Hard Fight Being Waged AfX, V V V • 1 • • Over Load Legislation Dr. Bernard Pails In First Attempt to fast B. F. Fofcer—Fight Goes to Hoase Floar * - Airy and the attic* at The right is prtmar i to iat from oftlM K. M. Uew ot the eovrt. and ». P. mu (trtottjr ac ta party on the d ana at the ty with them. bill to the noor at the the Hie bill to i the otftoe now held by Mr. Pol gar tailed to gat a favorable report from the nommtttao which heard it and when a RepubUc&n ommuk mi unfavorable report from a committee it ta rarely ever taken up by a Demo After waging a fight far daya to require a sheriff to *ell personal Commissioner Lindsey States His Sides of Controversy Cher County Farm Agent Having noticed in your law of Feb ruary TUi a mis-statement of the facto concerning the County Commissioners meeting at Dobaon February 4th I am hereby .requesting you to give this let ter as wall a* your correction the aame publicity that you gave your original several times the total ooet of our con tract without recovering anything lor them at all. Our former County Commissioner* have been fooling the people of Surry County by levying a small tax-rate and paaabw School Budgets and General Fund Budgets In excess at the actual amount that the tax-rate will raise It all the taxes are oollected and have left Us a burden to assume, that Is almost unreasonable, (or Instanoe that Sheriff's office rem liad not been paid three years, the ShertTi light bill, tele phone etc., had not been paid for three year* and amounting to *100 and we alio received first Monday bill for auditing flee years ago amounting to over WOO. and we doubt if all of them are In yet. You might also Inform the Tax-payers of the County as to hew much money we have in the Winking Fund to pay off our bonds when they cone due and you can refer to the existing laws of our state as the serl boerd. The answer may be that we had 4 surplus last year. yea. we did have a book surplus on last year's bad get if we leave off the Sinking Fund which Is required by the Statute to be raised each year but an apparent book surplus Is not sufficient grounds to paw budgets far In exesss at the tax-raftae and then learlrw the matter with us to worry over. , Oive the people the fasts la what we want, we are trying to conduct our administration as open and above t2Teur° SfiSrjSXi »b nonipteted as we want the people of Srrr 0—w*F to know the aatasal Surry Ooua* and If Mots are dinar Among tho>c who wtrt la niltlgh u/w^uy md Tuesday either m ipocti ton or active participant* In the ooo teeta were D. A Roberaon. Merlin Roto eraon. J. 8. Ohtiton. O. W Sparger. O. W Pulton, p. H. Haynea. Martin Ben nett. Phillip Warahaw. W. M. Johnaon, A. D. Poller. R A Preeman. J. P. Hen dren. H. H. Barker. S. O. Maculre. W U Jaekaon. W. K. IindMjr. Claude Smith. I. C. Blvena, J. H Polcer Qw. K Snow. A U Smith. H. H Llewellyn and D. L Matt. New River Bridge Will BeBuilt Soon . According to reliable advtoe* re celred in thl* cttr the Virginia High way Oommlaaton ha* M the allotment stand for the bridge over Mew rtrer at Jaekeon Ferry, and this project ha* been ordered to bo put under con struction at an early data. The oppo *l>it*i to the bridle that waa voiced by ■one Wythe people failed to oauee the official* to abandon the bridge at this The work will ooet $1(0.000 and call* tor the bridge to be built about MO yard* below where the ferry now croeee* the rtrer. Literature Department To Meet With Mrs. Yokley The literature department of the Mount Airy Woman's Club will meet In regular union Friday, Feb. 15 at 2 p. m. in the home of Mr*. Oecar H Yokley on Franklin itreet singularly fortunate la the of their teachlng fan*, for we ham frequently beard comment to the effect that possibly nowhere In this have there been gathered I efficient or loyal troupe of But the fact that now Board of Education In the faoe te that theee communities are (rowing eo i idly that they no sooner erect a I tng and get a echool well etartod than the population ha* outgrown the new building and I* demanding— and needing, flbo— enlinted outrtfrs We are Informed that at White Plains in irtftiticn la naatfad to thetr to house the high achool. It oaseary even now to uee three if the old building. At Franklin an ad* illtlon la badly needed to house the high achool department They are even now using one room of the old bully ing. and the library and auditorium of the now building for claw-room work. While at Plat Bock the itate suthorl llee have served notice on the local principal that they cannot give the high school accredited rating unless a new building to houge that department Is erected next summer. Now. let us get the fuU situation la mind and then see what may possibly prow to be the bs* way oat. South of Mount Airy to Bannertown. a growing that has outgrown Its nd Is (toraa ruling a new i North of town to the rapidly Qreen Hill and Short Town ehich to badly In need of a building New bulldlivs will bo provided at these points In the near ruture. Judging from the growth of the other onmninlttoe about two yean after new room has been provided th4 people will need and demand high Be Ik's Store Buys Prather Building Clothing Star* Will Occupy Store Room in Blue Ridge Hotel Block. . The Prather (tore building on North Main Street was this week sold to Belk's Department Store. This place bat been occupied for more than 40 years by the Prather Clothing Store* and la one of the oldect bualnees loca tions In the city. No announcement as to the terms or price of the purchase has been given out. Mr. Prather will move his clothing business Into the store room in the Blue Ridge Hotel block, now nrriuptert by Martin-Brown