INSURANCE ADJUSTERS GATHER INFORMATION Investigation Shows Goldsmith Fire Loss Wis Covered With $94,700 Insurance JL"' SALVAGE CREW NOW AT WORK N«w Buldhfi to B« Enetod . .Ok GoM—Mi At Early Date— W. H. M.Hon Lnm k Tormina tod ■mnl Insurance adjusters have MB pending Miml days to the etty this «Mk ihWh mi Investigation of the Ore which Im( week destroyed the Goldsmith Mock and National theatre. Mo definite willwuini of the major Iom have been made, for the work of the adjusters m tar has been the gath erlng of lnforauUtoo and daU on which to effect a payment of the kwaea covered by the toeurance policies. The adjusters found that the follow ing amount* of toeurance covered the building* and content* that ware af fected by the fire A. Ooldsmith. on the four itore oulidlngs and the theatre. $31,000.00 Joeeph Frank, on stock of good* end fixture*. $16,000.00. Jackson Bra*., stock, $21,000; build ing *30 MS. The loe* to them wa* *mall and consisted of water that m thrown tht building. Money Barber Shop. (3.000 00. Moose Lodge. $400.00 A. C. Tllley. $400.00 H. E. Money. $3000JO Lovlll-Hatcher In*. Agency. $300. W. H Marlon had a total of $M. mm divided as follow*: tbaatre, $30. $00; furniture and fixtures. $0,000; system $1,360; rente $1000: shelving, Mr. Marion had a leaae on the thea tre aad Jomph Frank buildings to run for nine mare years, but with the bum tag of the ptupilj the 1mm automati cally expired aad Mr. Goldsmith It* part bald by Mr. Marlon Already Mr. OoMsmlBi I* going for ward with plana to rebuild at an early data and a force of hand* 1* now at work removing the wreckage lhl* work la contracted to a salvage nom pany of WImMi lalen who will throw the wall* down, clean off the brisk and stock than up ready to be used in the new construction. The front* of the four itore room* on Mate street win ate be torn down as teat as the work men can get to their task Aa to the nature of the new buud >ogs Mr. Qoldsmtth has not yet de finitely determined, but there will probably be one large room suitable for department store purposes and two 36-foot store irnaa E. A. Hannah Dies At Princeton, W. Va. Miu Anna Merritt Go— Wukin|ton State Wrenn Willi* Dim in tn the •rmj . kl wrrtrM by his Harold and Theron i Fred Alexander. The Bar. Mr. Willis •erred Central Methodic Church in thi( city as pastor some twelve or fif teen years ago and the children will be remembered by many of their school - ma tea. Fair Grounds To Be Sold Public Auction Edw. M. Llnviile. Bee. and Treas.. ol The Carolina-Virginia Pair Associa tion. has advertised the fair ground property to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, tomorrow at 3 P. U.. on the premises. This action ocsnee as a result of a decision of the stockholders <Knne months ago to wetl the holdings of the association, pay off the indebtedness of the fair and quit the business. The property will be offered as a whole. There is coo sidsrabie agitation on the part of many of our dtiaens for the purchase of this property by the ctty for a play ground and future school puiposus. The matter has beep dismissed by the etty officials at different times tart tt has taken no definite form at this date. Visiting Family Lose Young Son The wren year old ion of Mr. and Hn. Clyde Hawk*, of IiWa died at the hoapttal bare Sunday morning of colltu following Influenxa Mr. Havlcs waa a natlre of Lambaburg. Va., aad married la Idaho bringing hie family to hla how (or Obrlatmai lor their flrat Tlett. They fond hie relative* 10 with "flu" aad one of their chl'dren became alck. a alight attack appareutiy bat complication* developed. and Uwir hoped for hanpp ?Wt vaa turned into tragedy. They wUl return hone leav ing the preciooa duat of the child In the hlDa of hi* father*. Folger Continues To Hold County Office Report That He is No Longer County Auditor Hu Been Misleading to Many The report that has been sent to the stat* press that B. P. Falser ha* tend ered his resignation to the Board of Surry County, Is correct yet the state ment has been'the cause of a misunder standing on the part of many people as to the meaning. Mr. Near la no1 longer county auditor, but he doaa re main the oounty's bookkeeper and purchasing agent—the office for which he waa orglnally appointed. At about the same time the legislature also paaaed a law requiring every county In ths ttate to Mnploy an imBWr to up on the various county Ameer* each year. This office In Buiry Oounty waa also given Mr. Folger two years ago. but aa a result of a ruling of the Attor ney Oeneral the first of the year, tt was declared that Mr. Folger could not