Contest Ad at tha MM V • of Mrs. Oh. E Marshall of tlM Woman'. Club; Mr*. I Cardan Club and D. H. architect and aoatractor, ware visited by tka it was with difficult) of tha local prima* affarad by rs. Many af tha diayiay* had af tha «# after vol* af tka comaittaa MhM tha first local prise to Mrs. JE. C. Miani, tha aaaond prise to At aLaW^Mrf IkM to Mn. to tha local can Public Utilities Co, for system. Tha >id|toc af will ba daao by P. V. Co, and contest for the a«jf fttaoa. which ara »1» for tho MQ cond and $M for tho to too potiHahan of Dm and wo desire to oxprass our atoaora thanks to all who did thrir bit <• to* effort that had for its prima ohfoat too baaatifytoc of tha borne, of too city and implanting deeper in tha hearts of oar poop is that Christ nM spirit at frieadekip and goodwill I all nan. toonf those who took part in tha Oato'ior Doeorativs Contest wore Mrs. M. t. Cartar, Jr., Mrs. B. M. Hollingi- : Krartk. Mrs. E. C. Bivens, Mrs. E. H.1 ■pMltsky, Mrs. John Sobotta, Mrs.' <3L B. Sholton, Wm. Merritt, H. O.! W. H. Holcomb, Mrs. E. C. r, Edw. M. UnviUa. W. W. , C. M. Whitlock, Mrs. Albert I J. R. Hinea and W. M. Hospital Notes Korkner of Ararat, no D. E. Nelson of this city, for treatment at the hoe will in a few U* N the Mr Woltm ^^he furnace and Mrs. H. O. WoiU bWw up I morru ig and the entire of the bona waa badly damaged wKh ■team and amoka the (Ira caught the raften in the baaement and the (fare company wu summoned bat Mr. Wolti was able to extinguish «4*se himaelf. ^ A gift of pan-fame waa pnanlad to! Miss Martin, the honoraa. At tba refreshment boor a dalirtoa* I salad evaraa with Russian toa Was served aad tba favors wara mint hold ers with artntatara Chriatmas tree and lighted candle decorations Jim Jarria Hu C«r Torn Up New* of Silotm RwidwU Si loam, Dm. 22—D. V. Hiatt and IJ nons Harvey and Herman Haitt. and daughter Miss Myrtle Haitt and Mis* Elisabeth Lawson have returned from a trip to the coalfield Motion of Vir ginia. They motored up the Fancy Gap road through HUlsvtlle, Abington, St. Paul and Coeburn. and Waited Mr. Haitt'* brother,T. H Haitt at Toaa Creek, Va. Tbeae brother* had Mt ■een fach other, until this sine* Mr. T. B. Haitt left Surry forty year* ago. Mrs. W. F Peeie paased away at her home hate Tuesday Dm. IS after \being a sufferer for a number of ■ears. She was crippled about fire wears ago and was alao a suffer from rT. B. and complications. She ia survived by her husband, two daugh ter*, Mt*ae* Minnie and Ethel and four •on* Sherrill, Trey, Foy and Kelly. The funeral waa conducted fross the HiUs Qreve Baptist Church Tueetoy and the remains Interred in the Hill* Grove wsleij. The Hills Grove Sunday school had thsir annual Christ man entertain ment and treat at the -ehureh Monday night. The funeral of Mrs. Timothy Hill sa held Tun toy from the Ptee Hill VJ toga. AUAyyH»wl«—lyUwiM hmm iki hciJii IhnfUM ■n<^y«iwillhar»a>»»i»MI.T*** 3Tau cm vllk mnImm nJ imj 4m bwtfkl m M(k cf irf nj mm witk but bttla af intervening aaa.TKay |ava to mn tka tripla Common af UJtoJ ^Mi rfUpdto l—ZaftU? ka«W to MmIi— Pm» IW" tJU with fm tU jritf wi pain j^na bngk Bnywv inJ "Ji_j Jiltlii ■■likiT lL»iiiAiii_Ti Li^iib n,M^iiJ 1 Mb >Mr ImmAcMm. Nm, kail to tka ckiaf-- lla bat kam af 1km. Tba cmi mU tkaawaaf mmd mi ikaU JflZu. kaat back far m tka m|1mi. Ym km mm W • ke«ar wa*U *m w ellw w I* m* Iwm*. We #wl #m toi* lk»toMl«ba^iMiM?JyMf^l n i ■ H» fLm w l» SmjM* Sto'aartSv'giniaiai^M Imi^^ diw Jul^ ^ ^ t^a^ai wa toMri^vtmiiaanJMrikiimmmTTmm (ka mm#c pag* mI«dtotkaftoay af to ba. Had. »M« j»'« >Mr tMal Letter From Foreign Miuionary Wt left Mount Airy on giving Dm. » Day. Through tt and kindaan« of Mr. and Mrs. W. 9ptrgtr we had t ffhaakaghring dinner In b| relatives in Wthot Cora i changed to the Norfork and Waatarn j train, our Pullman ear , to Cincinnati. Prom Cincinnati to St. Louis we wad a Pullman chair ear 