* f a ... AIRY, DR. BERNARD'S COUNTY BILLS FAIL TO PASS hp* HkMdH Blocked At Ewrj Move To Ckaace Present State The fight before the tagr i luge number of people from this county and many vol - untarily gave evidence for both Mm The doctor's friend* claimed a large number of Democrat* wanted the of floe abolished but they had to admit under close Questioning by fflwie of the eoaunlttee that Mr. Polcer had savod the oounty several thousand dollar* In obeoklnc up the paat two treasurer! of the county. This shortage of the last two RepubUean keeper* of the public funds furnished an embarrassing sub ject for the supporters of Dr. Bernard's bill In the cross-examination. With one Republican treasurer short over ISO, 000 and another following In his foot steps from the same political party with a shortage of over $10400 and no charge of shortage In the offioe of Mr. Folger. preeent keeper of the oounty it was satisfactory to the oom the case to let Mr. FoJ the custodian of the ooun ty"* funds. And so the fight goee on. ' R. T. Joyce Is taking no part In Mm pi t are rag I the head of the In faet he he i to the poll at i to any of the Of In [ no active pa that R would not be practical to Continue Next Week] CVmm fa Fm4i m*d from 1 hr. to 1 l-l hr». Afternoon, 3 to 4 o'clock. FHttejr Johneton will vtatt for ehUdrm. Thursday P. 11. - The Hom Luncheon Friday A. M Twentjr-minute Friday nt«ht—1 ■errtoe it icn. Deep" In the minstrel Oreerer Ott it sine* "Whan 8*m By " In "lClnatral "and how." on it when hej uto Ooaa Stepptn-1 iihee of 1M." FARM AGENT WHITE MAY BECOME WHITE ELEPHANT For POLITICIANS Talk of Damage Suit Against County Official*—Still on Job Despite Jolting He Received From County Commissioner* The turn the contest over the coun ty agent* office has taken is Interest ing. to My the least. The board of county commissioners dismissed Mr. H. C. White on the first Monday In this month, and it now appears that Mr. White is continuing on the Job, for his regular letters are appearing weekly In the press of the oounty as they have in months past, mends of Mr. White have tried to effect a compromise by which he would continue on the job until the first of April and then quit without any oonteet. Wince the appropriation was out off by the oommftaneri the first at the month Mr. White has taken the mat ter up with reOeral authorities with whom he holds a written oontrpct for the year expiring the first of the (Min ing July. Mr. Mtnsaps, of ftesvlUe. who has charge of this work In this district, advises that Mr. White look for work ilsewhari. fur tt is not his purpose to force the services of aar agent on a county He rioognlssi fully that for the agent to be able to ssrve a people to the beet advantage there White holds which to In Mack and white for the year eodfcw July »* His poemoa is that this county Is a party to that oontraot In that It lev ted a ton with which to pay the salary of the agent for the tan year. He be gan the year with the tall understand ing that he was to be on the fob until nest July He has had lawyers to ad vise Mat. lye says, that ha eaa aoUeat build houses and buy incubators and ( equipment and so extensively into the . business of poultry keeping, and u the , remit of following his sdrlet many . have failed. It hi charged that ha baa not worked harmoniously with the people of the county and that ha waa discharged far ' this reason. His friends answer this by saying that the support he has had ( from hundreds of fanner* is enough to settle In his favor every charge that , has bean made. Tbey contend that Mr. White can go before a Jury and have a ' hundred Surry fanners who will testi fy on oath that tgr following his advtee they have found the way to pnneiWy. They ware barsty breaking even whan I leadership**they tafe^araLTto^ 'to grow high-grade tnbaaoc. how to ap pewtato pure blood poultry and stock, how to grow leguiasi and produce their i own living at bona. Then there Is the pottttoal feature that has crept Into the removal of Mr. White It Is a public H»ir that baek of an the egttatlon was the Idea that with Mr. White em at tbe way a na tive eon would be able to gto» Into Me shoee gad get the nhry. wUoh would be far bettor than euekerlng tobacco on I a hoi hillside Mr While's friends are : reeentful of all thto political activity, ae they see it, and are onlspabon as to what the future win reveal. Prominent ' cittseas of the Wopubllmn gartf an