hold the office of auditor and also be tt resulted In an official being the auditor of his own accounts Oon epuently Mr. Folger has resigned as the county auditor la compliance with tbr ruling at the Attorney Oeneral. bat remains aa the county"* bookkeeper and purchasing agent at MOO per month ed. at somr future date, to name an auditor whose duty it will be to check over all tba affairs of the various county officers. Miaa WfeiUker Suffers Cot Onr Eye Farm Agent Work To Be Discontinued C«MM(Mn Say TWjr Am Trying to C«l Eipww By W«rk ■ ' 'J of whldi Mr. I infliay to rhuhTtun win bold • meeting next Monday when the health question will again be taken up. Or. R C. Mitchell of thl* city ha* tan added to the board of county health succeeding Dr. J. T. Smith, who to already on the highway board. Dr. Hugh Parka of Bkln. has been re elected also Hospital Notes George Parrish of Spring street had an operation Wednesday night for pleurisy O. V. Howerton submitted to an op eration Wednesday night for acute appendicitis. Alice East daughter of T. A. Bast, of Qalax. Va . had an operation for ap pendicitis Wednesday. Bwanson Southard, of Rusk. Ouer ney Childress of root* 2 and David MldkUT of route 2 are all empyema patients. Mrs. R. P. Oomer. of Dobaon. to re covering from an operation for acute appendicitis Friday. Mrs. Haywood Merrltt and Itttto son left the hospital for their home Tues day W. E. Woodruff to a patient at the hospital with an attack of fhi. W.C. T. U. Meets With Mrs. J. R Fulton Ths local W. C. T. D. will meet with lira. J. H. Pulton at tor home on Sooth Main street Tuesday January IS at 2:30 p. m. Their program will deal with (icte regarding the ntwth anni. venary of National Prohibition which data to January M. Many prominent men Including Rater Baboon ham written Interesting articles regarding the wonderful success that has cams of the enforcement at prohibition In this comparatively short time it has been a law and In sptte of Us Imperfect enforcement. They attribute much of the National prosperity to prohibition. Father of Mrs. Herman Diet At Hickory Mr. Marcus Eckard, father of Mn. B. K. Herman of this city, died sudden ly at his horn* near Hickory Sunday morning shortly after midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Herman and son Ralph left at 4 a. m. for Hickory and were Joined there by Dr. Earl Herman, erf Enfield Mr. Eckard had a slight attack at grip or lnfluema but was not confined to his bed and hie death was a shock to his family Mn. Eckard had been in bad health and through a misunder standing of the phone message it waa reported hare that Mn. Herman's mother was dead. Young: Woman Is Influenza Victim arehouse Property OO tt li tb« 1 by] • ft** M| leaf I Virginia i The ] at tbe rear at Ml ■rid Uw hardware atore, at for further expansion at the hardware The which haa been conducted by Hajmaa, Brown and Haynea for the paat IS yeart will be continued by Mr. Baynes and Mr. Brown ax the transaction doe* not effect the tobacco interest* pf the concern, but only tbe aale at the real eatata. The new owner* purchased the property for lnveatment reasons and at the present do not con ton plat* mak ing any changes, but plan to main tain tbe pn**nt statu* of the property aa far aa j Prof. Pendcrgraph Will Speak on Mission* Prof. L. B. Pendergraph will artdr— the women of the WMoniry aoctety of the Fin* Baptist Church on tame sub jeet nhttn to the work of the society or the reepnntoNHty of the lndlrtdusl member at their regular monthly meet ing for January to be held In the church Monday afternoon January 14 at the usual hour. The uaual bnslnees win be tranaaoted and a full attend - anee of the membership to deaired, in addition to the membeis an women at the church are Invited. Laugh at This Says Mr. Rufe Simmons to mnthe we hare nottoed our friend Rufe Btmmons, of Weetfleid. paartnt The New* offlee in the early moraines with bueketa of milk In his HswWt aiy< pffirHgrif of butter under hlf arms. Now and then hto brother, Qua. who toft the term and came to torn, has been heard to touch at Rufe far being buntoited with such loads every moraine, but this week Mr. Rufe made a report of hto year's work to The News office and now It to time far Ous and the other "white-eoitor" fellows up on Main Street to toy and touch. Here's the report of Mr. Rufe: "Yes said Mr. Wmmnns. "I have been eaO lnc batter and milk from one Jersey oow that I keep on my farm at Weet fleid for several months. She was fresh In February. 