Final Exercises at Grand Hieatre; Day Program Friday Afternoon v. a. boot at lata of the groat Virginia and it to with forth to faoe • mv day. of the graduates will to enter tte «1 fca roady E Virginia Marshall. Gertrude Ramsay, Irene Scott, Wil liam Taylor, Jama* Armfield, Pauline Barbar, Francaa Bookar Mary Kath arine Booker. Sarah BroeVinjrton, ~ - r Creed, Jamaa Creed, Thomaa C Harry Goldsmith, Mary Hennia, Mary Margaret Hoi rorth, Lcxter Holyfield, Elbert , Dorothy Jaekaon, Robert Jack a Valeria Jaekaon, Pauline Jacoba, k Johnson, Margaret Lewia, Thel ma May berry, Nora McKnight, Claude Monday, v Mary Elisabeth Partridge, Hugh Sawyer, Evelyn Slaughter, Mary Sparger, Arlie Stew art, Paul Surrett,, Annie Tboaaas, Jack Warren, Preda Webb, Raymond McDowell b Jail bean offered by tea rather' of V and Ban baa baan aoaaa la in tbe effort to to U*ht evidence that would fin- | ally brine to trial tba guilty ar a a dot o(l on his brain, and ha i aa a raault of the injury, but an far no I haa baan found who U Heart with j following tha ell laat aaw to ad W h. i>w< tt» prop rty of C W Pulton. The last time was ut nlcht about I JO *hn the ru aeea to to on On In the from the laat fire. «e amounted to >1M. The | tat the fire cot smell aorap flooring and piled It jemtly to the oorner of a cloeet and ton applied a match to aone shaving inder the pile of fuel. The police have been oarrytag on a Ine of investigation for the paat two reeks aad had reason to toltow they ■ould com to able to mee. but • mt a«a u before they were puetosrt to irhat further (tape to take to i bout the capture of the | Rewards totalli* in an the city, while Ftre Chief M. P. ion to offering OS reward for the of the guilty < You* Man Killed In Aato Accident NEW BUTTON FACTORY TO BE ERECTED Northern Manufacturer Takes Stock With Load People in New'Plant r. «< of COLEN AND MRS. CULLER MUST STAND TRIAL Both Are Under Bond For Appearance At Doboon—Mrs. Caller Waives Hearing Carrol Murderer Now Awaits Trial After Fatally Woundiai Hilkvilk Destroyed by Veterans Attend General Reuiion