Painfully Injured By Kick of A Mule taMkad >MMW of a Uok an the side of Ml fiM from a mule's loot mind to purchase •' pair of mites lor his farm down •* Brim and Sunday lot over at Bannertown and was told teff00dtpMUlU«^||Nk|^ that were wt^d^Lo^rJnTtotolhe sUlTta hiST be frightened at his approach and whsHed around and kiokad tola) on the aide of the face, at was painfully hurt and at one* earriod to the hnspttol where it was found that ha had a fracture of the cheek bona. Boxwood Thieves Go to County Jail The two man. Brady Ladd and Pleas Jenkins, who spent last week In the city prison on the charge of stealing boxwood from the farm of John Simpson, had s hearing before Xaquire Moore list and plnd guilty to the charge and went to Jail in rttfmtt of bond for their appearance at the next term of Surry Superior court. i Dr. John T. Burros Moved To S. C Tb« Ortiiotos rrlMda' M«tlac krnmm M Irrtnc UU TMrttwth mimi N. W„ WaaMagtea. >bm Mr. m« Mm Imw will attend wwtwi darlac thair nccnpancjr of Mm While Horn, Austin Greenwood Dies From Injury • week ago by • Mr drtr Ward. youna DU ot Oa lu. ▼». Ttae driver of the oar win to gtvm a hearing to the iUoorxtar'i oourt oa M. llth, although lnvestl of tto accident eUm M Religious Canvass Sunday Afternoon Complete pnpmUona have fin held Sunday tltanwn. Mb. M. worker* «M bald tat the OwM Math odtet Church. Wednesday evenlns it m*m thirty The membirt of the var touT'ehurohee rtaponded ao ttnrtlly to the call for luliiiilcen that there mi mpre pmiut than wore needed. At thla meting aU the detelb at the eaneaai vara carefully pwiwlrt. and aad^hrtr«uSrn U>-r "■'"T"11' The oommittee would Hke to maba thta public *rr—' to the people of Mount Airy, aekto« them to (toy at hem Sunday afternoon untnjhe can vaaeera have been to your home and aeourad the Information they need. If the cttlaene of Mount Airy will coop erate to thia extent, then a worthwhile cenau* will ha aecured. Hospital News Mia Nona Clayton, of Mountain Park, had an operation Wednesday for the removal at her tenalto J. B. Hutchetu. of Bitoam to eufferinc with a badly cut foot the injur* wai Aixtained with an an. * J w Brinkley, of route • had an operation for acute appendicitta Tvft day. Swapped Ford For Liquor-Now Wafts All right, this Uquor law to a thing that aMBir %re trying their beat to boat, and no doubt many aro getting ot tag with the officer* Then Is »om«thlng |p human nature to the way ot a defiant mptrlt that prompts mai to go and do the very thing that lei A eort at poiveisltj, a to overcoming any kind of reetratot. That la what the law le-a influence, made to keep a ; the things ho would ttoe to One day last week lomibody wk » the ear of offloer Ohariyl Creed that hie neighbor wards, had five gallons of liquor at his home. ^ ^Now^Mr^Oroed I« something of ferreting out the ways of the of the law. Let htm get on a cold trail and if It is humanly poeriMo he will follow It to the end and got hie man. In this esse offloer Oread want to the od about In a quiet way. It had just rained and the ofltoer obaenid that a man had walked away from the houee out through the soft land. That enough. -At onoe he waa A good ofUoer lets a up but aeea Importance to the i things oonnaotod with a oaee. That track out through the the ofleer straight to a there was frash dirt to was plain da fruit Jars had been buried and recently the gftaund. leaving their to the dirt so plain that a would have known that they buried there and reoently Then the tracts pointed directly back to the bou*. All this! was as eaay ss taking candy from a baby. Onof in thf house the looked about and She look tike, spied a bit of dirt—fMsh mud dirt, on the foot board of the bed. and doeer obeervatlon showed that a man had recently placed his muddy foot exactly at that point on the bod. To do that the man could reach up to the colling. Naturally the officer got up on the footboard Just as he suspected the man had done, and from that perch he oould examine the of the room. In in time he had loeatod a looee board an4 when It was removed there were several fruit Jan hidden away and as much as one a h*Mf gallons of liquor In them. Of oourse that meant that the man at the house, Mr Bdwaids must answer to the oourt for | la tha Recorder's oourt Monday Mr. i Edwards went on the stand la his own defease ud MH I straight story of how ha had recently traded Ma old M oar for flu gallon* at whisker and was keeping It for hie own person al use. Be had a (Hand to whom ha had aiade a prssnrt of three gallons, I and what was not there whan the officer made the find, he had himself consumed Tha man told a story that tha 4kart bettered and he wax let go with a ftoe at gl* and the ooat Surry County Loses An Aged Citizen T months and* l^da^paeesd' mn? rf*haTn!eoe!