1927. and since that time has supplied my family with an the butter wtifc needed, up to the present date I have sold mo worth of milk and butter to m/ friends hi Mount Airy. For a year this oow cave four gallons of milk a day. and althoueh she has not been fmh sin* 1037. she to now flvtnc three gallons a day and I am stlU bringing these polls of buttermilk poticogos of butter to my town friends." Just think of It. Here Mr. stmmom ha* made *700 In two years over and above hto home requirements from the «ale of butter and milk from one cow. That's Uvinc at home In the trueet sense. New Location For Barber Shop Will Opan Uaad by Tha Barnard Co., Which Will Cloaa Oat By March 1st. YOUNG WOMAN FIRES BULLET INTO HEART Miss Emma Lowe Takes Her life at H< of Sister in Highland Park C P. Clark's Mother Pum atx of wheat — iln. They arc O. P. Clark and Mrs. J. W. Hytton. at Momt Airy; Mn. K. 4. Cootey. of Rand B» treet. Va; Robert If. Claik. Stuart. Va., Thomaa H Clark. CWnmlHw. O., and Mn. W. B Woolwlne Her death was the mult at tnfluena and pan mania. Her htataod la In very feeble health we an eony to note. Much Sickness In County in December County Nurses Busy Relieving Distress—Think Situation is Improving. Much df the time at the county nurses. Mn. Msry Beamer and Mtos Irene Parsons was taken up with visi tation In the home of the sick and > destitute in the county and minlster as far as possible to their comfort dur ing the month of December. Some suffering was found resulting from lack of food and clothing, fire lng. three white and two colored. The nuraes wMh to make pubUc acknow ledgment of aaatatsiye in this work with generous donations of shoes, over shoes. clothing etc. from Mr. Baltf, manager of the Bene Department More and the isumpt response of the Mount Airy Woman's club through the presi dent. Mrs. George Marshall to a can for help when they found a family of eleven nearly all sick with Inftuenaa and half chilled to death about two and a half mllea from town. Three warm quilts aad clothing, shoes and stnelflngs ware supplied through Mrs. Marshall and the life of the baby which had pneumonia was saved. Con ditions wen such that the Inadequate clothing family powntd hid been wet by the rain which penetrated the shack they occupied and acute suffar tng and perhaps deeath would have resulted had not relief been given at at opee. The county nurses can use a gnat things from time to time and have asked The Newa to make a general ippotl for shoes, clothing etc. tint etili have some service left In them. These things can be delivered to the health office or a phone message to the effloe the things If you cannot deliver them. Recent Deaths Buy Your City Auto License; Save Cost Cause of Action Is Not Known Lowe, who was about 20 yam old. and the daughter of the late C. ■ Lowe, bad bean living with her stater. Mis. Jarrell for three yean. Wednee day night the family supposed tfae young woman had gone to her roam, but when Mr. Jarrell came la from a trip about nine o'clock be happened to notloe that bar room was vacant and made inquiry as to bar where abouts. In her room were her shoes and hoee Constable O. P. Creed wh notified of her diiftppearance ^ t search at once began. About the Una Mr. Creed arrived at the home tpn found the body of the woman in an open held about 78 ; from the house. She was in feet, with no hat. and had on a i the tnveeigatora to the oooclaaton that the young woman had Into her heart while then crumpled to her backward throwing the gun Me but she left no Missionary Insti tute At Central About Om Hadnd Putan •ad Dah|»tM la Atti H*«r* Dmmm Sarwnd fat Churck Dining Room. A district missionary Institute an der the direction of Presidli* Elder X. W. fa* le In simian In Central teeth- ' odist Church today, an an day m—ton being held with luncheon in OM church dining room for the visitors. The pastors and delegate* tram the thirty-one pastoral charge* In the dto trist with the speakers will number about one hundred visitors. The district was enlarged at the last annual conference the farthest point an the east now being Draper and on the west the line where Ashe and Vhutan ga counties Join the state of Tbiuisb Among the speakers for the morn ing are Rev. C. S. KirkpaMek. at ThomasviUe. who speak* in the inter est of the superannuates. Rev. i. W. Moor*, of High Point speaking on Pastoral Evangelism O. V. Woosiey. Lexington, whoa* subject is Bund*? Schools and Kvai««ll*tn. Rev. A W. Plylsr. D. D . Editor of The Christian Advocate, Greensboro. meeting on Om Church Pre** and Evangelism: O. H. Mrs. Robert Lovill Is Dinner Hostess Mr* Robert Until it twty D O Or. It IL

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