MOUNT AIRY, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY 11, 1M». QUARRY MAY GET RIG STONE CONTRACT Governaeat To Sooa Let $500,000 More On Arlington Bridge Job It will be several final oontrac t is awarded on this work | u the bid* have to run the of five different i by the government to nipervlae the erection of thia structure. The belief hold by Mr. Sargent that his concern haa mote than an even chance of be tas awarded the contract I* alao con curred In br as tacton on Monday following the re of the Mda of last week. The up the tlon with the following "The way waa paved today for the Arlington memorial bridge commission headed by President Hoover to place Its stamp of approval on the purchase of about tfiOO OOe worth of granite to go Into the water gate and plasa at the Washington terminus of the "Indications were that the North i Carolina Granite corporation, of Mount Airy, and the John Swenaon Granite company, of Concord. N. H , should be awarded the ootatracts. The North Car olina firm furnished the granite that has gone into the superstructure of the bridge and as it Is planned to have the Rock Creek-Potomac parkway ap proach In harmony with .the bridge proper, this- firm is in preferred posi tion. as It U alao a low bidder. The ! Pine Arts commission has paasert on' the plana for the placing of the gran ite. and It Is expected that about Sep tempter 1 a contract will be let by Lieutenant Colonel U 8. Orant. 3rd executive officer of the commission, for placing this granite in position "The Swenson firm bid II W OO for ' the oontract for furnishing granite for the curb and stepa of the water gate while the North Carolina firm bid •137.000 and (279X100 as the low bid der for the contracts of furnishing granite In the form of ashlar for fac ing and the high class material desir ed for the copings and balustrades. Half a doaen firms In various parts of the country sought the contracts for delivering the granite In Washington. Complete delivery of all the granite Is called for by Map 1 of next year. The granite win be stored in the vi cinity of 36th and B streets near where the Orler-Lowranoe company. of Btatesvllle. the contractor for the i foundations of the water gate and the parkway approach, Is now at work. Pint deliveries of the granite are to commence aocn and the first contract is to be completely fulfilled by Novem ber l« - Circus Coming: Here On August 16th Here's good new* for the kid* of thl* asction and for thoee of the older resident* who aiw yet young enough to recall the dtp of their youth. A representative at John RoUneonl clr eu* wh in the city tM* week and nomptateri arrangement* for showing at the fata- ground* on Friday. Aug. ISth. for one day only. For year* the large eireuoe* did not viatt thl* city for the lack of railroad fadlitie*. but Mm* the A. A Y . ha* bean in the hamta of i reoetvershlp the road ha* been put into a oondltton which enabled it to handle the etreu* shipment aa car ried by RoUneonl. It 1* aald that the etreu* ocmprtee* 17 ear* of equipment and whMta. A Ism* ha* already bean rtgned with John ■ Uldklff aeeretary of tha fair ground*, (or Its we. At First Khrniui Go T» Cmlmx For Outdoor LmmcJmom. The aMWbetc of the Klvanli club and their wivee and lad)' friend* will to Um fuaate of the (Mm Ho ur? club tnwwin evening The Oalax club hae planned an outdoor luncheon for their Mount Airy guaete to be given on the beautiful lawn of the T M MM* home at Cliff view two mile* from Oalax MOMben will mill, la front of the Mae Ridge hatef at • >. M Friday than tM. Peach Crop Sold By Sparger Orchards Entir* Cray; Crop Bad la Haajr Yon. A northern produce concern this week pin-chased the entire peach crop of the Sparger Orchard! and will ship the fruit to the bit cities of the north a* fast a* it Is picked. Since making the purchase the company ha* been ln» vet If tint the beet mean* 01 trans portinc the crop. It Is estimated that there will be 1.000 crates and It Is pos sible that the crop will be moved by motor trucks. The oompany states that they can load a truck here with 300 crates and leave here at • P. M. and have In New York the next night at midnight. placing the fruit on the New 'ark market the seoond day after be ing picked In the Sparger orchards. Negotiations are under way with the railroads also and the schedule that caa he offered by them will determine the method to be used In making