(Mr? To. OlWbwJTat reared In Stokae county and came to Barry la make bar hooM about M RELIEF FOR THE FARMER FARMERS HAVE HOPEFUL VIEW. i And while all thto I* true there are In deipair of ever being able to bold <n to I been Inherited and a man balks at seelag Ik paee i alanqaa he hat been reared oa it. haa never ttv« poor and he to not able to gat i In brocage itgs. He haa had to | debt grow* torfar. This to no i that there an literally would not bring the ■ mount of the hopae of aeaae day itrUdna a etreak oI htohow. THE AID OF STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. * • There may be ion other way, but up to thto time the only way that haa to a solution of all thto to to do'a better and assre pinntaMa kind It to to brine all thto About that haa eauaad oar governmnt to the plan of educating the lannen by way of the county agent. Theee are Mined man who ean speak with aothoitty on an mhtocta that in the farmer and they have the aid of exparta that are sent to time by the department of agriculture. Beery farmer In the oounty cure the advice of a trained man Iran llstolgh or Waalduglon M ho for hto services Any fanner can aaeura a Ttott to his land by one of perta who will oome and advise him how to lay off hto fields, plan his crops fu- rotation, analyse hto aoU and fire htm all the aid that be needs to pa hto buslnem on a paying and satisfactory basis. A oounty that falls to avail itself of all this in these of high living And high cost of ill thit It to happUMM*. U Handing In lto own Ufht. Counties that refuse to oooperato in this eduoatkmal work are contributing to the aid of other oountlee. for the money baa been appropriated for thto wo*t and to uaed wnere it to demanded. Our own ooqnty of Surry has not had an agent for avieh of the time in reoent years, but Forsyth county haa had two agenta. You aae If we tail to ask for an agent that makes U poealbie for same other oounty to aaeura the funds that would have oome to our county We ean take thto money or leave It. but to have it simply means that soma other oounty ^ota It. Par dont forgpt that all of the appropriation will be spent, so great to tilt dwnand for the COUNTIES CAN COOPERATE. Penny Store Opens In City Feb. 28th The statement follows: ■thai Burkhart M^^tetattNKtog iim ud Wt; thn they ohm teak • third Usm with RbadM. Tbay ted a ahotgun. fired ooe ahot before tte* lot to ua and holloed We atartad te we Head; naked tew Much we got for our place ate te told thaw Ttegr waited to teow tew much money te ted la tola pocket, Steward did mm ot the talkiai. te Mad to «al te • of**t^We^started" offU ahawajxT'too* my autt oaae ate la the acuffle gnla ed my wriat or hate: Oampkall ted tte , gun. He fired. ahot my huatend ate Campbell ran ate My huatead grab bed the sua aad ahot the otter-term at hte. RhodM aad Sheppard were amrtad aad I Identified than at Stu - art. They admitted being there but de nied the liquor aad denied taking my autt oaae Sheppard Ml la a oat aa? Campbell and Rhode* ran through tte wooda. I want to find aome one to ioak after my huaband. found Mr. Tucker, who with hia son. carried me and my haaband to Stuart to the hoapttaL Campbell had the (un and they aaM to my huaband 'hold up your handa and rlre up your money." I got be tween my huaband and them and while Sheppard waa taking my suitcaM, Campbell ahot my huaband. Sheppard got In the ear with the suit case aad left aad the othar two ran through the wooda. Before the shoteng ttegr asked my huaband U he had a gun aad what aort of knife he had. He ted ao gun aad only a little old knife. I want to Mr. Tucker's aad ha aad Ida aoai went with ua to the hospital at Stuart. MJ huatead dlad about six o'clock Thursday morning." Shelton Accident Case Compromised « In the

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