Coroner's Ben Rigney Sill CL~.11 Waa i?— * II ,i oral was rraciurea, mystery Remains Unseized by Officials Coroner Suspends Hearings After Hearing Number of Witnesses With No Che I of this nature Dm a eat for erery em. Man la given but one ltf e to Ihre and to hav* that taken away whan one la juat beginning to of lite and so wall are we ha by the white Uftht and the taat life of the age He aaonred » Jokfeia factory and began to am hla mooey firm the first Bo Mw with the fotka book la the that ho woo wloatod aa a In the Sunday achool In the where ho had hla after hla la he walked back to hla i and taught the i leiaon to hla former i ha would foot It book to hie Job and a«aln put In a aoUd week* Ho eavod hie money while othora theirs He bought a home In the wfee of the city and ranted the to a family and reserved one , thus making hla ooat of Mr Parent-Teacher Asso. Will Open Reading Room Mrs. Sarah Armfield Dies in Tliis City Dr. Register In This City Tuesday birth* and'Tnvort'ar Dr. miilii la urging Uw puwU their baby to mtoUnd and It to tan wlto report totto'pranptly to tb« lo cal regtotrar*. Zt to toaportaat to the baby and to the parent* that tbto reoord be made. It to atoo Important in a different way to the doctor or midwife aa fail ure to report to * etotoWon at tbe lav and no pftytoctan or midwife at good standing want* to be a law violator or be olaeeed a* Ignorant about a weO known tow. Dr. Itegtoter mi* that with tow e* Kiwanians To Be Fed By Baptists. Hospital News M*n and Mn. jmm Owya ft root* S who ««• op—tod « Tu«tft) night for acuta amawrtlnWta Mn. Ira Wood, at Rookford. la a pat ™ ' Dwany. of Pinnacle la a a A. Marmhall. of Praia, Va.. had lira. Annie Clark, at Claudavlllo. Va.. Mra. W. & Wolf* of thl* otty who haa been quite tfefc la lnainln. able to be up and about tha hoapital nThuJ^JJrj4Im, oSTiTI M " -J- ' Pre-SchoM GKnci BeHeldinCowity April Mth. Tuaaday. mphyr School 1 Serric« at Holy Trinity Sun- i Jmy Tfca ftav. B««tnaV1 Mallett. of Oreaoaboro. will ptMeh at Holy Trinity ■pftwopal Church in thia Ctty Sunday morning at II otto*. Tha public la To Make Electricity Servant in Home of Mrs. Taylor la* terred at Oak dale gathered M to the B. U. Taylor Wtnt BapMot Church at 2 JO by bar paetor Dr I. T Ja by Hot. Mr. Millttan at Kn. Taylor had lived her ft i Youth Accidentally Wounds Self