FINALS SUNDAY Hospital News A rtathlw vii born to Mr. B. 8. Ledford Thursday man K. F. Patterson. of to tli The injury «m attended to and he I* Hit Heeter WML of Ararat, M to a J. a Ltataata. at roMa I. to dotal aa) ran aa can be wqwclM ft Mrs. Johnnie Joyce at the li a a T Chlklreee. of HUlsrlUe. Va, | fathar of Mrs. J. D. Jenkins. of tb otty, la a hoapttel patlH total whig a | W. O. Fowler, M this rted to the a atroke of last Thursday. Mr. Fowler la i improrlnc and It la aapaetod that he) will eventually be out i O. L. Chambers la a patient (or I at Paters Otaak. Vh« Is a patient for treatment for a frac-1 twred jaw. Zab Hollinffswofth. son of Or. and! Mrs. K. M Holllnffsworth, of this city, had an operation for acute a| tta Sunday night and la now wan as ean be expected, xta Va. to wort whan the i tin. Frank Hylton. of Stuart. Va., | la a WHO NAMED OUR NEW POST OFFICE TOAST Mt Airy's New Neighboring Office Open ed Monday. Gets Mail Twice Daily. , Golf ere, Swinging Into True Form ^Otabta* mSL to art Dr. B. O. A. p. Turnmyra. H. h. Iter. J. W. MeFall. JL * I J.W. hM yet par of SS to Miss Anna Merritt Remains Very 111 MiM B«i Hf*rritt Ea Route to for i the beddde of her Ht»m 1 to too o. a to 1 to the right lung April I lto«*> •Utm here u m* i ton f%ht and ted i , U wewto to to allowed to Ht up tn ed in the tail tint ud • drain tuba became iniimry. Kir relatives tonight It baat that ana of tham should fo to port hor ooodltion Mrioua but crtUoal. |*la Baaa Mail IK win Thursday tor. poaaibiy until sufficiently mgwn to tba trip hotoa with her. Who Weighed This Fish Next Question - Mr and lfrt W. S. Marrttt Prof. L. B. *ander«»aph Mod PssidMiraph vent Wednesday after-' noon flatting at the Marrttt pood. j Mfh teore, he Robbers Steal Most Of ll»eir Goods! D Ida dak of are tapt in a; *o leas Uta •aTS u. O.I srasLraasra ROBEY CULLER SECURES BOND FOR HIS WIFE ———— Mm Oilier and Erfw. Cain (Itfiil Hi Aaaaaftav Caler; Latter ReRea a* Wffe "Cyclone Mack" in Revival Here Drawing Large Congregations; Much Interest