the ■hlpmente. Mr. J. B. Sparger, president of the Sparger Orchards, says that he has re served the right to sell and supply the local trade with peaches desired as well as to trucks which haul peaches to points across the mountain. The peach crop over the country 1s very short this year while the local orchards have a large crop, thus working in their fa vor as to prices received and a favor able market to sell on. Representatives of another concern will visit this section next week and It Is possible they will purchase the crop of apples of the Sparger and Ooveland orchards. The apple crop of these two orchards Is expected to be more than 75 thousand bushels, and Is one Of the best In years. Mr. Spriaffthorp* Purchases Horn* Here. The home of J. W. Prather on the road facing the County Club golf links was this week purchased by Mr. Bruoe Bprlngthorpe who Immediately began moving Into It. Mr. dferlngtborpe and family moved to this city a few weeks sgo and are now engaged supervising the erection of the machinery in their sweater factory on Willow street. Reckless Driver Held For Court Wrack Occurs Near Old Hollow Church. ■arty Tuesday mnrnlng a diss straws wreck oocurred at the Old Hollow Church, west of Mount Airy, near Cross Beads, said to be eaueed by a driver trying to pass another on a curve. Clyde Millar, of Pennsylvania, who is down here so a visit to frisnds nsar Winston-Salem, was driving a new M coupe and was oomlng into this city. It is said that Millar attempt ed to pass a ear driven by Warren Nowlin a mschanlr of the Ford Mo tor Co. and as he passsd him there was s head on oolllelon with a Dodge ear full el people and with several Hand ing on the running hoard, who bad started to their wort at the button factory at Laurel Muff. It an happso ed so quickly that ltowlln ditched his ear rather than to nm into the wrsek aMrjtevsral of U» »wopto la the ROAD NOW GOES TOP OF PINNACLE! Par i been the victim of the after year the case «u heard ■ppsaled and heard again, always try ing to determine who was the right - ful owner Recently the caee was fin ely settled and Jdr. W. L. Spoon, a civil engineer of the city of Oreenetooro. be :ame the owner. He has deeds to more than eleven hundred acrea of land Including th whole "vinuiw Report M It that he secured all this boundary lor (he sum at NJOOJO. After clearing the title to the land Mr Spoon, who Is t man of ability In his prnfaarton and jf means, made a survey of the moun tain and found that it was practical to make a road to the top with an easy trade. A few months ago be put a iteam shovel to work and within the past few weeks the road has been so nearly completed that It Is now open (o thy general public. The read up the mountain la on the sast fMf and winds about the moun tain a distance of something like four miles In the ascent. The grade la not itoep and the road Is of sufficient width that cars can pass with safety. On the top of the mountain a parking ground has been made sufficient to park an klmoet unlimited number of cars. The parking apace Is on top of what la call Ml the little pinnacle. A wooden stair ray haa bean made up the big pinnacle ibout where the famous ladders have seen or generations. Thus the danger >f going on the Mg pinnacle Is remov ed and the most timid soul can now [o up and see the world at no risk of Hfe or limb Mr. Spoon has made all this Im provement at a cost said to be aa much as •12.000.00. He has made It is an Investment thinking that the mountain Is of sufficient interest to .his part of the state to make the road I paying Investment. At the present time he Is charging a toll of fifty cents >n each car and fifty cents for eaoh person who goes up. At this rate and the way the interest is at this time the road Is a little gold mine. Some think that the present rate of toll Is too high ind that It will later be reduced as a natter of good business. There Is no talk at this time of a iotel on the mountain, but there are refreshments for sale, and later on it Is probable that accommodations rill be provided for thoa* who may de itre to spend a night on the mountain >r even longer. Cltiaens who have gone m the mountain during the past week wll us that no one should have any fears about making this trip, and they predict that every car In this section >f the country will soon find Its way a this famous mountain. Hospital News Miss Virginia Young of The