Oo. The front will undergo eome change* and be ready by March 15th for occupancy. Hie Belk company expect to make they have purchased and have given mrmm* thought to otmdlig the build ing to Produce street and having an entranee on that street as wan aa on Main. Mrs. Cooks to Baltimore For 0. B. Webb Buys Statesville Business i>___ O, B. Webb, ol this city, hu bought the McOee Plumbing and Heating Plant In the city of SUteevtlle and took chance of the business last week. This la no new venture for Mr. Webb, for he has vent many yean In this ! Une of business. He came to this town ' back before many of our people had in stalled heating plants and up-to-date plumbing and for several yean con ducted a most satlsfacto^' business here Installing heatlnc, plumbing and lighting plants In many of our beet homes. Then U1 health caused htm to sell out and for a time he knocked about the country and again found health. HU many friends here will be glad to see him back in business Mr. Webb is not only a successful bustnpss nan. but he is an all-round | good eltiaen. churchman, high degree ( Mfirm. innwttitm • potttftcten, ud bubbling mf with good-win tor >D and that will not take long, for Mr. WSbb la a good mixer and will fit in well in the progressive town where he cast his lot. Coffee Furnished building and met a what hi termed a aenj Airy * to (row | m It hM l> Uw past U It poealble far the what* township to work out a plan that will take care of all our high achool children for Um next at year/? We lytppan to know that a lew years ago the oounty Board of Education, before th* high achool Franklin and MM ture to Mount Airy tanking to the es - tabltshawnt by county and city of a high school here In Uw city that would care lor the town children and for i the rural children in this waa not given Qm wide i It merits. Why is not the preeet to revive this matter? It would be bet ter of course If the oounty as a whole I joined the town of Mount Airy In ea-1 labUshlng at this place a i trial high achool. but If that U hedged about by too much objection and too many difficulties, why should not Uw people of Mount Airy township look thU educational isnhteia right In the face and see if there may not be a bet ter way of aolving It; If In fact It may | not k» poaslble by co-operation to se < Continued to laet Bus Runs Away With School Children | The Uvea of 40 achool children won greatly Jeopardised Wednesday after noon when am of the Doteon nhool b«M took a plunge (town a tuck (HI this ride of flab rlrsr. The dilref had: almost reached the top of the lone rtr er hin coming toward Mount Airy when aooaethlnt happened to the truck and 1 It started backward down the road to ward the rtnr. In no way was the bov driver able to stop the track aad as It the tela wltti a load ef ihlldren wont F Cm. aL dtores Damage By Fire Second Floor It Gatted by Flame*—Large Water and Smoke Damage to Contents -- - New Bttildmg For Mountain Park Aged CitiMn of Tbe Hollow Henry C. Clarke an a|td and re spected cttisen of The Hollow. Vs. (Had suddenly at his home Wsdneertay bar ing been la falUat health- lor a lone time. His wile passed away early la known to to preeartoee. Mr. Clark Is rarrlKd b$ six children ainwn whan are C. T. Clark of the Mount Airy Drag CO.. aad Mrs. 1. W Hylton, wife of tbe proprietor at the Hylton Book and Stationery Co. also of this elty. Child Dies From Drinking Poison Mount Jury, route i. no. u.-v. and MA. J. B. ftmrnnrn of this rout* received a telegram Sunday stating their little two year oM madm waa dead at the haw at lis parent* Mr. and The family had recently moved and all good*, and the little fellow happsosd to cot hold of a bottle of potion medi cine which had beta preecrtbed for a member of the family for external uae only and drank a portion of It before It omUd be (topped. Physicians did all In their power to save the child, but after lingering two days It passed away. The little body was shipped from Richmond to ^rtnuton-Salem arriv ing Tueeday morning tA o'clock, was carried to the Manuel Bodanheimer Funeral Home w^ere serricea were held rft 1 o'clock p. m. by Rev. T. O. Keaton followed by burial In Salem cemetery. The family formerly heed In Winston-Salem and are wen known and have many friends who sympathise with them In the sad loss of their only son. one child a daughter survives. J. H. Jackson Route 1 died Feb. 7. sged 75 years. Be had been In feeble health for some time but was only eon fined to his bed a short while. Pneu monia developed and be only lived a few hours. A wife and ten children all grown survive. Re was a consistent member of the church at Hollow Springs. Funeral sorvlces were held at the home Saturday at 1 oclock by the Rev. Mwn Chilton and Norman. The remains were laid to rest in the fam ily plot near his home. He was a good kind-hearted man and will be sadly Misses Percie. Kate and Oallte Oook accompanied kv DUlard Oook. TM and Spencer Samuel ^snt Sunday with Miss Kthel Oook. Mitchell Oodsge. Mr. and lira. O. D. Simmons and lit tle daughter of Richmond. Va . are spending a few days with the family of John B. Simmons and other rela tives Atty. Woltz Hospital Patient Atty H. O. Woltx l« * patient la Mar tin Memorial hospital and la doing very nicety following an operation for acute appendicitis Monday evening. Mr. Wolta made a trip to Catawba and Hickory Sunday and attended preach lug service Sunday night leaving before the aervtce was over because of slek neas. It was first thought he was suf fering with acute Indigestion but by Monday afternoon his case was pro nounced appendicitis. Funeral of W. W. Friday

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