All-State High Contest To Be Played Mount Airy Ntwi ml Mr. Btmom ■a^W^rM* »J*^| 11m lafMtfa A mm, WfOkm Q**f Mi to Mr. mi Mn. Q«m»* *. M4.| of POot Maaataia. Tmmdmj li—H Afar* tk* ttrin ymt «l<| MB *f 0. A. Aym, of Ik* Va, i* qoH* wUk wttik iipyi Mr. M*at* SaMot of rout* ll*»| Mil's TV W a for tiaataM* Mr*. A. E. " Brta Moon, *oa of fk. John Momi of Highland Park U d* collided with aa aMaiWi. He uffNtd a broken collar-boo* (a tk* A" Lu*hUr, Roth Brn**tht», bora to Mr. aaid Mr*, lobort Marshall of root* «, Dm. 14. Mr*. V. a Waif* to Improvin* fol lowing aa attaek of laiaw Mr. PIMa 0*0***. of I* a modteal patient la tk* • Mr*. J. A. Snow, who i to tko hoapHal laat w**k with ad aatkma, I* * i - Of Pork n of Mr. and Mn. J. L. of tkto oftjr, of rM »/ • Ml Owtacto innhitf Ik MM Of I ». L T. ylw. Ofcc p.-r—» /rw kivikMtaTki Mm oflat 7» par*i rf by tba m of A Co, of by W. M. - tr o" "**■ •V iMRBI -:<• r of tkto oHy. lb. •II tka Com «• oom to wbor* tboy would bo pro • aotoc* pair «f Am m » CtoMM priiwrt M|l»| of «fi to _ •H Mount Airy ■ way, to om MhlkiTi by Mr. Mo Mr. Hhm footo that tMo L. -» » * w §i">n quail to aont to t* at Tte bM to by Prof. Brown principal of Airy H%b aohoc bo plaaad im tba window of Drvg M * _ ■ wMb in thto yaar. Kiw&nis