Mount Airy Fair Opens Sept 17th. White Plum Boy Will Tte (HBM4 Oonegs Olee club is widely known over the state m It fcare Duke University a cloee race for state championship last fall In the state contest at Durham. Chief Patterson Needs His Overcoat On the night of the recent fire Chief M. F. -Patterson took off his orereoat and left it on the fire truck, some one came along and picked K up to keep himself warm and forgot to return it Chief Patterson says he 4M net need the coat while fighting fir* bat does need tt now, and if the party who borrowed It will return it he is perfectly welcome to the use of It daring and since the fire. . New Furniture Business Open Here M. O. Snyder and B. O Dtaher of amars of the B. * O. Co., of that city, have Mrs. Sarah Armfield At Point of Death for several weeks the condition of Mrs Bwtta Armfield. of this city, tea teen wry critical and for the past week or more bar death ha* teen ex pected at any Una She to totally paralysed and haa reached a point where sbe to unable to take nourish ment. and remains in an tnfamscious condition. For many years she reel dad at Lowgap but is now beinc eared for In the hotne of her daughter. Mrs. W. A. Jackson, of this city. Dr. Newell D. Hillis. Noted Preacher Diet New York. Feb, SB.—The Reverend Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis. pastor emeri tus of Plymouth Church. Brooklyn! died today at the home of bis (tough tar. Mrs. Robert 8. Kellogg. in Brons rilto. He was 71 years old. Assuming the pastorate of the Fly mouth Ooncren^tonal Church. Brook lyn. tefara be was 40 years old. the Rev Dr. amis derated his life mueh the same aa did bis two p'i iirtnnasci. Dr. Henry Ward Beeober and Dr. Ly •MA** l k|.|J t -as 1 -SI — Li- *■ fc.l —, , man ADoott, amaing nu tune Detween bis church duties and literature. Dr. Hillis took aa active interact tat patriotic wrrt especially after Ameri ca entered the world ear. When the tote FiasMiiui Theodore Rooeerelt was endeavoring to gat pmntartne te take a division to France he setooted Dr. Hillis to go with him aa dlvtohwal August Wedding is Announced Court at Dobson Begins March 18th to Mr la 1« ww announced at a given In the hone at Mr. L. ArmfMd at Bannertown. nine with Mix of Mian Katie U* «. U Part* Mr*. I. No taint of the J| given In the invitations which Mia Armfleld lamed to • Oeorge Washiog ton's Birthday party and patriotic col on featured the decorations but the announcement came during the re kmaa f |1 A , I nour wmcn ioiiowva prm rook. « Little M1m Sarah Jackaon aa Mar tha Washington and Master Joe Arm field aa Oeorge Washington dreaied ta) Colonial costumes served refreshments in two courses sandwiches. pickles aad olives and fruit being followed by lee cream aad cake At this juncture unall boxes in patriotic colors were presented the gueeta aad the wedding cake brought In on a small table. Cash bos contained rice and a tiny card bearing the Initials "K. L J . to JHH Aag. 13, IMS. Bristol. Tana." The couple was showered with rise aad la cutting the oaks Chester Stew art cut the penny for lock. Olenn Arm field secured both the dime for wealth aad the button for bachelorhood. MM Alice Perkins out the ring which pre dicts for her the next marriage. Btowwt Lowry received a bog of Norris .candy for high Ahoe Perkins a similar I _ Uoa as the result at ths rook The young of this city Sarah Yoldey Has Pilot Mountain Sells Plant to S. P. U. Co. The Diwt of the Earth At The Grand Theatre "The Dust of the Earth"' a highly dramatic ^ intensely lnttratftng emotional drama wUl be preeented at the Orand theatre here Tuesday Mar. 5 at I p m . by the faculty of the White Plain* achool aatatcd by other talent of the eoouauntty. This play was given first at White Plains and was such a ibcms that the I cast was invited to fire a performance at Oopeland. The performance to be Riven here Is the third and many of those who have am U before express their Intention to see It again Popular prices of Me for children 1 and 80c for adults win prevail. A show mote than worth the money Is the ver diet of those who haw seen It. Tea cant afford to miss 1 Little Folha Have P/uty Patriotic decorations and — marked a birthday party given UT the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Holeornb Billy aged S and PetUe aged four eete bratod their Mrthdays Jointly. Amot* the tall on the donkey, a grand'mwA featured wtth rsd. while and Woe i Yofclcy^and Sarah Merrltt carried off Man Ax* Vktfan The Death and Birth Rate In Mount Airy Miss Love Banner Weds J. M. Diffee, Jr Fire Fighters Receive Checks The following letters enclosing check* amounting to $60.00 ware re ceived by the Mount Airy Fire De partment during the peat week and explain themselves: Mr. M. F. Patterson Chief Mount Airy Fire Department Mount Airy. N. C. Dear Sir: Encleeed you will find a cheek for *25 00 made payable to the Mow* Airy Fire Department which we an uniting gg small token of the ippn elation which we feel towuda your department for the fine service which they gave as during the recent fire. The same to he need la any way the deparf—t sees fit. Tours vary truly. Granite Mercantile Co. Mount Airy Fire Department

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