Hollow, ITa.. la a patient (or treatment and xMdblr an operation for the removal >f goitre. A daughter «ai born to Mr. and kCrs. Phil Haskins Tuesday. WtUls Matthis. of route I hM a uraken forearm as a result of an auto nomic accident on the Mount Aby to Dobaoo road early Tueeday morning. A ton was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. I Money Tuesday Miss Jessie FUpptn, of Stuart, Vs. iras opsrated on O. P. Cain of Pilot Mountain route I la suffering from a fracture of the left tag aa a result of a fan from a wheat stack Friday. A. F. Sooddy of route 1 Is a patient tor radical treatment and Is quite sick. A daughter Peggy waa born to Mr. ind Mrs N. M. Wheeler, of Walnut Don Jtily 1. A daughter "BUly" waa bora to Mr. Prather of n will be taatf at • F. M. I a!* «* i NEGROES ADMIT SERIOUS CHARGE ad with holding up and robbing fw tlty of the fourth la now known. the hold In jalL gas ted boon pourod Into Um nagroaa' ear ana of thorn (topped Mr. Hawka aa ha started to lati* and pointing a |M tol at hhn utdatad him not toaMve. They aoarehod him and took ISO off hi* person They then placed him In their car and atartad back toward Mount Airy. Aa they paaaad the Hawka homo the negroaa hold a platol to hia aide and told hhn they would ihoot If be made any outcry aa they pawi They aoon ran out of gas again and on In veatlgatlon found that the drain plug In the trcrttowi ot the '»-* had loot out. Two of the negroes then want in ■earch ot more gaa and at a store they found a drum of gaa from which they stole a few gallona and finally got started again. It was than baginnii« to get daylight and the nagroaa tat Mr. Hawks go. after having him In cuetody about two, hour*. After pleading guilty at HlllavUle they were carried to the Roanoke Jail for safe keeping. Our Sheriff Didn't Let litis Happen. A new* report from Raleigh last week told of the Attorney Oeneral of the Mate making a ruling that required the sheriff of Wake County to pay over to the county the eum of tlMO from hie personal account covering that amount of taxes that were on his books and not advertised for ocUectlng is provided by the law. Just where this leaves the Wake sheriff In forcing col lection at this late date was not re vealed. When the sale of land for taxes is held according to law the sheriff bids In all land not bought by Indi viduals In the name of the county, but now that the time of sale has passed there Is a question about his being able to make the county a bidder oo the land sold. During the past weeks while Sheriff Smith of this oounty was carrying nut the provisions of the law as to ad vertising and the collection of the tax lie was beeelged with a large number of request from all over the county Tor him to bold up and give more time. But Sheriff Smith had no other alternative than to follow the law as to advertising and holding the sale. Had he been persuaded Into postponing the sale of some at the property It Is probable he would have found himself keeping company with the Wake Bounty sheriff and paying over to the county a large sum of money from his sersonal funds. A Second Story To Fulton Block Brick and other building material to being placed In the rear of the Pulton h..iiiii«n. on "»i» atreet preparatory to building a aeoond atorjr on the Ful ton block. The work will fat atarted aa won aa a large ahlpment at tile la re ceived which la to be uaed In the (rant The front* will be remodeled and built of prcind brick with till trimmings. The second floor will oomprlac office rooms, dMderntjr fitted up with water floor eoanrttef 14 double offloe room. The entire Pulton block of hHlldtngi whan completed win be heattd with a central ateam plant. Osntractor D. H. Oooke haa charge of the wort. FARM BOARD MEETS SATURDAY AT DOBSON County Agent V. C. Taylor Calk Important Gathering of Interest To Fanners Haymore Families Back On Visit A Semrm ml ftwniafcata of Lata Daaial tUimii l»hw For Ldl|ttr Stay. Franklin D. Haymore and tali ion, Arthur Haymore, arrived In tins city Wednesday at this week »-g baa their hofri- in the state of Arizona toy train. Oonnng by antoaeoMla In too lln Haymore and members of their families to the number of seventeen persons In an. The family baa planned this vacation and rtatt back to the home-land for a kmc time and will and nsttinc among their many rela tlvee and visiting potnU of tntereet la this state. Franklin Haymore is now