Lou WiD Reach $200,000 < With Very Little Jnturance ;' >—__— Fought Blaze 8 Hours of ttM cracks alone the aide of i wall. Jack la tha. club, started an km- { found that tha entire j thaatra below *w or flra. TUi ahout lima o'clock and tha flra alarm at once aom monad tha city fir* fight |— — M ■* — * - , , f.,1 inf iotcw ana inf two powcrrui •aa. ata their way into tha of tha finable to the ft pit and on tha walla of ad-| Tha eitjr pun ■ at full i for tha fire en-l in tha tanka i tha fire could ha 1 Mr. Marioa, leaaaa of the thaatre building la oat of the city mad no ee tiawta tu ba had of hi* loaa, although ha win be tha haaviar loaar with the exception af Mr. Goldsmith, tha own ar of tha building.. Tha buildtega WW maured far a total of II MOO, aad hare baati eatimated to ba worth *10*000. Jeoeph Jrank haa a loaa of 9S6.000 la dry goodi aad marehaadlae, with fll^OO iaaarance. Mr. Prmnk just ttma aionthi ago purehaaad thla atock from Phillip Warahaw. Tha A. ft P. Stora waa damaged by am oka aad watar to tha aaaeunt of ItjBlO. Tha roof la buraad off thia atoaa room and thair atook ia being rfawnl to tha atora xoom waat at Hip MfW* office on Moore itraat, where thay will atart a fire aala Friday morn lay on thair damaged atock. On tha aaoond floor of tha block ware several office firma which auf farad considerable loaa. D. L Hiatt, attorney, loot all hi* furniture aad law books, vataed at $2,000 with no Insurance. A. E. Tllley had a loaa of «S00 with ao insurance. Tha Mooaa their wives ami My friends took their places around the festirs board with the membtn of tha all-stata high school football turn and coach®* m their naiU thay all Joined in alngtnK "Carolina", mea «m said by L ? Wrann and 0. H. Yokley, president of tha alumni and student orfranica tlon, presided aa master of curemon iaa. J. H. Folger extended a welcome to tha ell-state football squad and all tha other piaiti and Dr. Carroll, tha speaker of tha evening was Introdureit by Mr. Trent Harkrader, of Dobaon. Dr. Carroll spoke of tha tasks facing tha college , graduates of today goug ing his thoughts under three Beauty, Democracy or Equality in Bucation and Tolerance. He plead for an education which will instill in North Carolinians a greater lore for will lessen the imDor tance of the dollar in politiee—end the creation of a greater spirit of toler ance towards the ideas and ideals of others. Following the splendid speech by Dr. Carroll; C. C. Pntndortor all-state football eoach was introduced and en tertained with so ass reminis football ■ otic director of the university gave year's history of athletics. tioo of officers resulted in JL. Kst William J. Key for Mars a leading citlaen and merchant in the Ararat section paaeed away Saturday at the home of his son-in-law Mr. Sid Mos ley, aged 88 years 8 months. Mr. Key was associated with his eon in the W. J. Key and Son general merchan dising business until about fifteen years ago when he turned the business over to hie son 0. J. Key. The aged wife survives him with a large num ber of other relet)vee. The funeral was conducted from the Union Church with Elders Dunbar, Creed and Stone officiating, Mia* Wynona Forkner is i hospital patient with two rlba fractured M a rwaK at mi MtomoMh accident which ocearrod Monday mm- PUot Mountain J. W. Johnson, of Winston-Salem la a pneumonia patiant, hi* conditon U improving. Miaa Maggie Cdenton returned to her home at IV Hollow, Vs., Mon day. She la Buffering with a fractured left arm. Mrs. P. P. Ques in berry of Simpkins, Va., la recovering from a recent op eration. Miaa Elsis Taylor who submitted to an operation far the removal at her appendix la doing wall. She had aa acuta attack. Miaa Koee Stephens, of Filet Moan tain la a patient for the treatment of an infacted wound. Robert Parker, at Thurmond, who submitted to a minor operation waa dismissed and returned home Sunday. Hasten Wilmoth, of Dofaeon, a pa Two new store buildings are Mac aeae section for rectal purpoees and wHl soon be completed. T. N. Brock ia building a store room adjoining his property known aa the Stewart build ing, and H. Schafer is building a store room next to the Haaata Pro duce House. Both are beiag built far rental purpoees. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. WUl Greenwood, of Bannertewn, Christmas Day. Officers Capture Beer In Brim Section—Other Brim New* . . fMt ^ ' • _____ Brim, Boat* 2, Jan. 1.—Mr. and Mr*. Bofebi* Carter hare moved to Randolph county where they will make their home indefinitely. Mr. Bod Bishop and children of Carthace are visiting relatives here. Mia* Essie Hendricks whe U a be greatly missed. She was a kind Christian hearted wife and mother. To know her was to have her. Gaston Love and and Delcic Bate man were united in marriage last Sunday. Miss Ada Rogers who holds a posi tion at Winston-Salem and her slater Mrs. Owen Anderson visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Rogers last week. Mr. Rogers and family have been ill with flu. We are glad they are Improving. While there are several more eases in the community. Jim Anderson is seriooaly ill at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Lawson of Norfolk. Va. spent Christmas with Announcement was mads here last week of the marriage of Mary Bishop to Edgar Pike at Carthage. Their many friends at Brim extend best wishes as they both were flsimei resi dent. of Brim. They will make their Mrs. Itta Ring of Meant Airy visit ed Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ring Friday D. C. Whit* who has suffered very much with inflamed hand and foot, ia improving. ' Mrs. Alias White and daughters All-Slate Loses ToOak Ridge |Un te a aoaloet tat tMn oHjr M«« TMrt Day Mm a «r*rd boia* vWtan froat all fmrU of tha Pkjftn on both Mm kiri to awry tho ball o*Ar tha Mm aad It WM by tho nao of paaaaa tot tha Oak 1M|» boys «m ikb to Mho two too* downa. For a wook tho AII-8tato boya had boon ia tho city working oat In pcaotieoo at tho fair grooad. Dur ing thofar itijr horo thay woro cntor Cla band tho Country Club aad woro high ia thair praiao of tho hoopttali ty oxtondod than by Am Moont Airy eitiaoM. Soon aftor tho aaoa hoar tho HoaMt dorod^an^opon air eoaeort oa Main Stroot. aad durin* tho gaaM playod popular air*. IMr Mrrico «ai oa poclaHy approciatod by tho public and woa without any coat to tho pro mo ton of tho gaiatf. Tho oontaat baa boon b> tbo oyo of tho pobUc for aororal wooki and that player* invohrod came all tho way from Wilmington to Waynaarllla, and front Qartonia to BoidaviMa. Beloved Citizen Pneumonia Victim Mr*. Panto Folks, of this city, wi dow of Um late Dr. ». F. Folks, renin ai in* Hunt Visits Humble Homes fat The Mountain* - •tea. TMr back te covea la the mountain*. TUey Mr tot with etofetoa. Meaataia Ula Bart aad La The moontaina ara hard in ipha of. \ all thair giawiag beauty, dear and majeaty whan from tha sand day vaat beauty to mar tha rad aad yellow of or capped with know in wintar, thay I axa an unfaihn* delfcbt to love God'* handiwork hot te thair owa children tha guUiea from home to homi «taat U any aerrtoa from doetora to caaae ef Children ar^ born with nao«ht e* aaw from the to wraat a living hlila aboi