plaintiff am by defendant. - Xj"here i* quite an epidemic af flan here though none of tlpa eases are iterioaa. About 76 children an Mrt af J and aboot H adulta The dety Saturday night waa Tery eatar maeh credit Mr. tori Mrs. Hog killing haa there ate many fine a this section. Joe Kiee la baek to a pmiUua in the W< fourths of the tobaoee crop ta aaM.