eighty years of age. He is the son of the late Daniel Haymore who lived near this city. He is a tint cousin to the late K. L. Haymore, thus btlnf closely con nected with all the Haymores of this section. He went wast when a young man back in the year IMS and has made several visits to his people here during the past years. Mr. Arthur Hay more visited this section about twenty five years ago. The story of the experiences of the family In the west sounds like fiction, thugh literally true. Franklin Haymore rrrv lives In Douglass. Arlsona. and his son. Arthur. In the country near Phoenix, the capital of the state. They have all become wealthy. For twenty years they lived in old Mexico and were extensively engaged in the cattle and mercantile hnslnees. They owned sev eral stores and vast holdings of land id cattle. Mr. Franklin now owns a section of country in old Mexloa to the extent of *04100 acres, a terri tory almost as large as Surry county This is known as gracing land and has a value of as much as a dollar an acre. Mr. Arthur Haymore Is a big land owner In the famous Bait River valley where land Is worth as much as MOO an acre. He is engaged In farming and stock growing on a large aoale. The family lived in old Mexico when the revolution started back In the days of the famous bandit Villa. Their ex periences during the revolution are; thrilling. On one occasion the bandits captured Arthur Haymore and held him for ransom demanding twenty thousand dollars for his freedom. When the money was not delivered as de manded they stood him up against the wall and prepared to put him to death the Mexican way by shooting. But be ini able to speak the Spanish lang> uage fluently he tafted tMm out of their plans and later secured his re leaae. the conditions beeame so precarious that the whole family left the oountry and eaaae back to the states. Because of his age and the length of the journey Mr. Franklin Haymore did not risk the trip here by sutomo hUe and came by rail. They win rent aome large home hare for a few weeks and make It their headquarters and spend the coming weeks amng their friends Mra. Aabher Bridge Hsitan. Mrs. Claude Abeher entertained eight ooupies at bridge Wedneeday night In hoswr of Mrs. ■. D. Duffleld. of Cast Orange. N. J , Mra. Santford Chilton pi lestrted with a reae glass sugar and nrssmar. Mia. John Frank, a recent bride, reoeived an attractive piece of pottery and Miss UUaa Underwood, hows guaet of Mrs. O. D. Underwood reoetved a string of rose glass crystals Oa Mr. Tartar hM mat out lot call to the nwabtn of the I "There win to a meeting of Um Agri cultural Advisory Board la the oourt July l*th p.m. ht* i la to earnestly urged to attend tUa i Lata have a IM per cent attendance at our flret meettnc 'Signed' V. C. Tay lor. County Agent The adrlamy board of Surry County la unaipnaart of two farmers from each It la entirely i of an equal The gett, W. B. Merrttt. Township: J. A. White. N. 9. Stewarts Creek Townahlp: W. A. York. Luther Beamer. Pranklln Townahlp: Oeo Hayea. I. r. Armfteld. Pilot Mountain Townahlp: J. W. Dan ny. 8 C. Carson Westfleld Townahlp: Walter Hill. P. H Jeeeup Shoals Township: O. W. Key. Willis E. McKlnney. Long Hill Township: John Simmons, S. M. Stone. Eldora Townahlp: W. L. Chilton. O. Elktn Township: J. M. Oentry. Puohs Pyron Bryan Township: J. A. Swift, J. P. Marsh Township: W. L. Cockerham. M O. Sneed. Rockford Townahlp: L R. Key. Lee Perkins. SUoam Township: W. T W 8. Pulk. Improving White Sulphur Springs For tome year* now the well known White Sulphur Spring! has been doaed to the public. Three years ago the owner* began the work of rebuilding the hotel, which to • large one. and before the work was completed It was discontinued and nothing ha* been done since until a few weeks ago con tractor J. K Caudle put a large force of men to work completing the un finished Job. A visit to the place this week convinced us beyond question that one of these days before long the famous springs will again be open to the public We went through the build ing and talked with the painters and paper hangers and found that the ' of rebuilding the hotel Is nearly pie ted As many as sixty rooms half the building will be able to a large number aI guests and in a way to l Mr ture for the nd will be in a taw days. He i I1IMOJI tea bat this wort, to say a taw years i

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