CAROLINA me* wow KAHHS Pill)— lUbiMc: $2.00, $1 JO, $1.00 (col. 80c). . Night: $3.00, $2.10, $2.00, $1.80 (col. 78c) Seats Now on Sale Big Car Power, Speed and Smoothness at a price you're glad to pay } North Main Motor Co. NUW PON la motor Mr quality tk» low-priood field. Coy S. Bray; McNeill Row; O. Brim; Oacar a. Dodeoo; Junes A. Arthur W. Klrkman; Alfred >11 w Oremer: Jum C. In man; Atria L Hlatt. Henry C. man: Nathan Hlatt: laaac C. 1 William ML Gilbert: Early O. Tllley. Taylor; Rufua fua H Southern; William R Oallavay; John L. McCraw: EMn P. ■ William ti. MoCrary; John B. 1 Fred Reynold*; Luthern t. it. Martha: Aw wu Matthew J. Oatee; Bry an H. Aahb] Roy B. Ha La* Barker; Levi to* addraaa aa Mount AtrrN C Ro- | land L. Chrtatlan. Webborn Owena. Pilot Mountain; WU Uam H Jordan. Rock ford; OharUe R A. Oen try, (Me Road; Jamea H. I Oeneral L. White: Bui A. Coe. MID; Brneat O. Atklna. Rock ford; Leo- | nard T. Tucker. Roekford; Leonard T. Tucker and Praneta Thomas both o(| Dofaaon. Joaeph P. Hendren. Jr., Bl kln; Ployd B Redwlne. Plat Branch; I Mallle Lee Hearn. Roekford: Martin | Marlon. White Plalni; Lacy Lav White Plain*; Ranaom Qrover Renegar. Crutchfield; Andrew P. Cockerham; State Road: Marcua W. Evana. Burch Stop; Albert Oreek Snow. CrutchfleM. Colored Moeea Oodwln. SulUvan; Sam Pranklln. Mt. Airy: William R Moore. Mt. Airy; Ooy Payne. Mt. Airy; WUH* Moore. Mount Airy; Joaeph Oeary. Mount Airy; Austin Snow, Crutch field; John Clark. Mount Airy; Edward A. | Booker. Mount Airy; Roaa Oraham. Union Hill Two tarda marked rteoea—d were re turned from Dobaon. William Brtml and Robert La* Barnea. The dub wanta | the full record on the** boys Had Monopoly tad a't^rid" Hwutowi, when wan broke out I m+ own War of 1812 xpnrta tw rhnked off BUfly ycAH Mwl hff rtuflrtntf trying to niae their o» a. Now tha plant ia grown i about* Nth of the world'a I the United HUtea. it the plant, atill ladda with mora than a third. "Tht Jminai tf 2J| iaarntnf lAoi Map ouut aaa yaad /ar klwr Man on food lad and ari fca IwMiDnaM tka amtmnl."—H. D. Wuaow, tawwana Caantaaioarr af -y-q "Tm rABMKK or tks mvu will do mure than keep hooka. Me will be • farm budgrtear, a man who plana. H* trill look akaorf."— Remm-k W. Diwuf. —v-c Exports Break Record "The total export* of raw tobaeeo will paa* well orer 800,000,000 pounda fur 1028 and make it tha grcateat export year ainaa 1034 Bright cigarette tobaccoa have broken the record China'a pur rhaaaa amounted to more than 110, 000,000 pounda, compared with 102 ,000 ,000 pounda aold to the United Kingdom, brretolorr — leading market. Tha Chinrae i rtte trade altnoat reached nine and a half bilKooa—an inrrnaaa of mora thai 80 per oeart orer laat year." Dtpmrtmtnl of Co\ 1996. IT T«l« fmm ttM m M Utaara aaM 4wa uraiar ■■ Mr* mifm—d rr r r« v-< "On • 30-acre plot of Iriah pota toaa the eatuc crop padad 810 buahela of U. 8. No. 1 to tha i 1 uaed oaa toa of V-C M-7 Ameri can Brand per acaa. I am moat than aatiafled with your fertiliacra.' —HaroU S. Tin, D—rj*U, N. V. Two ikm>—«wW par ■cm aad fMotoy of product— ■poll all IH» PW«TT ia famine V-C FrrtihMn » quality y TbcfWoir K^aad fnyll ffr r JNll 111(1 ■. Back Up the Scientists * Kvrryliody can nt just K> much and put <* *> many clothw am* *• con l Mi or gwr any mon, ao natter how rich W is. But aa otto ttoar to purkMbook » tke ooty limit. The job ia to barn bow (arm prod uct* am W wad te maJtof (tor otfcr Mmp In, They boM big op portunities Cotton ared uaed to be ■Uw* Nov it ia worth nil moo ey, thank* to the wimtiate Scien tific research must stay oo itt job of hunting for new valuta ain old bun product*. Thm ought to be a good urn—huaides just eating it or wear ing it -for EVERY crop a farmer ran grow. Let'* hack up the acien -Hmdth^Ud%^hidd*e n^rt«£ all around us. Bukdinc. am niruna ctuuTtu ha* become aa . exact scwniV, says a |ww meat report. Tohaceo from at least Ave sun»aai»ti crop* i* u**d, the harveat* of dif m ferect yean being blended to liwwune Tariatiooa due to *imbmI oatHtwa. Tub man who's too atiniy to faed the crop that he expecta to feed him !• like the Scotchman Mind Gooda telle about. He waa leaving to vwt kinfolks, ad called back to hia wife: "Diaaa forget to take little Sandy'■ glaeere off when ha iM lookia' at anything " Cigarette Blend* Won to tobacco authnntiaa. ■ thr war of with larg.-nralr of thr mild blended type of cigarette that has nunc to be incogniard a« diatmctm-ly thr Amer ican. Turluah and other* have | Tobacco Material* Costly "TV main |aubhui in making tobacco frrtilUrre ia what materiala towia making thr aitrogm. Than The r> tiioi but it hM l in a tobacco fcrtiliarr ia highly drairablr. Thia of rauiK inrn-aare the eoat of mak ing thr heat tobacco fcrtiluen" -J. if Pwdom. -TU fan m will ft all kt am from am mm of knowlfigt and then, tkroufk common-tense trial*, wilt find aid juat wkat wiU tquanly kit kw MM cawdftwii." -Morgan Fabmiko. "FaKMINU » rWDEBUOINO a ■wumoR rrrn further than nrw tnarhtnrry, far it ia introducing a technique of intrlligrnt acirntific practice* which will lliaplai i thoar farmer* who do not avail tkemarhrea of the nrw method*.'' -H. H. Hm The Fourth Ingredient Along with their i i (uperphoaphatea, V-C alwava contain a fourth Thia ia not a mbatance at all, yet it makea the whole mixture pood aa to aouroaa and blend, aa to oootenta and condition. V-C Fertiliaera would not ha the ante without it. Thia Fourth Ingredient, famd im ma atkm far maw fed V-C, k a priai It ia—V-C I fad I iVIBCINIA-CABOLINA C1MK MCRLft W. E MERRITT CO. » MAIN ST.;, A., J MOUNT AIRY, N. C.