For City Investigating Committee Makes Survey Of Prspwed New Territory to be. A4M Patrick Mm Die* From Pistol Wound to 1*1 la Ml* m glial Ml M, n • Mr report waa to tlx aa aba* in tha Law k at la a ton of Vt.. ud kk vtti «m * MBh nam of root* 1 Wadaaaday of thto WMk. The of the fir* la unknown, but la • ad to tan toan dua to a < twtvoan MJ Um ■Mat enjagrabia ooaMdy of ttw rwr, will to ahown on Friday 18 th at Um Orand Uwatra for ttoa Trinity Wwopi Ttw par to fltoMd from Mary arta Rimharfi popular atory af ttw aw maw and atora Laura La I In a rate of IrnMI Robert nL Marshall Pneumonia Victim taa erml will be coadwcted kturiv mora ine at 10.00 a. m. and he will be laid to mt with the hoaora of the Jr. O. V. A. If. and Patriotic Sons ot Hmertoe The reUctoui eenrioe win be conducted by Rer. B. J. WW*. Rev. and Mrs. Frank Reach Japan Miss Lillian Johnson Fast Recovering Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers At ft recant mssttnt of the Amari can Uftan Auxlllafo. of Mount ikr tha following otlliwi vara elected and T«iy: Mw. o. JK. Snow: Chair man, rehabilitation Mrs. W. 8. WoUa. child welfare lira. Wade Moody; metn banlitp. Mr. Wayne Christian; his torical onramtttee Mrs Robert Lorffi: finance and popptas Mrs. J. B. Hajmas; publicity Mrs. H. O WoM; OoM Star Mothers Mrs. C. H Kaynes. Mrs. J. A. Snow. In future the auxiliary lassMiigi win be bald at 3 JO p. m. the first Tuee days of each month. Honor Roll For North Main School Flrat grade—Joe MMh i rette Clara Jane B son. Jr.. Eugene Smith. Otorft W. I Sparger m. Laralne Crawford. Mary I Staler Hawks. Nannie Ruth Beoood grade—Thomas Worrell. Jo- I sie Hill. Ruth Morris, Melba Pruett. | Lucy Wmmona. Third grade—Beola Totttert. Oray son Tnman. Roger Reeves TU- | toy. Edwin WorrtU, Helen Boyd. Mildred Fourth grade—Henrietta Hines. Vie Flfth grade—Mildred rone Samet. Sara WeUman. Lore Mon day. Annie Fred nines Winston Club Womb Sponsor Sacred Concert of the Wo to be of that i 27 at S ' Mr. X. R. Olapp and the choir of | Centenary Methedlet Church, the Cam el City Quartet, the trio of the Than-! day Morning Ma* Club i chorus of the First Of. the| Airy led offering will be taken to be j on the club debt J Local Warehouses Will Close Feb. 15.1 tobri ■ be sf u the to them. Both Mr. Johnaon v* to IdntUy mom of the plant* aa ha vine crown on Mr. Simpeon'a term. They eatlmate that aa many aa a tfcouaanri planta moved from the (arm at Mr. Ladd and Jenklna admit that they sold to eitiaana hare, and explain that they secured the young planta from old houaaa here and there about the oountry. To any one who knowa the nature of the boxwood thla la not a reaaonable explanation, tar boa wood never aenda up aprouta aa do many treea, and la reproduced only from cuttings that are planted and rooted In • IM IWV J i ■ ncaring While the offlcerm were .working op the above out Harto Childrass and Oe fnu Newaon mum with the tkm that a pile of tomuwl was J In the woods on Fancy Qa miles above town. OfflMr M. T. Pat to investigate and found fertUtasr sacks fuU of fcHm parte of Unwuod all eoaoealedby a road. TIM wort of securing the he*-' wood was evidently the wort at sooss one who knows nothing of the busi ness, tor old bushes had I the value of the hy its rough breaking up. The offloer biuught It all to town and woe not able to In any way connect It 1 the case In whleh Mr. Mum la fully planted the tar White Plains School To Pro gent Four-Act Play of the of the Berth", a chama h>1 Auto Kills Young Man; Another Fractured Skal Gty Wide Religious Canvass Feb. 3rd. I it of: kdtntfi Ml of Brr. A. O. Olbbt ind ). W I Fall wu appointed to wot* out all Thaw In chart* at the < uOd that a raquaat be I ■TOM in Mount Airy to be In their hanw from a to 8 o'clock Sunday af ternoon Fab. K ao that It will not to call at the information la (oeurad. If ranmi In J Mount Airy will cooperate to that ex tent. then the eamraaa will be worth I Little Boy Putad Away at Pilot Mountain Norwood Beeiley only m ofj Mr. and Mm J. W Mv. at Pilot died at thetr bone Wednea dmy Jan. It after several month* 111 nM d urine which neither money or effort* wen spared to protons the life of the UtUe Ave year old sufferer HI* parent* plaeed Hh to the hospital hare taut carried htm hone to qmd hi* laat day* when they realised nothing more Larry Heath Jenkln* left la*t for New York to reaume hi ■panrthn aararal montlyi in part' of which time was ■pent with hi* mUhi Mr*. 3. D. Jen kin* In this city. High Masonic Honor For H. M. Foy of Infant Creel

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