0h the National Limited fiom Now York. At the lattar place wa had time to attend a vitapona movie at the Mid town Theatre. On the morning of Dacaadbar 1 wa breakfasted at Qulncy, III., with Mr. W. C. Bradley and wife, nee Miaa Nona Frank. They than drove ua to Mt. Sterling, 111., a distance of a Utile over forty milea, where wa visited and I mat a number of my retativea whose forbears migrated from Davison | County, N. C-, to Brown County, 111, before the Civil War. I occupied the pulpit of the Mt. Starling Preabyterian Church the following day at 10:40 A. M. Qur two days' visit in Illinois was crowded with intereat and ^ December > found as in City, Mlaaouri, for a stagof several hoars. Prom there we Mb the twoi thousand mi lea to San Francisco la two nights and ana day in the mum Pullman ear. After laavtag Ogden, Utah, oar train ttmii the Great Salt Lake m the track of the goathraai Pacific Railway far a distance of thirty mllea, one at the 1 the distance over forty miles. Groat Salt Lake la thirty-' at With the exception of the Daad in Palestine, Great Salt Lake la saltiest body of It la tweaty-two par eaat salt; aa flab In It, the ealy life balag a On aceoaat ot mW of rainfall Dm buln We ptutd through Boo, Nevada, metropolis of the aats, with * | tion of >1110011 tiMOMli Mt ot the State Unive ratty, and knows boot to ti t T large number of la it* i In Son Francisco «* had too to erooa over tho toy to Berkley to vieit Mra. Frank's aunt, Mra. Valeria Prather Leater, and her son aad Ua family. Then wo visited the Univer sity of California whteh 1mm tho lan cet attendance in the country. We viewed the National 8tadium with ■eating capacity of 71,000, complete aince oar former visit at a coot of; $1,500,000 We aalled from San Fraaciaeo the 8. 8. President Taft December 7 at 4 P. M. Rev. W. A. Davia and wife and other* came on board to vieit us and bid aa goodbye. Brother Davia waa for many year* one of oar effi cient Southern Methodiat miaaioaar iea in Japan. He la now eat of oar work for Ja Korean* in Calforaia. Rev. L L. Shaver aad family of North Carolina, aad of la Japan, aro oa board with aa. Mra. Shaver U a niece of Mr. Joe Took of Mount Airy aad lived there beraalf prior to her father1* death. All-State Football Players Arrive In Monnt Airy Auto Takes Dive Into Mill Race Two Young Com»1m Haw Urn Two young couplet occupying a coupe had % narrow my« from drowning jMank; when their coupe turned orer and landed upeide down In the mill race at the plant of the Toy Lumbar and Manufacturing Co. near Stewart'* creek Just acroee the, railroad. The ear wn parked at the v.rtlsed throochoat Um auu aad hundreds of ptopl* tn expected to make the trip to tkto city am Tin*» to aaa the MccMt football contort at the mm la the hick school eh» The Now Year game hu tmw u hard work of ^M^UnderlaL Md l»y«l • up port from the citisewe at Moot Airy. It to one that to i|hl for by «r«y prcgrntly town ai (ha fro* mry part af th* atato. Th. stetoeo players ii|irtk« kn aa members of tho all-state toaai b elude Hafer of TaylomtUe, Am field of Mount Airy, and Pacta* af Wilson, anda; Creed of Mount Airy, Smith of Lastagtea and Uttoy at Concord, tarkloa; Lackey at villa aad CarKoo of Durham, par4, Eapey of Hickory, aad Underwood af Saaferd, centers; Jasoes of Hickory., quarterback; Phillipe of WayeeerUle. Brittaia of Wilmington, Martin af Hamlet, Smith of taMgfc, aad Stew art of Mount Airy, hacks. Thursday aftarnooa ia the home «l her aunt Mr*. S. A. Conduff on North Mala street when hrldse «u P«ajr«4 at ••von tables. A Chrtstams >s. >^s of hath crystals was iiiiiibHiI for high seors and a handpaintad ha ad kerchief for low score. A salad coarse with Rossi sn tea was serred with lighted candles aa each plate. Lighted nndh> afao doc orated the tablea during the refresh Mias Paige Howard, of Greetubora, waa aa out-of-towa piist "Hello, b That You Santa?"