Do Our Schools Really Educate? Will AddraM Hifh School Pupifa W g. Woodruff will ipMt to U* pu pils of the High aetaool at thtur rev« lar chapel exercises Friday, Feb. l> at 11.15 a. m Mr. Woodruff wUI qtMk tionf nature lines ilrwln the Im [nrtAncf of planting and ctrlnf for ire*. This address is ipoaimd bar the Oarden Club at the Mount Airy Wo nan'i Club and at this time lira. , Prank Sparger, president of the Par ihe prlae of H In fold vhleh was of- j lered to the pupil writing the beat ee- i ij on "How to Milrr Mtunt Airy < More Attractive" This prlae was i t warded by the Oarden Olub i Bootleggers Steal The Judge's Car fcfter Driving It 1,400 MiUa OCem Capture It in . RnUigh. White attending the imloni of the eglalature at Raleigh last week Judge *. H Llewellyn hid Ui mi Butak soup* (total. He drove up to Um hotel itaout (In o'clock in Um afternoon and •ft It who* h* went Into Um Mtr to oak far mm friend. Not mwMin to m m| tram hii car tat a minute or » he never bothered to lock It, tat Then be returned to K hi ta than On nlnutes It ««i gone. It was evident on he face that whoever stole It wa« walt ng for the opportunity and waa off rtth the oar the moment Judge Uew tllyn entered the hotel. By a (trance coincidence thecar waa ecuveied thla week, after being In poe eaalon of the thieves (or a week. The peedometer showed they had driven It 400 miles while It was (total, and one ender bruised up was the only dam age that waa noticeable The offloers if the county captured the ear from a winch of bootlegger*. It ormtalnlng sev iral gallons of Uquar at the time. There was no suspicion that It was a tolen oar. but lata Investigation ta he officers In their ef tart to obtain the denUty of the hooUaggei ■ revealed hat the oar bad been stolen from Fudge Llewellyn. The thieves made heir eecape from the officers when hey were topped for the search of the *r. Local Ball Team Books Schedule FIRES HERE SHOW NEED FOR GOOD FIRE COMPANY Lata! Votantem Da Splnl< Wart Bat Need Hare Funds and Equipment » | to a. a. oar's hii many the fln 1 firs truck that ally want to 1 m that right place for the track. That < ed • short space of tine to get to the j right Onoe the the nearset hydrant and nrwnsnlsil up. | op the Maps to the fln an the dooci to ofoss partition the truck and fat the the doors. Br the complHhed the that It was hui man to lire In the building or near the fire, in the meantime, the second track took up a location so that it oouM throw water into the rear of the build ing. To stand off and look oo one not knowing ■?%*** conclude that the fin men were doing poor work fighting the fire, but if one is willing to be fair he must remember that one breath of that dense smoke. saturated with burn ing paint and oil. would rander a man unconscious. Fireman simply had to svold the smoke where It was danae. | Thus the ftre had to be fought as it i were from long-taw. Until the fire had burned through the roof and throughS ■ the calling in the upper rooms, it was ' Impossible to get the water to the fire When It had burned through the eeU tng it was but a few minutes until the firemen had It under complete control. Inti man of us has a war of form ing his own opinion, and In case at a fire we all get ideas of how It should failed to do their duty In the af the fire last week it mar be lntereat lng to say that the tnsuranre adjust ers give It as their opinlc men did a fine place of < saved the lower floors of the that It k to roof of a the fire Is la It. Money * Wray BuW Shop In N«w Quarter* Far the pact month the butar hurt tees of Money * Wray hu been aue lended on acoount of their burn oat a the Ooidnith fire. They have se ured the Barnard store room nest to be telegraph office and will be open or business Saturday morning. Work men have been busy this week remodel ng the room, putting In new equip lent and their new ahop one f the most up-to-date In the state. It nil have seven chain, two shower aths and otlier conveniences. •rof. Greave.-Walker Will Addrwc Woman's Club • Prof. Qreeves-Walker, head of the topartment of Ceramics at State Ooi ege. Raleigh. wUl address the Wo man's Club oI Mount Airy at thstr reg ular meeting for March to he held Ri ley. March 1, at 1 p. a. In the oom nunity Building. Prof. Oreavee Water rill bring with him a dUpiay at pet ery wlth^whieh he wtD mastrate Ma fcat Campaign Will Begin Next Monday

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