Officials Of Sarry School Build f J Nwy, W. M. Jackson of Hill in. b tW firm of TiBojr and Hlatt of i ettjr will h« i rA.lL: J. L. DutmO. Township—W. H. A. 8. AUrad. RU1 OkU »ot Township—H. W. Gordon. Eockford Townihip—W. R Norman. Mount Airy—W. L., T. W. Dwris and David 0. Smith. Hospital Notes Mi Whitman, son of Mr. mm Mk C. L.' Dr. H. B. Smith, of WwtflaM, to after Ma« atck for in ' Mr*. John K. WUUama, of tain Park te a potlwrt fc Cart Taylor of White Plain., U ra ti* performed Xn. E. F. Bowman, of ] to doing fine after aa te tk* tetk of tk* bride4* fatkor a few Mb ago. Mr*. Lewis it Um tafktor of Ik* lmU Mr. Mm Utteh Hd Mrs. Mm Leitch oi roali two and after gn Airy Hick | ud eoff** will b* for sal*. j bo a food opportunity to fcW f"r U_J_ ( Doay IS IHTRM. The Ladiea' auxiliary of tk* Flat will bold •t tk* •f Mr*. John MeKansi* Wod Dm. lltk at p. mi. All ■*■>»■ urgod to to | Co. Quits ; Tk* Martin-Brown Co. wke ka*o| operated a i Airy for tk* ■ k»l to I TM* to aU aa tkk boon a rapidly lino* H* advant into tkia atty. A Napltte closing oat aat* Friday murning and tk* Mtfra is rapoeted to k* sold witkin a f*w| days. Mr. Martin Is quit* the fact tkat tk* many patron* of I ■tor* will b* abh to nt* considerably I in shopping for Christmas gifts aa| hay* boon draatically An Opportunity For Co-operation Thia to what a recent traveler through the section Njn about a new "The splendid road Juat through Fancy Gap into Moot Airy | and Wlnaton-Salem fina of WUkaa. Watauga and Bristol wan aa all aouthwuat Virginia, finast sort of opportunity for a»-| operation. This rouU out «f Wed-| raont North Carolina owr the ttdge through Wilkaa an J «| up Cora Creak valley ai Unaka National Fareet into and over the historic road of the Old j Trail and than passing Pott aad the Old Shot Tmr, thenee Fancy Oap into Mount Airy i will give a day's drive of! ll Interest and beauty. Hla of nature oou»-| bine la make this aw of intsrsrtiag eirelaa far a day** drive faa | Aa at Iter Quarry Hand •f jmrr * < / Danbury, Dm. 4.—Fifteen were arrested hi the State-wide g riviag Day. Forty Hartford, Conn., Nov. tent with the celebration of their UU wJdtot anniversary. Governor and Mrs. John H. Trumbull tonight for mally announced the encasement of their eldest daughter. Florence, to, lohn Coolidge, mm of Piniiwl and Mra. Calvin Coolidge. The announcement was Made at a iapper party held following upou the' lihrer wsiiding nhhallw ad the Paraiagtoa Country It waa indicate eon Id net take plaee before the ■Uity of a White House wdfln. The redding, la all probability, will take >laee at the TinMI home ia Plain ritle. Mra. Mary Jonas aad Mra. tones visited their wnala aad ant Mr and Mrs. D. C. Uvi tee at High Point Wednesday of laat walk. Preacher Loses Hi* Crown Bt*. M. & nflyi arkoae n port of MO pnaa4m m tka fhrat pab fad « atiapa phsa a and fWa but of soa i-t the Hw. H vm i. W. PaaJe of » kaat tka Cmmn, kto la i city-brad bag if yaa plaaaa, nM hi Um ootakirta of ton aaar tka raU k>T'TMdL We dJtlt iaara wWt tUf' bog ktd to act, piwftiy tkt Mocpi tka taUaa at Amtl dale bat tkia la «' gaeaa. Mr. Pacta did not aay ao, at and but far Mr. tkmr of raoto I ka would km Made tka tames look to Mr laurela It la a pity wa dM not learn mora akaat Mr. to tka Ttodiwri WiU Tka Peraet-Teeekar Aiaoflatloa of Street ackool win kold ito ran day evening, Da lit* at 7:10 •'alack la tka Rockford ackool Mdttorhm. Tka aa •ociation cordially invitee tka father* to ka praaaat at tkia la givea In tkair Tka Wat meeting of tka aaaociatiaa la Novwkn waa vary entertaining aad inatractive. Tka folkwiai pro paa waa conduct ad by Mr*. Foy, ckalnaaa of tka ntttor for No van bar: Soa ta audia—a; prayer—Mr. ptpk}w«al aolo—llajwaad Ai by Miaa Praacaa Polgar at tka Paranta' Aaaociatiaa Platrt— Miaa Vaata Council; Aima of Teacher Aaaodatioa—Mr. grapk; the buaineaa mating waa ductad by Mra. Frank Sparser, daat of tke Night School Commencement Monday CmhL Thieves Operating In Surry Aid WIm Captved Mr. aboadfor his IK- At tho tia* of tho stitid—t O. A. Iswwan. of this city, was la tho car with Mr. Marion aad ha that the sf Um driving at a W, Cook wn married at tW Ihm of tha Mrs. 8. U Cook sa Day at aooa. Mm. i. 8. Cook of Joaosboro an aaeto sf tho tho boaotifal audi gwtly Tho happy couplo toft in Iho after noon for a few days trip Tititing Ral of in Tkoy botk ham tend congratulations. Thojr will bo at hoass after a fow days ia Mount Airy whore tko gioum hoUs a ia-L spoasibto position with the 8. P. VJ ^Xhorc will bo a fkidtor's canrsatwiii | at Loag Hill school hooos Saturday nifht Doe. IS. Pracasds for hiwflt ■* a, a —» h i !■ 11 1. | — 1 a _ _ a of •ciiooi. EvtryDoay it iBTitM 10 W tad Kate Cook wttk Margaret Pulk. of Pilot Maaataia. Bora to Mr. aad Mia. way a M. L. Owsas has fto and la Tory sick, atoo Mrs. Garland Callaway aad rulk of PI this rout* at this Margarat aad tot Moan tain with Forey and of Union, 8. C., ars spsadlag a fow days with rolathras on this roots. Band Concert Tuesday Night prior to